i. Holographic Universe and the World Drama

NB: This article can be found after the following introductory passages.

Before you read this article, please note that, from 1996, I (Pari, the author of this article) had begun to see numerous visions. I was trying to understand what was happening to me. As I was trying to understand this, I began writing all the articles which can be found in this website. Each article is a continuation of the earlier one. So what I had explained in earlier articles were not explained in subsequent articles. This had also allowed me to keep developing what I have to explain. After I had written numerous articles, people were asking me as to which articles they had to read in order to understand something or the other. Thus, in 2015, I began to write books. All the knowledge which a person needs, so as to understand the contents of a book, are given in the book. Thus, a person could understand the contents of a book without having to revert to other articles or books. However, a better understanding could be had through reading the other books. I had also begun writing my first book “Holographic Universe : An Introduction” because I began to have a good understanding on the structure of the Holographic Universe through experiences, guidance from God, research, etc.

It should be remembered that my articles were written while I was trying to understand what was happening to me. So, the emphasis in the articles may have been on my own roles (due to the afterlife of my past births). In my books, I concentrate on just explaining knowledge and not really on giving an explanation on my own role.

It should be noted that since there are so many articles, I find it very difficult to update the articles. So there may be information in them which has not been updated. I try my best to keep my eBooks updated.

Anyway, to have a better understand of what has been said in this article, read all my earlier articles. Begin by reading the first article which is numbered as No.1 at my List of Articles. Then, re-read this article to have a better understanding. It should be noted that all my articles were written based on time being cyclic. Click here to understand the basics of the Cycle of Time.

Holographic Universe and the World Drama

(posted on 16-9-12; edited on 28-april-2014)

[includes a brief discussion on the Subtle World of Light; Quantum World; World Drama in each human soul and in God gets imprinted into the Holographic Universe; how God helps human souls through inspiration from the Copper Age; ‘order of first births’ is created on Judgement Day except for Adam and Eve; World Drama as a ‘force’; Law of Karma as a ‘force’ in the World Drama; differentiating the word “physical world” from the word “corporeal world”]

The Soul World is the home of God and all human souls. God is the Father of all human souls. So, we are with our Father, when we are in the Soul World. But we are not living there. We are only resting there. Thus, there are no actions in the Soul World. Actions can only exist in the corporeal world. Human souls are also not enjoying happiness, or their pure state, while they are in the Soul World (though they are in the pure state while they are in the Soul World). Human souls can only enjoy happiness, and their pure state, in the corporeal world. Thus, all human souls will come into the corporeal world to enjoy happiness (through living lives on earth).

The physical world, Holographic Universe and the World Drama cannot be separated from each other. The physical world exists based on the existence of the Holographic Universe. The Holographic Universe is based on the World Drama. The holographic universe consists of :

1. Quantum World (which has the quantum energies and all their quantum dimensions).

2. Subtle World of Light (which has all the souls who are in the corporeal world, the light energies of plants and matter [which they have instead of having a soul], and the subtle regions which the human souls use when they are in the corporeal world).

3. the Subtle World Drama.

The Subtle World of Light is made of invisible light energies. And everything that is in the subtle quantum dimensions are in the wave form. But they have wave-particle duality (like how light and matter have a wave-particle duality in quantum mechanics). Thus, one will see a physical world based on what exists at the quantum dimensions.

For convenience, I have given a different meaning to “physical world” and “corporeal world”, though it means the same thing. When I use the word “corporeal world”, I am often referring to everything that can be associated to the corporeal world. The corporeal world includes:

1. all that which can be seen by our eyes (as matter and/or the particle form of everything in the physical world), and

2. all that which is in the quantum dimensions (the wave form of all that which is matter, etc).

In the second half cycle, the following can also be seen as being part of the corporeal world because of the weak spiritual energies involved and because the Holographic Universe is submerged into the physical world:

1. the Subtle World of Light which is the Subtle Underworld or the Subtle Region of the Underworld in the second half cycle

(NB: The corporeal world, in the second half cycle, is the Underworld. The Holographic Universe, in the second half cycle, is the Holographic Universe of the Underworld.)

2. the subtle regions of the vices and other subtle regions within the Subtle Underworld, and

3. the mortals.

