Shanker, Shankerpuri and World Transformation

Shanker, Shankerpuri and World Transformation

Posted on Sep 18 2011

The Shanker stage is the highest Confluence Aged subtle stage. It is the stage through which the world is transformed into the divine world. Shankerpuri is the subtle region in which one enjoys the stage of being Shanker. When the gathering of Shankers are ready in Shankerpuri:

1. the ordinary world (of Kaliyuga/Iron Age) will get transformed into the divine world (of the Golden Age/Satyug),

2. the deity souls transform back into their divine state; and they will remain in this transformed divine state during the Golden Age/Satyug and/or Silver Age.

It can also be said that world transformation takes place when the deity souls transform back into their divine state so that they can live in the Golden Age/Satyug and/or Silver Age. However, for this transformation to take place, the 900,000 most powerful souls must be in the stage of being Shanker in Shankerpuri. 

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