v. Creation of the Divine Holographic Universe
NB: This article can be found after the following introductory passages.
Before you read this article, please note that, from 1996, I (Pari, the author of this article) had begun to see numerous visions. I was trying to understand what was happening to me. As I was trying to understand this, I began writing all the articles which can be found in this website. Each article is a continuation of the earlier one. So what I had explained in earlier articles were not explained in subsequent articles. This had also allowed me to keep developing what I have to explain. After I had written numerous articles, people were asking me as to which articles they had to read in order to understand something or the other. Thus, in 2015, I began to write books. All the knowledge which a person needs, so as to understand the contents of a book, are given in the book. Thus, a person could understand the contents of a book without having to revert to other articles or books. However, a better understanding could be had through reading the other books. I had also begun writing my first book “Holographic Universe : An Introduction” because I began to have a good understanding on the structure of the Holographic Universe through experiences, guidance from God, research, etc.
It should be remembered that my articles were written while I was trying to understand what was happening to me. So, the emphasis in the articles may have been on my own roles (due to the afterlife of my past births). In my books, I concentrate on just explaining knowledge and not really on giving an explanation on my own role.
It should be noted that since there are so many articles, I find it very difficult to update the articles. So there may be information in them which has not been updated. I try my best to keep my eBooks updated.
Anyway, to have a better understand of what has been said in this article, read all my earlier articles. Begin by reading the first article which is numbered as No.1 at my List of Articles. Then, re-read this article to have a better understanding. It should be noted that all my articles were written based on time being cyclic. Click here to understand the basics of the Cycle of Time.
Creation of the Divine Holographic Universe
(posted on 6-10-12)
(includes a discussion on baby Krishna floating on the banyan leaf; Bhrigu; Markandeya; déjà vu/time slips; soul’s journey in the subtle movie)
The Divine Holographic Universe is the Holographic Universe which will exist during the first half cycle, in the Golden and Silver Ages. The creation of the Divine Holographic Universe begins with the creation of the Subtle World of Light (including Subtle Vishnupuri) in the Holographic Universe. The creation of Subtle Vishnupuri begins with the creation of Adam through the Confluence Aged subtle regions. In the Hindu myths, this subtle creation (Adam) has also been portrayed as Krishna floating on the primordial waters.
In a Hindu myth, after destruction, a Great Flood takes place and Krishna (represented as a child in the form of 'Vatapatra Shayi') comes floating on the Ficus Leaf (Banyan Leaf) on the waters of the Deluge. Vatapatra Shayi represents the first form of life on earth. The Primordial Waters, which Krishna was on, was also portrayed as the waters of the Deluge because it is as Krishna is created through the primordial waters that the Deluge will come into existence. The Deluge will, then, help to take away everything of the old world so that the new physical Golden Aged world can come into existence. The new physical Golden Aged world will exist, based on what exists in the new Divine Holographic Universe.
The primordial waters represent the vibrations of God that is being sent into the world through the spiritual effort making of the Confluence Aged souls, while they are churning the Confluence Aged spiritual knowledge. The vast primordial cosmic ocean, which Krishna was floating on, also represents the Confluence Aged subtle region. God and the Confluence Aged souls, who are bringing about the new creation of the Golden Age, are in the Confluence Aged subtle region. However, the new creation “Adam/Krishna” is in the Divine Holographic Universe. This is why Krishna was portrayed as floating on the primordial waters.
Since the new creation of Krishna is in the Divine Holographic Universe, Krishna was portrayed as magically disappearing (in this myth). In one version of the story, after Sage Markandeya saw baby Krishna floating on the water, Markandeya was asked what he wanted. Markandeya replied that he wanted to see the Maya (magic) of Krishna/Narayana. Thus, later, when he went to bow down to the baby, he could not see the baby and all the other scenes which he had seen earlier. He was also back at the original place, day and time when he had started his worship. Markandeya realised that he had seen the Play of Maya which hid the child and the truth. This represented the magical aspect of the Holographic Universe in respect of:
1. the new creation Adam/Krishna that gets created in the Divine Holographic Universe through the Confluence Age,
2. the Déjà vu and time slip experiences of Sage Markandeya,
3. what happens during worship,
4. what was happening in the Copper Age.
This myth was also introduced for the devotees, but I am not discussing that aspect here. The Confluence Aged meanings were hidden into the myth so that they can be decoded by the Mapmakers at the end, as I am doing now. Thus, one reason why baby Krishna disappeared was because no-one will be able to see Adam/Krishna being created through the primordial waters. What is in the Divine Holographic Universe will only be visible when the Golden Aged world has materialised into the physical form. Until then, the new creation is like a magical creation that is not visible to the physical eyes. The new creation is in the new Divine Holographic Universe which has not completely developed as yet (now). When it is completely developed, what exists in the Divine Holographic Universe will exist in the corporeal divine world. But it will take some time for that which is subtle to exist in the physical world.
