Soul World

Soul World

Posted on Sep 18 2011

The Soul World is the metaphysical subtle world where God lives. It is God's Home. God helps us from there, from the beginning of the Copper Age until the end. But at the end, God comes into the corporeal world so as to transform the corporeal world and to take all souls back to the Soul World. Human souls cannot go back to the Soul World without God's help. Purification takes place, just before the souls go back, on Judgement Day.

The Soul World is also the home of all human souls. All human souls, who have not come into the corporeal world, reside in the Soul World. When the new Cycle begins, souls come from the Soul World to take their birth, in the corporeal world, when it is time to do that. It happens as per the World Drama.

The Soul World is filled with red light. 

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