(NB: This is why mortals feel that they are the corporeal bodies and not the metaphysical souls.)

The word “Physical World” (as I use it) does not include:

1. the quantum dimensions (and the wave-form of everything that exists in the corporeal world), and

2. all the subtle regions that can be considered as part of the corporeal world.

Using the word “Physical World” in this way, will help me to give a clearer understanding of what I am trying to say. In reality, the quantum dimensions are part and parcel of the corporeal world/physical world. Since the quantum dimensions are also part and parcel of the Holographic Universe, I am using the word “Physical World” to refer to all that which only consists of matter/particles (excluding the wave-form and quantum dimensions of matter/particles).

The physical bodies, of the mortals, are part of the Physical World. However, the souls within the mortals are not the Physical World though they are in the corporeal world. The souls are not physical in nature. The souls are metaphysical in nature. The metaphysical souls, who have come into the corporeal world, are in a metaphysical dimension within the corporeal world. It should be noted that I have given the word ‘corporeal world’ a wider meaning while I have narrowed down the meaning of the word ‘Physical World’.

All human souls, all souls in the animal kingdom and all living energies of the plant kingdom are all in the Holographic Universe. In the second half cycle, it is as if they have become part and parcel of the corporeal world because the human souls have become very weak and have got engulfed into the corporeal world as mortals. Later, I will be discussing how souls are merged into the corporeal world, during the second half cycle. For the time being, my discussion will be based on how the holographic universe is different from the living energies that are contained in it. These living energies are contained within the Holographic Universe/corporeal world because the souls have to play their part in the World Drama that is taking place on earth.

The World Drama is part and parcel of the Holographic Universe. What exists (or happens) in the physical world will be as it exists (or happens) in the quantum dimension. What exists (or happens) in the quantum dimension will be as it exists (or happens) in the Subtle World of Light. What exists (or happens) in the Subtle World of Light will be as per the World Drama. Another way of looking at all these is that: What is projected, from the movie or World Drama, illuminates a scene in the Subtle World of Light. This subtle projection of light, in the Subtle World of Light, will become a reality through the quantum dimension. We will not be able to see all these connections while we are playing our roles on earth, even though the connections exist at a deep subtle level (for the creation of each event that is happening on earth). Actually, what is projected “as the movie or World Drama, illuminating a scene in the Subtle World of Light” is the World Drama itself. This World Drama is taking place in the corporeal world.

The World Drama is like a movie that is being played on earth. God and all human souls play their parts within the World Drama. We play our parts, based on what exists for us in the World Drama. God has the knowledge of the whole World Drama within Him because:

1. God has to explain it, during the Confluence Age, at the end of each cycle

2. God is constantly connected to the World Drama that is taking place in the Holographic Universe (since the World Drama is there within Him).

In the first half cycle, no-one will ask God for any help because the people have everything and they are in their divine state. Thus, God does not do anything in the first half cycle (except at the beginning and at the end parts of it, which overlaps the previous Age and the next Age respectively). At the beginning of the cycle, God helps the deity souls to walk into the Golden Aged world. Then, at the end of the Silver Age (when human souls start calling out to God for help), God begins helping them until the end of the cycle. Since God does not do anything, during the first half cycle, God is resting in the Soul World. However, since God has the World Drama within Him, God hears the calls of the human souls when they call out to Him (at the end of the Silver Age). He is able to hear them because the World Drama, that is within Him, keeps Him connected to the World Drama that is taking place through the Holographic Universe.

The World Drama is actually taking place on earth. But God is not on earth when He plays His role to help human souls (as He does from the Copper Age). He helps human souls, who are in the corporeal world, while He remains in the Soul World. He helps human souls through inspirations and through the belief-systems that were created from the beginning of the Copper Age. As per the World Drama, and through using the Holographic Universe, God provides divine guidance and/or influences people on earth through:

1. giving visions, which are placed in the holographic Universe, and

2. placing knowledge etc in the minds of the souls (which they perceive as ‘intuition’, etc).

