x. Anu-60, Enlil-50, Enki-40, Abzu and Ereshkigal
NB: This article can be found after the following introductory passages.
Before you read this article, please note that, from 1996, I (Pari, the author of this article) had begun to see numerous visions. I was trying to understand what was happening to me. As I was trying to understand this, I began writing all the articles which can be found in this website. Each article is a continuation of the earlier one. So what I had explained in earlier articles were not explained in subsequent articles. This had also allowed me to keep developing what I have to explain. After I had written numerous articles, people were asking me as to which articles they had to read in order to understand something or the other. Thus, in 2015, I began to write books. All the knowledge which a person needs, so as to understand the contents of a book, are given in the book. Thus, a person could understand the contents of a book without having to revert to other articles or books. However, a better understanding could be had through reading the other books. I had also begun writing my first book “Holographic Universe : An Introduction” because I began to have a good understanding on the structure of the Holographic Universe through experiences, guidance from God, research, etc.
It should be remembered that my articles were written while I was trying to understand what was happening to me. So, the emphasis in the articles may have been on my own roles (due to the afterlife of my past births). In my books, I concentrate on just explaining knowledge and not really on giving an explanation on my own role.
It should be noted that since there are so many articles, I find it very difficult to update the articles. So there may be information in them which has not been updated. I try my best to keep my eBooks updated.
Anyway, to have a better understand of what has been said in this article, read all my earlier articles. Begin by reading the first article which is numbered as No.1 at my List of Articles. Then, re-read this article to have a better understanding. It should be noted that all my articles were written based on time being cyclic. Click here to understand the basics of the Cycle of Time.
Anu-60, Enlil-50, Enki-40, Abzu and Ereshkigal
(posted on 15-12-2012)
(includes a discussion on Primordial; Holographic Universe and earth (Ki); Enlil separated Heaven (An) and Ki, and gave birth to the dawn; Ki floated in the great Apzu; Within the depths of Apzu was the underworld; physical Abzu and subtle Abzu; False Prophet; Temple of Jerusalem; calling out process; Annunnaki - the descendants of Apzu; Tiamat - earthly and non-divine aspects of immortal roles; Enki rules in realm below Enlil’s realm of the wind; Enki kills Apzu; Ereshkigal given the underworld for her domain; Enki sails to free Ereshkigal from the Dragon Kur by defeating it, then places Ereshkigal on the throne; Queen of Lemuria; Ereshkigal treasured by the gods; the realm of the living separated from the realm of the dead; number system with a base 60 and 10)
In the Sumerian myths, about the beginning of time (the primordial), it was portrayed that when Enlil was born the realm of heaven (An) and earth (Ki) got separated. Anu took heaven while Enlil took earth (Ki). Ki floated in the great Apzu. The great Apzu is the primordial sea. Within the depths of the great Apzu was the underworld. Anu, Enki, Enlil etc are descendants of Apzu. Enki, the god of wisdom, was portrayed as ruling in the realm below that of Enlil’s. Enlil’s realm was portrayed as the realm of the wind. Then, when Ereshkigal was given the underworld for her domain, Enki (the Father and the God of Wisdom) set sail for the underworld.
There are variations among the Sumerian myths, just as there are in the Hindus myths. Thus, it has also been portrayed that Ereshkigal (who was treasured by the gods) was taken by the dragon Kur to be his bride. It has also been portrayed that Ereshkigal was carried off into the underworld as its prize or that she was given to the dragon Kur who was in the underworld. Anyway, when this happened, Enki (the God of the sweet waters) sailed off after her so as to free Ereshkigal from the dragon. When Enki defeated this dragon, the realm of the living was separated from the realm of the dead. Enki placed Ereshkigal upon the throne in the realm of Kur (Underworld).
The first part of the above story relates:
1. what happens at the beginning of the Confluence Age (through which the creation of the new world, for the new cycle, takes place).
2. what happens at the beginning of the Copper Age. I am not discussing the Copper Aged aspect here.
The role of Enlil begins, in the Copper Age, through the worship that began there. This role is connected to the next Confluence Age, through the ‘memories’ that were created in the Copper Age. Further, the soul (represented as Enlil in the Copper Age) would be the one used by God, during the Confluence Age. When God comes from the Soul World to influence Lekhraj/Brahma Baba, Lekhraj takes a new spiritual birth. So, it can be said that the soul (Enlil) has taken his next birth. Further, God uses the memories that were created by the Copper Aged Enlil. For example, in the Copper Age, Enlil was placing the black stone everywhere to represent God Shiva. This memory was used when God was giving the messages (called Sakar Murlis) in the Brahma Kumaris. So, it is like as if the Copper Aged Enlil has taken his birth in the Confluence Age. However, Enlil is still connected to the Copper Age because he is a descendant of Abzu (which began in the Copper Age through the worship etc that was done at that time).
