Veda and the Meaning of Verses in the Veda
NB: This article can be found after the following introductory passages.
Before you read this article, please note that, from 1996, I (Pari, the author of this article) had begun to see numerous visions. I was trying to understand what was happening to me. As I was trying to understand this, I began writing all the articles which can be found in this website. Each article is a continuation of the earlier one. So what I had explained in earlier articles were not explained in subsequent articles. This had also allowed me to keep developing what I have to explain. After I had written numerous articles, people were asking me as to which articles they had to read in order to understand something or the other. Thus, in 2015, I began to write books. All the knowledge which a person needs, so as to understand the contents of a book, are given in the book. Thus, a person could understand the contents of a book without having to revert to other articles or books. However, a better understanding could be had through reading the other books. I had also begun writing my first book “Holographic Universe : An Introduction” because I began to have a good understanding on the structure of the Holographic Universe through experiences, guidance from God, research, etc.
It should be remembered that my articles were written while I was trying to understand what was happening to me. So, the emphasis in the articles may have been on my own roles (due to the afterlife of my past births). In my books, I concentrate on just explaining knowledge and not really on giving an explanation on my own role.
It should be noted that since there are so many articles, I find it very difficult to update the articles. So there may be information in them which has not been updated. I try my best to keep my eBooks updated.
Anyway, to have a better understand of what has been said in this article, read all my earlier articles. Begin by reading the first article which is numbered as No.1 at my List of Articles. Then, re-read this article to have a better understanding. It should be noted that all my articles were written based on time being cyclic. Click here to understand the basics of the Cycle of Time.
Veda and the Meaning of Verses in the Veda
posted on 2-April-2014
{Includes a discussion on ‘Sruti’ (what was heard), ‘Smriti’ (what was remembered), 3 aspects of Veda, Confluence Aged meaning of Rig Vedic verses, Mid-Confluence Aged history, Indra victorious over the vices/devils, Indra bringing rain and rivers, rain-clouds, darkness, night, Ice Age, Vritra, cows, Sarama, Panis, milk, lighting up the soul, Day, dawn, Surya, Soma.}
“Veda” means knowledge or wisdom. The Veda was taught by God to the deity souls, during the Confluence Age, at the end of the previous cycle. The knowledge of the Veda was in the ‘murlis’ that had been spoken by God, in the Brahma Kumaris. God taught the Veda to the deity souls:
1. so as to bring them into the next Satyug/Kritayug (Golden Age).
2. so as to establish the Sanatan Dharm for the next cycle.
Thus, the Veda is not of human origin. Since the deity souls had heard it from God, the Veda is referred to as ‘Sruti’ (what was heard). All the other Hindu scriptures, which were composed from the time of the Mid-Confluence, were referred to as ‘Smriti’ (what was remembered). The Mid-Confluence Aged people were recollecting:
1. what had existed, at the end of the previous cycle.
2. experiences that were had, at the end of the previous cycle.
3. what had been understood, during the end of the previous cycle.
These were not that which had been heard from God, during the Confluence Age, at the end of the previous cycle. Thus, they were referred to as Smriti so as to distinguish them from what had been heard from God, in the Confluence Age. Thus, the literature of the Aryans were divided into two: Sruti and Smriti.
The knowledge that had been revealed by God during the previous Confluence Age had 3 aspects to it. Thus, the Veda that was revealed and composed, during the Mid-Confluence, had all these three aspects:
1. battle against the vices so as to safe the cows and to bring in the dawn (this is the Rig Veda aspect).
2. making sacrifices (the Yajur Veda aspect).
3. constantly remembering knowledge from the ‘murli’ (the Sama Veda aspect). Since ‘murli’ means flute, what comes out of it is music or the song. Thus, the Sama Veda that was created during the Mid-Confluence was like a song book that contained the hymns that were sung, by the priests, like a song. Most of the words in the Sama Veda were the words in the Rig Veda because it was meant to help in the battle against the vices.
The Vedic path was to remember that one was the peaceful, virtuous soul/self. However, this message was not properly explained in the Veda that was composed during the Mid-Confluence because, originally, the people knew that they were the souls and that they were losing the soul-conscious state to become mortals. So there was no need for them to keep reminding themselves that they were souls, as we do during the Confluence Age. Subsequent Hindu scriptures, like the Upanishads, had to explain that the Veda was about the self/soul because the subsequent people (as mortals) were not aware that they were the souls. Thus, these subsequent scriptures clearly explain that the Vedic path is to accept oneself as the soul/self.
The Mid-Confluence Aged Aryans only had to keep remembering that they must be victorious over the vices/devil. The Rig Veda was used to remind them of this. This was done because, during the previous Confluence Age, the Confluence Aged Veda was reminding us that we have to be victorious in the battle against the vices/devils. The Confluence Aged Veda states that God is Indra. Indra/God plays the most significant role in our Confluence Aged life. The Confluence Aged Veda relates how God/Indra destroys the vices/devils that are within us. We keep hearing and remembering the knowledge in the murlis so that God (Indra) can keep destroying the devils/vices that are within us. Thus, in the Rig Veda, which was composed during the Mid-Confluence, emphasis was given to how Indra is victorious over the vices/devils. The battle between Indra and the vices/devils was meant to remind the people of how God had destroyed the vices during the previous Confluence Age. This was meant to be a reminder that they had to remain in the virtuous state because God, their Father, had made them pure and virtuous (during the previous Confluence Age). For this same reason, the Rig Veda relates about how Indra brought the rain and made the rivers flow. The rain represented knowledge. The flowing rivers represented the ‘Confluence Aged teachers giving knowledge’. It is God who gives the knowledge through them. Thus, in the Rig Veda, Indra was portrayed as making the rivers flow through bringing rain. The fact that knowledge was originally with God has been reflected in the Rig Veda[i] through the words,
“With him too is this rain of his that comes like herds: Indra throws drops of moisture on his yellow beard.”