The World Drama is not really a ‘projection’ because the World Drama is taking place in the holographic universe/corporeal world. Despite this, it can also be said that the movie (of the World Drama), that is within God, is reflected/projected into the Subtle World of Light so that God can play His role (as per the World Drama). In this projection of the World Drama into the Holographic Universe, there are many instances where God is giving visions to the people on earth. Thus, God gives the visions to the relevant people, at the relevant times, by placing the visions in the Subtle World of Light (so that it can be received by the relevant people, through the Holographic Universe). As God is giving the vision, the “act of giving the vision” will begin to exist in the Subtle World of Light as part of the World Drama. This will combine with what already exists in the World Drama, in the Subtle World of Light. The combination will make the energies in the World Drama, relating to that act, more prominent in the World Drama (and in the Holographic Universe). Thus, it leaves a ‘past event’ that is prominent in the World Drama. Since it is more prominent, it will easily influence people to have faith in their religious founders and belief-systems.

When God gives visions, and nothing is supposed to materialise in the corporeal world, then nothing gets created in the corporeal world (through the Holographic Universe). The visions are just seen through the Holographic Universe. If God has to make something materialise in the corporeal world (as per the World Drama and believe-systems); then, it would materialise through the Holographic Universe and the physical world. You will understand this better when I discuss how magical things can be done through the Holographic Universe.

Not all souls will have the knowledge of the whole World Drama within them. Their knowledge of the World Drama will be from the time they begin to take their births in the corporeal world. Thus, all human souls have a smaller fraction of the movie (of the World Drama) within them. All the births of a soul and everything that happens to the soul, in all his births, exist deep within the soul (like a recording of the movie/World Drama). Thus, the soul will have the knowledge of it. But the person may not be aware of its presence within his soul because the knowledge exists very deep within the soul. From there, it influences the soul/person.

The movie (of the World Drama) that exists within each soul, and God, becomes the World Drama that takes place on earth. It can also be said that whatever exists within God and all human souls (in respect of the World Drama) is the World Drama that gets reflected into the Holographic Universe. Thus, the Holographic Universe is like the subtle ‘Movie World’. Whatever exists in this Movie World will be what people will be doing on earth. What exists within God becomes the main part of the World Drama in the Holographic Universe. The smaller pieces of the movie/World Drama (which exists in all human souls) will be reflecting the souls’ births, and what they will be doing during those births, into the World Drama in the Holographic Universe. If he began taking births from the Copper Age, the part of the World Drama from the time he takes his first birth (in the Copper Age) will be in a detailed and emphasised form within him. This is superimposed into the World Drama that is being played in the Holographic Universe. As the movie within each human soul is superimposed into the World Drama, it brings in a more detailed World Drama into existence.

What exists in the movie within each human soul, in respect of what the person feels, thinks, desires etc, will not be there in the movie that exists in God and in other human souls. Thus, God and others will not know of what a person wants or needs unless they are informed of it or they see it through a subtle experience, etc. Though what exists within a soul is superimposed into the main World Drama in the Holographic Universe, not everyone will be aware of what is there (for him) unless their attention is brought to it. Whatever happens to a person, in the World Drama, is actually part and parcel of the World Drama. However, since it is projected into the main World Drama from a different angle/direction, it is difficult for others to see it or it will be difficult for others to see it clearly.

Everything that a soul does (during his life) are also superimposed into the World Drama, as he does the act, etc. As the soul plays his role, his acts leave an impression in the Subtle World of Light. This impression will combine with what exists in the World Drama, in the Holographic Universe. This makes the act become more pronounced in the World Drama. Thus, it is easier to subtly see what has happened in the past because it has already happened. It is more difficult to subtly see what will happen in the future because it has not happened as yet; though vaguely, it is already there to take place (when it is time for that to happen). Until the soul plays his part, the soul’s part will be in a vague form (in the World Drama). In fact, the whole World Drama (in the Holographic Universe) will be very vague until each soul begins to play his part in the corporeal world.

Instead of using the word ‘impression’, it can also be said that as the soul plays his part, subtle energies of all that he is doing is created in the Holographic Universe. This combines with what exists in the World Drama (in the Holographic Universe). So, it will leave pronounced events of the past (in the World Drama). In this sense, we can be seen as the creators of our actions, thoughts, etc.

