Ancient Indian History- Pt 1: Pre Historic Period
NB: This article can be found after the following introductory passages.
Before you read this article, please note that, from 1996, I (Pari, the author of this article) had begun to see numerous visions. I was trying to understand what was happening to me. As I was trying to understand this, I began writing all the articles which can be found in this website. Each article is a continuation of the earlier one. So what I had explained in earlier articles were not explained in subsequent articles. This had also allowed me to keep developing what I have to explain. After I had written numerous articles, people were asking me as to which articles they had to read in order to understand something or the other. Thus, in 2015, I began to write books. All the knowledge which a person needs, so as to understand the contents of a book, are given in the book. Thus, a person could understand the contents of a book without having to revert to other articles or books. However, a better understanding could be had through reading the other books. I had also begun writing my first book “Holographic Universe : An Introduction” because I began to have a good understanding on the structure of the Holographic Universe through experiences, guidance from God, research, etc.
It should be remembered that my articles were written while I was trying to understand what was happening to me. So, the emphasis in the articles may have been on my own roles (due to the afterlife of my past births). In my books, I concentrate on just explaining knowledge and not really on giving an explanation on my own role.
It should be noted that since there are so many articles, I find it very difficult to update the articles. So there may be information in them which has not been updated. I try my best to keep my eBooks updated.
Anyway, to have a better understand of what has been said in this article, read all my earlier articles. Begin by reading the first article which is numbered as No.1 at my List of Articles. Then, re-read this article to have a better understanding. It should be noted that all my articles were written based on time being cyclic. Click here to understand the basics of the Cycle of Time.
(posted on 25-Mac-2014)
Written by Brahma Kumari Pari, LL.B (Hons)(Lon), LL.M, Currently doing her Doctorate in Indian Legal History.
Ancient Indian History - Part 1: Pre Historic Period (Beginning of Brahmavarta and Lower Palaeolithic or Early Stone Age)
History, of the present mortal Mankind, begins from the beginning of the Mid-Confluence because that was when initiations were made for the new creation of the second half cycle. The Mid-Confluence Aged gods had picked the land, which later began to be referred to as Brahmavarta, as the place from where the new creation was to be administered from. Brahmavarta means ‘the seat of Brahma’. Brahmavarta was in northern India. The Manusmriti[i] states that Brahmavarta was situated between Drishadvati River and Sarasvati River.
Just before destructive events were about to take place, at the beginning of the Mid-Confluence, the gods had decided to build huge city-like Vimanas. These Vimanas were to be created in Brahmavarta because they were too huge to be created within the existing premises. These Vimanas were meant to be the places where the Mid-Confluence Aged gods stayed in, during the destructive events. The civilization of the gods was to be within those huge Vimanas, when destructive events began to take place. Thus, creating those Vimanas was the same as creating new civilizations for the gods. These new civilizations were for the gods who lived in India and the whole world.
Since the civilizations of the gods were in the Vimanas, one would not find traces of these civilizations. One would only find traces of the Labour Class that was used to create these new civilizations. The people of this Labour Class were given primitive weapons since it was only the scientists who were using the machinery that had been made from the advanced sciences. These advanced machinery were kept away from the Labour Class and everyone else. So nothing would be found of these in the archeological finds.
For the creation of the Vimanas, the Labour Class had to chop wood which was taken and used by the scientists during the creation of the Vimanas. The Labour Class began living in various parts of India, so as to chop the relevant wood that was required. Thus, there were similar developments in the Labour Class all over India, where people had been using instruments like the axe for getting the wood chopped. During the recent past, some of these instruments have been found in many places in India.
The Palaeolithic Age (Old Stone Age), which was the first prehistoric time in human history, begins from the time when these people from the Labour Class began to use stone tools. It is being referred to as the Prehistoric Stone Age of Ancient India.
The Stone Age is divided into three Ages: Palaeolithic Age (Old Stone Age), Mesolithic Age (Late Stone Age) and Neolithic Age (New Stone Age). The word ‘Palaeo’ means old and the word ‘lithic’ means stone. The Palaeolithic Age is divided into three:
1. Lower Palaeolithic or Early Palaeolithic (or Early Stone Age),
2. Middle Palaeolithic and
3. Upper Palaeolithic.
Stone Instruments were first introduced to these Labour Class people during the Lower Palaeolithic period. There were many people, in the Labour Class, who had been taught to chop wood for the new creation.