In the Sumerian myths, it was portrayed that Enlil separated Heaven (An) and Earth (Ki), and gave birth to the dawn, because God also plays the role of Enlil. God plays the role of Enlil while using the human soul called Enlil (during the Confluence Age). The ‘dawn’ represents the time when the new Golden Aged world is brought in. This new Golden Aged world is brought in through the Confluence Age. The heaven (which was separated from earth) represents:
1. the Confluence Aged subtle region where the new creation is taking place, and
2. the Soul World (where God resides).
The Confluence Aged subtle region is separate from the earth. When God comes for the re-creation process, He creates the Confluence Aged subtle region. This Confluence Aged subtle region is not part of (or is not within) the corporeal world. All the other subtle regions are part of (or within) the corporeal world. The corporeal world is part of the Holographic Universe. So all the non-Confluence Aged subtle regions are part of (or within) the Holographic Universe. The Confluence Aged subtle region is beyond the Holographic Universe. However, it is possible to influence what is in the corporeal world from the Confluence Aged subtle regions.
After Brahma Baba’s spiritual birth, God becomes Indra (the King of the gods) in the Confluence Aged subtle region (represented as ‘heaven’ in the myths) while Brahma Baba is used for service on earth. When the Golden Age begins, God remains in the Soul World (An/heaven) while soul of Enlil will enjoy living on the Golden Aged earth (Ki) as the first World Ruler. Thus, it was portrayed:
1. that upon Enlil’s birth the realm of heaven and earth got separated (representing the separation in the Confluence Age).
2. that Anu (God) took over Heaven and Enlil took over earth.
Enlil has been associated to the sky while Anu was associated to the region beyond the sky (which is called ‘heaven’) because God resides in the Soul World and He comes to meet us in the Confluence Aged subtle regions. Enlil will not be able to go back to the Soul World until the end of the cycle. So he has to remain in the lower region, which was represented by the ‘sky’.
In the Copper Age Enlil (the human soul) was playing God’s role. So, Enlil’s arrival on earth (from Nibiru) represents:
1. God’s arrival on earth (from the Soul World) at the beginning of the Confluence Age
2. Enlil’s arrival in the Middle East during the Copper Age (after Enki was sent there to survey the place so as to use it for the next ‘plan’ after the union of Bharath and Lemuria in India).
In the Sumerian myths, it was portrayed that after Enlil arrived on earth, only he could reach Anu in heaven because it reflected:
1. how the soul within Brahma Baba was being used by God for the Confluence Aged service. Thus, even when we are linked to God, Brahma Baba is being used (even though we can only feel God’s presence when we are linked to God).
2. how Enlil took control in the Copper Age (even where space travelling was concerned).
Enki was portrayed as ruling in the realm below that of Enlil’s because the underworld (the subtle region where my past births are) is a lower division and it is closely connected to what happens on earth (the Underworld on earth). There are various kinds of Underworld. Since Enlil’s realm was higher, it was portrayed as the realm of the wind, especially since:
1. in visions, it will seem like as if he is in the air above the ground
2. his realm is in the Confluence Aged subtle region which has nothing in it.
Since Enki’s immortal role began from the Confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages, the Abzu began during the Confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages. Enki’s role is actually for the creation of the Golden Aged world. Originally, the people, at the end of the Silver Age, wanted to re-establish the Golden Aged world (at that time itself). So, Enki was seen as residing in the Abzu while helping them. This ‘Abzu’, which he was staying in, represented the physical and the subtle Abzu.
During the Confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages, Enki was mining gold underground where there were freshwaters. The Abzu had also represented this underground layer where there were freshwaters. Since Enki was mining gold there, he was having a place of residence around there. So this was one reason why he was seen as residing in the Abzu.
Ab means ocean. Zu means ‘to know’ or ‘deep’. Enki knew how to mine the gold in the ‘depths’ (in the underground area). Since Abzu referred to the fresh waters that were underground and since Enki was involved with it, these pure waters began be given importance in the myths and religious practices in the Middle East etc. They began to be associated to the ‘subtle depths’ or subtle Abzu which Enki was residing in, at that time.