During the Confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages, it was the King of Lemuria who had begun the creation of myths. In order to create these myths, meditation and worship had to be done (so as to understand what had happened at the end of the previous cycle). Later, others followed his example to continue creating myths (so as to portray historical events through creative stories).
The role of Bhrigu was used by the King of Lemuria, around the time of the Copper Aged Great Flood. Bhrigu is a role which involved what is done as a corporeal person, in the corporeal world (in India), when the mortals were allowed to take over world rule from the gods/Atlantians/Anunnaki. In fact, when Bhrigu realised that they were not going to be successful in re-creating the divine world at that time (in the Copper Age), he tried to stop all those so-called ‘gods’ who still believed that they could re-create the divine world in the Copper Age. This was one reason why the myths made it look like as if Bhrigu did not give respect to the Hindu gods, before deciding to choose Narayana for worship purposes. Everything in the corporeal world needed to be sustained, in the second half cycle; thus, the role of Narayana was given importance.
In the line of Bhrigu, the King of Lemuria created various roles which the people in his clan would use, while they were involved with meditation and worship for the creation of myths etc. Their experiences and understanding would then be placed in the Hindu scriptures. One of these roles was the role of the intelligent sage Markandeya. Thus, Markandeya was portrayed as a descendant of Bhrigu.
The King of Lemuria had also played the role of Markandeya as he began that role for others to use. Markandeya is a role that is used after the role of Bhrigu began to be used. Thus, it is like a descendant role. It was through the role of Markandeya that the myth about Krishna floating on the water was provided. The soul within the King of Lemuria, will always play a leading role in the Underworld (at the beginning of the Copper Age and at the end). Thus, as Markandeya, he was portrayed as being blessed to live and see what happens during the Deluge when everyone else dies. In the myth, it was during the Deluge that he saw baby Krishna floating on the waters. All this represented his gift of being able to experience and understand the magical creation of Krishna/Adam in the Divine Holographic Universe, through the primordial that takes place in the Confluence Aged subtle region. The soul will explain his experiences and understanding in the Copper Age and now (as I am doing).
Others, in the line of Bhrigu also play this role of Markandeya because they read what I am writing now and then, through their churning/contemplation, they will also experience and/or understand it. These memories will, then, influence them to play the role of Markandeya during the Copper Age.
Lekhraj (the founder of the Brahma Kumaris) did not live until the end, of the cycle, to see the Great Flood that would take place. The soul, within Lekhraj, plays the role of Manu and not that of Bhrigu. Those who play the role of Markandeya exist now and we will live to see the Great Flood, at the end. In fact, even now, the waters have begun rising because of global warming. The word Markandeya has its origins in Sanskrit and it mean ‘Conquers over death’. This is a reference to:
1. what the souls will be doing during the Confluence Age, and
2. the immortal nature of the role of Markandeya, since the memories will emerge to influence them during every Copper Age.
In the Copper Age, these memories would emerge to influence them to create this myth. Thus, they played the role of Markandeya Rishi who was blessed to be the sole witness to the cosmic deluge. Usually, in the myths, ‘one’ represents ‘many’.
My past birth who is emerging now, sometimes, has his consciousness in the present world too. Thus, when he plays the role of Markandeya in the next Copper Age, what he sees now will be experienced by him like a Déjà vu or a time slip experience.
The World Drama is taking place in the Subtle World of Light (of the Holographic Universe). From the time when we take our first births in the corporeal world, our souls are trapped in this World Movie. Our soul moves along, in the World Movie, like as if the soul is taking a journey from the beginning of its first birth until the end of the cycle. Sometimes, some of the energies of the soul fly into the past or the future; and we begin to live in that past life or in the future. This brings about a deja vu or time slip experience. It will not feel like as if we are seeing a vision. We will be living and experiencing during the déjà vu and time slip experience. But this is an abnormal state. So, the energies of the soul will fly back to where the soul is (i.e to the place where the soul was before the experience). The soul had never completely left its place in the World Drama because it is caught in that place of the World Drama. But some of the energies of the soul can fly around.
