

Posted on Oct 5 2011

The soul-conscious stage is the Confluence Aged stage. When one experiences the soul-conscious stage:

1. one is in a pure high stage.

2. one is linked to God and, through this link, one is absorbing God's vibrations into oneself (the soul).

3. the soul gets purified and through this purification process the soul is in the process of being transformed into the divine state.

4. one experiences oneself as the soul and not as the body. One will feel that one is the soul using the corporeal body.

5. one can have various kind of subtle Confluence Aged experiences. For example, one can experience oneself as just light or as using one of the subtle deity roles in the Confluence Aged subtle regions.

6. one is not body-conscious.


Post 2: (posted on Dec 4, 2011)

The soul-conscious stage, God's vibrations, and all the divine virtues and powers are like amrit/nectar that keeps the soul in an intoxicated state.

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