Enki was having déjà vu experiences, time slips, visions, memories etc. When he was having these experiences, he was seen as being in the subtle depths or subtle Abzu. He was portrayed as ‘knowing’ what was in these depths. These ‘subtle depths’ which he was in (during his experiences) was also portrayed as the Abzu, in the myths. Enki was portrayed as having his abode in the Abzu since before human beings were created because:
1. Enki was living in the gold mining areas, in the Copper Age, before he got involved with genetic engineering experiments to create human beings for the Middle East.
2. Enki will remain in the subtle regions (from the Copper Age until just before the Golden Aged people are created).
When it was obvious that they will not be able to re-create the Golden Aged world in the Copper Age, Enki was seen as residing in the Abzu (subtle Abzu) so as to play his role at the end. When he left his corporeal body, in the Copper Age, it was believed that he was still residing in this Abzu until he plays his role at the end (for the creation of the Golden Aged world). So the Copper Aged Abzu was seen as connected to the Confluence Aged subtle regions, at the end. This was why it was portrayed that Ki (the earth that was being created) floated in the Apzu, which was the primordial sea, while Kur (the Underworld or place where the immortals were after death) was also within the depths of the Abzu.
The great Apzu was seen as the primordial sea because it was seen as being connected to the Confluence Aged subtle regions, at the end. Ki was portrayed as floating in the great Apzu because the new Golden Aged world gets created in the primordial sea (Confluence Aged subtle region). It has not materialised as yet. The Ki can also be said to be the new divine Holographic Universe (that is being created in the subtle regions) for the next first half cycle. Whatever is in the Holographic Universe will materialise on earth at the beginning of the Golden Age. In the above story, it was also portrayed that the underworld existed within the depths of the great Apzu because:
1. it was referring to the existence of the vices within the Confluence Aged souls until they are completely purified
2. it was referring to the purification process (in the Confluence Aged subtle regions and on Judgement Day) where the vices and the sins are burnt away
3. it is during the Confluence Age that my past births begin to emerge to play their immortal roles. So, it is as if the underworld has become part of the Confluence Age (though it is not). This was also why the False Prophet was portrayed as sitting in the Temple of Jerusalem (the Confluence Age) at the end. Actually, the first Temple of Jerusalem, the building in the Copper Age, was seen as being part of the calling out process (the worship practices) that was meant to help bring in the Temple of Jerusalem (the Confluence Aged subtle regions) at the end. However, the first Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed. It was rebuilt and used by those in the line of Abraham.
Since the Abzu began during the Copper Age, it was portrayed, in the Sumerian myths, that the Apzu had existed even before the existence of heaven (the Confluence Aged subtle region on the top) and Ki (the new earth or new divine Holographic Universe that was being created below the Confluence Aged subtle region). Whatever was begun in the Copper Age began the process for bringing in the Golden Aged world because the calling out process (or worship to bring in the Golden Aged world) was begun in the Copper Age. Thus, the Apzu was portrayed as the holy freshwater or sweet ocean which was there as ‘the first’ and as the ‘begetter’.
Enki was portrayed as being born to Anu (God) and as being a descendant of Apsu because my past birth (Enki) emerges when I am in the Confluence Aged subtle regions (since I was listening to the sakar murli at that time). God (playing the role of Anu) allowed him to emerge at that time because he has a role to play at the end. Actually, Anu represents God’s role from the beginning of the Copper Age. It is a role that is connected to Abzu, the primordial which began to exist from the Confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages.
In the Sumerian myths, all the Anunnaki gods were portrayed as the descendants of the Abzu because their role began in the Copper Age. In the myths, Apzu was portrayed as the male ‘begetter’ while Tiamat was his pair (the female ‘maker’). Tiamat represents the earthly and non-divine aspects that are associated to the immortal Copper Aged roles. In the Sumerian myth, Enki was portrayed as killing Apzu because:
1. the Copper Aged Enki stopped the believe that the Golden Age was going to get created in the Copper Age
2. the Copper Aged Enki stopped the mining in the Abzu
3. God, as Enki, brings an end to the role of the Abzu just before the destructive events take place to bring in the new Golden Aged world (at the end).
In the year 2000, I knew that I had to leave the Brahma Kumaris. Since I was finding it difficult to leave, it was only in 2001 that I had stopped going daily to the BK center. I had to leave because my role was outside (in the Underworld). Thus, in the Sumerian myth, Ereshkigal was portrayed as being given the Underworld as her domain when ‘creation of the world was taking place’. It represented my role is in the Underworld.
Enki sailing after Ereshkigal represented how God continues to play a role with me after I have left for the Underworld. Since my role is in the underworld, God comes after me so as to help me play my role in the Underworld. Enki is the Lord of the Soul. This can refer to me (the soul) and it can also refer to God who has control over me (the soul).