In the second half cycle, we think that we are making choices while we are playing our role; but in an indirect way, we will be influenced to do that which we are supposed to be doing in the World Drama. In the first half cycle, we play our roles based on what we are supposed to be doing, as per the World Drama. I will be discussing the Holographic Universe of the first half cycle, later.

In the second half cycle, as each human soul is released into the corporeal world, his part in the World Drama becomes pronounced. The souls may initially be guided by what is there in the World Drama. But as soon as they entertain a vice, they become weak and they will not know that they are doing everything as per the World Drama.

It can be said that within each human soul, there is a smaller version of the larger Holographic Universe because the human souls are all playing a part in the Holographic Universe. It can also be said that each human soul contains the subtle movie of the whole World Drama because the soul has to take its first birth at a specific point in that World Drama, on earth. The World Drama keeps repeating in a cyclic manner. Since souls have to play their roles in this World Drama in a cyclic manner, it is like as if the whole World Drama is in every soul. However, each soul will only be aware of the part of the World Drama in which he plays his part in the corporeal world. Though each human soul contains the whole World Drama, some part of it will have a vague and limited perspective. Only the parts which are relevant to the soul are in a pronounced form. The rest are in a vague or invisible form because the soul does not play a part in the corporeal world, in those vague/invisible parts of the World Drama. It is so vague/invisible that it can be said that it is not there within the soul. What is visible within the soul will be guiding the soul. Since the irrelevant parts are not needed, they are invisible to the soul. The movie of the World Drama, from the time the soul takes it’s birth until the end of the cycle, will be there (within the soul) for the soul to see and be influenced by (so that the soul can play its roles in the World Drama of the corporeal world).

On Judgement Day, at the end of the cycle, the ‘order of the first birth’ (for the next cycle) will be known, based on the spiritual strength of the human souls. This ‘order of the first birth’ will be superimposed into the World Drama for the next cycle. After Judgement Day, God takes all human souls back to the Soul World. Then, God releases each soul (from the Soul World) as per the World Drama, when it is time for that soul to take his first birth in the corporeal world.

Before Judgement Day, God will only know of who is going to be born first in the corporeal world (of the new cycle) because He has to use that soul to begin the Confluence Age and the new creation. This human soul has been referred to as Adi Dev, Brahma, Adam etc in myths. After God begins to use him, in the Confluence Age, this soul will be able to recognise his soul-mate. In myths, his soul-mate has been named as Eve, etc. Thus, it is as if the first birth of the 2 souls, who will be born as the first and the second in the Golden Age of the new cycle, are known. God will not know of when the other souls are coming into the corporeal world. That is superimposed into the new World Drama, for the new cycle, on Judgement Day. This is why, in the ancient myths, creation begins with the first being or god. Then, the myths portray how the second being (or god/goddess) is created from the first being/god. It is only after this, that all the other beings or gods get created (in the myths). These myths were created based on the knowledge of who is the first and who is the second, in the new cycle.

Though the World Drama is within the Supreme Soul and all human souls, the World Drama is like a collective force by itself. It is a force that exists based on our roles in the World Drama.

In the second half cycle, the World Drama includes the Law of Karma in action because everything (in the second half cycle) happens as per the Law of Karma. If you do something good, you will get something good, in the World Drama. If you do something bad, you will get something bad, in return. So, it is as if the force of the World Drama includes the force of the Law of Karma.

The energies of God and human souls are living energies; but the World Drama is not a “living force”. From experiences, I know that the force/might of the World Drama is not “living”; though, it includes the living energies of all human souls, etc (since they are involved in the World Drama that is taking place in the corporeal world). The World Drama is not a collective Consciousness. The World Drama is just the movie that is being acted out in the corporeal world. Thus, as souls play their parts on earth, through using corporeal bodies, the movie is taking place in reality. Each action of ours becomes the movie of the World Drama that is being played on earth.

The physical world and Holographic Universe are also different energies from that of Gods’ and the human souls’. The Physical World and the Holographic Universe are also not living energies; whereas the energies of God and human souls are living energies. Just like how we use a separate light source to create a hologram; even the light energies of the subtle world of light and the energies of the quantum dimensions are different from that of God’s and the human souls’. It looks like as if the subtle bodies and corporeal bodies have ‘life’ because we, the living energies, are in them.

Om Shanti


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