The beings, that had been created through genetic engineering experiments, were also allowed to roam around from the beginning of the Paleolithic. The scientists were observing them when they were taking the wood from the areas where the Labour Class were chopping down wood. I have begun an explanation on these genetic engineering experiments, in some of my earlier articles.
In the later parts to this series, I will be discussing the history of the remaining time in the Stone Age. I have divided Ancient Indian History into various parts because there is too much to be written.
In later articles, I will be discussing how, after having come to Brahmavarta, the Veda began to be composed (in its most simple form). This began the Vedic Age which overlaps the Stone Age. I have divided up the Vedic Age into:
1. Early Vedic Age
2. Later Vedic Age
I have placed the Indus Valley Civilization in the last phase of the Early Vedic Age. The Indus Valley civilization was the civilization of the Labour Class (though some priests and Vaisyas had also lived there). The Indus Valley Civilization was created after the Aryan Labour Class had revolted and a new Labour Class was used. Signs of the Aryan Labour Class revolting against the gods, the Veda, the followers of the Veda etc (after having been gathered into the gathering) can be seen in the Vishnu Purana[ii] (an ancient Indian text). References to the climatic changes (which occurred during the Stone Age) has also been made in these verses of the Vishnu Purana[iii], through the words:
“…mortals were afflicted with pain, arising from susceptibility to contrasts, as heat and cold, and the like. They therefore constructed places of refuge, protected by trees, by mountains, or by water; surrounded them by a ditch or a wall, and formed villages and cities; and in them erected appropriate dwellings, as defences against the sun and the cold.”
The later phase of the Palaeolithic Age overlaps the Pleistocene Epoch. The Quarternary Period has 2 epochs: Pleistocene Epoch (Ice Age) and Holocene Epoch (a warmer/hotter time). The Pleistocene is the first epoch of the Quarternary Period. After the Pleistocene, the earth had gone into the Holocene Epoch which has extended until the present time. The end of the last Ice Age was also the end of the Pleistocene Epoch. The Ice Age began to exist during the Early or Lower Palaeothic but it was not that cold at that time. So the Labour Class had not been introduced to shelters at this time. They could live freely, anywhere they liked. It was only later, that they were introduced to shelters. Since it was getting colder, the people were introduced to living in caves during the Middle Palaeolithic period.
The people in the Labour Class, during the Middle Palaeolithic, were also introduced to drawing because the good ones, from among them, would be picked out to help write the history of the Mid-Confluence and the Veda. This was why:
1. the first form of writing was picture writing.
2. there were people from the Sudra caste who had become sages/Brahmins in ancient India.
These people, during the Middle Palaeolithic, had been taught the art of using tools to draw etc on the cave walls. They drew during their free time and when it was too cold to leave the caves. Their drawings on the walls, and some of the tools which they had used, have been found in the recent past.
The Paleolithic Age had only come to an end when the Pleistocene (Ice Age) came to an end. Thus, it was cold during the Middle Palaeolithic and the later Upper Palaeolithic.This is why in the Vishnu Purana, it has been said that the climate changed and so the people had to live in shelters. I will be explaining the verses in the Vishnu Purana (Book 1, Chapter 6) in subsequent articles.
After the Aryan Labour Class revolted, the new Labour Class was given better facilities in the Indus Valley Civilization. Since the people in the Labour Class were working under the Vaisyas, the Vaisyas were in control over the people in the Indus Valley Civilizations. The priests, who were in the Indus Valley Civilisations, were involved with taking the sacrifices/offerings from the people and giving it to the gods. The priests were involved with making sure that the food (which was cooked and served to the gods), etc were clean, appropriate etc. The readers will have a better understanding of what I have briefly said here, as they keep reading the other parts in this series of articles.
[i] Manusmriti, Chapter 2, verse 17;
[ii] Vishnu Purana, Book 1, Chapter 6;
[iii] Vishnu Purana, Book 1, Chapter 6, page 45;
NB: in my end-notes, I do not use the word ‘ibid’ because:
1. I am not sure if everyone understands what it means. I am trying to keep these articles as simple as I possibly can so that more people will be able to understand it.
2. if I change the place of a paragraph within the article, I do not have to worry if the endnotes have to be changed.
To have a better understand of what has been said in this article, read all my articles. Begin by reading the first article which is numbered as No.1 at: Pari's List of articles. Then, re-read this article to have a better understanding.
The names and links for articles by Pari can be found at:
Global Brahma Kumaris - Pari's articles and videos
or at
BK Pari has been writing books since 2014. These books have also been translated into various languages. For more information on all these books see List of books written by Pari.