Enki was portrayed as placing Ereshkigal in the Underworld as the Queen because I was placed in the Underworld for service sake. I am placed in the Underworld for service even though I have already come into the Confluence Age. In the BK centers, the people running the centers are seen as the kings establishing their Golden Aged kingdom. I am establishing my kingdom in the Golden Age through playing the role of Ganga (while I am in the Underworld). Since I am placed in the Underworld, I am also establishing my kingdom for the next Copper Age through the role of the False Prophet, Ereshkigal, Inanna etc. I also play the role of Ereshkigal now. I play this role with God (who can also be seen as Enki, where His role in the Underworld with me is concerned). The story of Enki and Ereshkigal is my story. However, others are also represented by Ereshkigal.
In the Copper Age, Enki (my past birth) had placed the Queen of Lemuria as the ruler in the Underworld since he was busy in India, the Himalayan Mountains, the Middle East and with world affairs. This was also why, in the Sumerian myths, it was portrayed that Enki placed Ereshkigal upon the throne in the Underworld. The Queen of Lemuria was also playing the role of Ereshkigal during the Copper Age. So Ereshkigal was portrayed as the Queen of the Underworld.
Ereshkigal was portrayed as being treasured among the gods because she is a Confluence Aged spiritual effort-maker, at the end. The Confluence Aged gathering needs to be ready so as to bring in the Golden Age in the corporeal form. This means that all of those who belong to this Confluence Aged gathering are treasured. So long as I am a Confluence Aged spiritual effort-maker, I will be treasured among the gods because they value ‘getting back their Golden Aged world’. Even the Queen of Lemuria was treasured, among the gods, during the Copper Age. So, this also signified that.
Kur represents the Underworld, the dragon, etc. The ‘dragon’ symbolically represented those who were involved with the immortal roles in the line of Enki and Marduk.
Ereshkigal was portrayed as being gifted to, or taken by, the Underworld or the Dragon because my role is in the Underworld involving the Copper Aged immortal roles. In the Copper Age, the Queen of Lemuria was also seen as being gifted to (or taken by) the Underworld because she lost her city-state in Lemuria and she was taking care of the Underworld.
Enki was portrayed as sailing off to the Underworld so as to free Ereshkigal from the dragon because the Copper Aged immortal roles will come to an end just before the Golden Aged world comes into existence. So, it will be as if I am freed from the Dragon. It was portrayed that when Enki defeated this Dragon, the realm of the living was separated from the realm of the dead. This means that the immortal role of those in the line of Enki will get detached from the Confluence Age just before the Golden Aged world comes into existence. The immortal roles involve the ‘realm of the dead’. The Confluence Aged life and the Golden Aged life are lived in the ‘realm of the living’.
The realm of the living was also portrayed as having been separated from the realm of the dead, when Enki defeated this dragon, because those past births who have emerged are now in the realm of the living. They are no longer in the realm of the dead. Those who have not emerged from the realm of the dead are seen as not being successful in their attempts for playing an immortal role. So, they will not play the immortal role now. Thus, they will not gain the benefits through the services that are attached to the immortal roles.
In the Sumerian myths, Enki’s number was 40. This number was used to link the myths etc to Enki (and not to the Queen of Lemuria) since it was Enki who was creating the myths etc. An example of this can be found in the Attestation by Endubsar (as translated by Zecharia Sitchin) where Endubsar claimed that he wrote the contents of the Sumerian tablets during a 40 day period. This number was used to associate those writings to Enki. However, sometimes, the number 40 was used to refer to the Underworld which we are living in (on earth).
The ancient people had often used numbers to represent something which needs to be explained at the end. For example, the Sumerians used a number system with a base 60 because 60 was Anu’s number. Since Anu represented God, it was to reflect the ‘light stage’ of the Sumerians since they were those who had just walked out of the divine world. Later, the Babylonians used a number system with a base 60 because they were seen as taking over from the Sumerians (or as a continuation of what was started there). It represented that the Babylonians were not involved with the practices of the afterlife as the Egyptians were. The number 10 was used to reflect the influence of the children of the 8 rulers (of Bharath, Lemuria, Mu and Atlantis). Thus, India and Egypt had a number system with a base 10. However, Enlil and his son (during the Copper Age) were both represented by the number 50 in the Middle East. Though the numbers can be used to understand the myths etc, one should not get too caught-up in trying to understand all the numbers that have been used by so many people from that time onwards. Trying to do this may lead to confusion and the loss of one’s high spiritual stage.
There is actually lots more to say as an explanation for the above Sumerian myths. However, I was trying to keep it short.
Om Shanti
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