Sometimes, energies of our past births emerge. So, we are able to see what is in their memory bank easily; and those past births may be living now (through using our corporeal bodies). My past birth, who played the role of Markandeya, has his consciousness in an emerged state now (sometimes). Thus, during the next Confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages, when he is living his life, he will easily remember what he has seen now (as a Déjà vu or time slip experience). The memories will also easily bring his consciousness into the future time when it happens again (at the end of the cycle). This brings about another kind of Déjà vu or time slip experience.
After a déjà vu or time slip experience, when the energies fly back, the person will remember what he had seen. All these can only happen in the Holographic Universe of the Underworld while we play our role in the World Movie there. Thus, in the Holographic Universe of the Underworld, we can see things that are actually an ‘illusion’. We think we have just seen it, in reality, because it is a time slip experience but we have not really seen it at that time. Markandeya seeing the Great Flood and the new creation ‘baby Krishna’ is one of these ‘illusions’ that were seen in the Copper Age.
When the deities walked out of the Silver Age, they wanted to get their divine world re-created. Since it was the Holographic Universe of the Underworld, they thought that they were succeeding. Then, they realised that it was all an ‘illusion’ because the Divine Holographic Universe never came back into existence. The Holographic Universe of the Underworld had only completely taken over from the Divine Holographic Universe. The ‘illusion’ aspect, in this myth, also portrayed this.
In the Copper Age, Markandeya was doing worship. God gave him visions through the Holographic Universe while God remained in the Soul World. The Copper Aged people wanted God to be in the Subtle Regions with them again, as God was during the previous Confluence Age. Since the people were having déjà vu and time slip experiences of the time when God was in the previous Confluence Age, they thought that it was happening during the Copper Age. Then, they realised that God was not really there. It was an ‘illusion’. God was just giving visions through the Holographic Universe. The visions which He gives are also those which have to be interpreted and understood. Thus, it can be used by devotees in various ways. The vision of Krishna floating on the leaf is one such vision.
Krishna in his adult form, as Narayan, was also portrayed as floating on the Primordial Ocean because the creation of Krishna and Narayan takes place through the primordial waters. The creation takes place through the Confluence Aged spiritual effort-making and churning of the Confluence Aged knowledge. Thus, the Primordial Ocean was portrayed as being churned in the myth Samudra Manthan (Churning of the Ocean of Milk).
The Divine Holographic Universe includes the Subtle Vishnupuri and the Quantum Dimensions of what exists in the corporeal world. It is only the Subtle Vishnupuri aspect, of the Divine Holographic Universe, which gets created first. The Quantum Dimensions only get established, in the Divine Holographic Universe, later on. Despite this, it can be said that the creation of the Divine Holographic Universe has already begun (from around 1936) because Subtle Vishnupuri is part and parcel of the Divine Holographic Universe.
As God came into the corporeal world, around 1936, He created the Confluence Aged subtle region. This Confluence Aged subtle region will be the primordial womb of Krishna. Then, God gave visions to Lekhraj, who later became the founder of the Brahma Kumaris. When Lekhraj began contemplating upon these visions and all that which has been revealed through the murlis (God’s messages), the primordial Krishna got created and began growing in the primordial womb. The minute his primordial Krishna gets created, Subtle Vishnupuri (of the Divine Holographic Universe) came into existence. But one will not see or experience Subtle Vishnupuri or the Divine Holographic Universe at that time because it is not properly established as yet.
Though Subtle Vishnupuri is created through the Confluence Aged subtle region, it is not a Confluence Aged subtle region. There is a Confluence Aged subtle region called Vishnupuri where Confluence Aged souls enjoy the experiences of being Krishna, Vishnu, Narayan and Lakshmi. But this Confluence Aged Vishnupuri is not the same as the Subtle Vishnupuri of the Divine Holographic Universe. The Confluence Aged subtle regions are not part of the corporeal world. Since the Holographic Universe is part of the corporeal world, it involves different subtle regions and not the Confluence Aged subtle regions.
As Lekhraj continued making spiritual efforts to remain in the soul-conscious stage, his primordial Krishna continued to grow. This means that its spiritual strength was increasing. As its spiritual strength was increasing, the Divine Holographic Universe was getting more and more established.
Adam also represents the first birth of each deity soul. Their Adam/first birth will exist in the Divine Holographic Universe, before the deity souls take their first births in the first half cycle. As each person was introduced into the Confluence Age, their primordial Krishna (first birth/Adam) was also created in Subtle Vishnupuri. Then, as they contemplated on the murlis (God’s messages in the Brahma Kumaris), their primordial Krishna (first birth/Adam) also began developing in the primordial womb. In this way, many Krishna (Adam/first birth) get created and develop in the primordial womb. The more the primordial Krishnas (Adams) that are getting created, the more the Divine Holographic Universe is getting developed. As each person continues making spiritual efforts to attain and remain in the soul-conscious stage, the Divine Holographic Universe gets more and more established.
As more and more people come into the Confluence Age, the Confluence Aged Gathering becomes more and more powerful. Then, when the Power of the Confluence Aged Gathering is powerful enough, the subtle bodies of all those who will walk into the Golden Age gets created in the Divine Holographic Universe. This brings about a more developed Divine Holographic Universe.
Then, finally, when the Confluence Aged Gathering is powerful enough to transform what is in the physical world, the wave-nature of everything that is in the physical world will get pulled into the Divine Holographic Universe from the Holographic Universe of the Underworld. This will transform all that which is in the physical world into the perfect state. When the wave-nature gets pulled into the Divine Holographic Universe, the Quantum Dimensions will begin to exist in the Divine Holographic Universe. This will bring about a more complete Divine Holographic Universe into existence.
It takes time for everything, in the physical world, to get transformed into the perfect state. At first, all that which is near the powerful gathering will have their wave-nature pulled into the Divine Holographic Universe. When they are pulled into the Divine Holographic Universe, they will transform into the perfect state in the physical world too. As more and more of the wave nature (of what exists in the corporeal world) gets pulled into the Divine Holographic Universe, the Divine Holographic Universe gets more and more complete. When the wave-nature of everything (in the Holographic Universe of the Underworld) has already been pulled into the Divine Holographic Universe, a complete Divine Holographic Universe will exist.
When the wave-nature of something gets pulled into the Quantum Dimension (of the Divine Holographic Universe), its physical form in the physical world will also change. In the places where the physical world is transforming into the perfect state, the physical bodies (of those who move/walk into the divine world) will also be transforming into the perfect state. The transformation of everything, in the physical world, will take place over a long duration of time because the energies get up-lifted from the Iron Aged state to the Copper Age state. Then, they get uplifted into the Silver Aged; and finally, they are up-lifted into the Golden Aged state. Thus, everything will be slowly pulled into the Divine Holographic Universe from the Holographic Universe of the Underworld. One might understand this better if one sees the Eternal Holographic Universe as transforming instead of seeing a different Holographic Universe taking over from an earlier one (though this is how it will be).
As the light energies of matter and plants [which they have instead of having a soul], animal souls and the souls of those who walk into the Golden Age get transformed to become more powerful, the Divine Holographic Universe also becomes more and more developed. The Power of the Confluence Aged Gathering will transform everything slowly, as the energies of the following increase slowly:
1. the energies of plants and matter [which they have instead of having a soul],
2. animal souls, and
3. the human souls (who will walk into the Golden Age).
At each stage of their transformation from the Iron Aged to the Copper Aged etc, their physical form will also get transformed. For example, if the light energies of matter have transformed to the Copper Aged state, the wave nature of matter will also transform to the Copper Aged state and that will bring the physical form into the Copper Aged state in the physical world. As they transform, the wave-nature of their physical form will get slowly pulled into the Divine Holographic Universe. They are actually being pulled into the Quantum Dimensions of the Divine Holographic Universe. As the wave-nature is pulled into the Divine Holographic Universe, they will slowly be re-created to exist in a different form (like how they are meant to be while they are in the Divine Holographic Universe). This will then influence what exists in the physical world to slowly transform into the perfect state. Thus, it is as if a magical thing is happening (since the world is changing into something else). This can happen because what exists in the physical world is based on what exists in the Holographic Universe.
At the beginning of the Golden Age, the scientists (who walk into the Golden Age) will keep a close watch on what is happening in the sky; just as the scientists, during the Confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages, were keeping a close watch on the sky. One reason why people will keep a close watch on what is happening in the sky is that they will have to start a new calendar based on what exists in the new corporeal world. There will be a cosmological change, based on what exists in the Holographic Universes, at the beginning of the Golden Age and at the beginning of the Copper Age. Thus, the calendar will only be changed at the beginning of the Golden Age and at the beginning of the Copper Age. This is also one way of knowing that the new Holographic Universe has come into existence.
The Divine Holographic Universe will only be in its completed state when the deities, who were born in the Golden Age, take over from those who had walked into the Golden Age. Those who walk into the Golden Age are only doing that so as to take care of everything in the new world. They have not taken their first births in the new cycle. So they do not really belong to the new cycle. So they have to go back to the Soul World, when the Golden Aged royalty are able to rule the world. The Divine Holographic Universe will become complete and will take over from the Holographic Universe of the Underworld when all the souls, of the old world, have already gone back to the Soul World.
Om Shanti
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