The “rain being with Indra” and “Indra bringing rain” etc also reflects the Mid-Confluence Aged history. Thus, when Indra brought the rain and the rivers flowed, Varuna had “cut the channels[ii]” for the rivers. Though this is Mid-Confluence Aged history, it also reflects what happens now because Varuna is paving the way for the Confluence Aged service through me.
Originally, the Mid-Confluence Aged Veda was very simple and it was only reflecting what had happened during the previous Confluence Age. However, the Veda was being composed over a long period of time. Thus, with time, the Mid-Confluence Aged history began to be included into the Veda. History of the previous Confluence Age and of the Mid-Confluence were combined in the Veda because:
1. the previous Confluence Age is connected to the Mid-Confluence. The people in the first half cycle were just enjoying the fruit of their spiritual effort-making which was done, during the Confluence Age, at the end of the previous cycle.
2. the people were trying to be like the people during the previous Confluence Age,
3. the people were trying to keep their divine world (that had been created through the previous Confluence Age). Later, they were also trying to bring back their divine world into existence (as was done during the previous Confluence Age).
4. the Mid-Confluence Aged people were including their history so that the people of the future will know of what had happened during the Mid-Confluence. At the end of the cycle, now, we will be familiar with the Confluence Aged spiritual knowledge. Thus, we will know which relates the Confluence Aged history. The rest is the Mid-Confluence Aged history.
5. the Copper Aged mapmakers will have to explain the Mid-Confluence Aged history, at the end of the cycle. These Copper Aged mapmakers will play their role together with the Confluence Aged souls. We will be churning the Ocean of Milk (knowledge) together.
The Mid-Confluence Aged and the Confluence Aged scenarios were interwoven into one another because the ancient people knew that the Copper Aged mapmakers will be able to identify the two scenarios here, when they play their role at the end (as I am doing now). An example of a mixture of the Mid-Confluence Aged and Confluence Aged history can be found in the following words of the Rig Veda[iii]:
“There darkness stood, the vault that stayed the waters’ flow: in Vṛtra's hollow side the rain-cloud lay concealed.
But Indra smote the rivers which the obstructer stayed, flood following after flood, down steep declivities.”
The words “Indra smote the rivers” refer to how God’s Love made the deity souls become the Confluence Aged rivers who gave knowledge, at the end of the previous cycle. The Mid-Confluence Aged history, related through these words, is the one where the Mid-Confluence Aged Indra had made the rivers flow down the mountains, during the Copper Aged Great Flood. The words “There darkness stood, the vault that stayed the waters’ flow: in Vṛtra's hollow side the rain-cloud lay concealed” represent the following scenarios:
1. At the end of the cycle: the deity souls (rain clouds) had been imprisoned in the Kaliyug world (darkness), before God found them. The deity souls were not giving knowledge when they were in the Kaliyug world. Thus words like “stayed the waters’ flow” and “rain-cloud lay concealed” were used. The rain-clouds were the deity souls who were capable of being used by God/Indra, during the Confluence Age, to give very good knowledge. In the Rig Veda, the Kaliyug World has been represented as being ‘darkness’ or it has been represented as being the Night.
2. At the end of the cycle: the vices (which are dark within the soul) playing the most significant role; and the role of the virtuous deity soul (or Confluence Aged soul) is concealed. God saves the Confluence Aged souls, from the vices, during the Confluence Age. It is when the deity souls are in the pure state, in the Confluence Age, that knowledge flows through them. Knowledge has been represented by waters and rivers in the Rig Veda.
3. During the Mid-Confluence: the vices having taken over from the divine self. The Mid-Confluence Aged people lost their pure state to the vices. Thus, the Mid-Confluence Aged Indra had to deal with this situation.
4. During the Mid-Confluence: the places where the freezers were used in. These freezers had captured the waters to become ice and ‘clouds of dew’. The ‘clouds of dew’ were portrayed as trapped rain-clouds, in the Rig Veda. The Mid-Confluence Aged Indras were dealing with this situation.
During the Mid-Confluence, originally, it was the ‘vices and the Kaliyug world at the end of the previous cycle’ which were referred to (instead of ‘Vritra’) in the abovementioned quote. The Mid-Confluence Aged people were trying to make sure that they do not go back into a Kaliyug-like world. At the end of the previous cycle, the rain-clouds (Confluenced Aged souls) had been saved from the Kaliyug World and the vices. Indra/God was continuing to save them, from the vices, even after that; thus, enabling those rain clouds to shower and become rivers. The people were reminded of all this, during the Mid-Confluence, so that they remain as Aryans (by remaining virtuous).
The Copper Aged Great Flood ended in the Middle East before it ended in the Indus Valley because of the huge blocks of ice which had existed around the Himalayan Mountain. Thus, the word ‘Vritra’ was used to explain the early Mid-Confluence Aged history. Vritra represented the ‘blocks of ice’ (during the Ice Age), the ‘freezers’ that were used to cause the Ice Age, etc. Vritra was also associated to the Lemurian kings because they had set up the freezers. The fact that the Lemurians were playing a role for the underworld was also reflected through the name “Vritra”. This history was included into the above quote through amendments. During the amendments, the word “Vritra” was also used to reflect the vices and the Kaliyug World because the role of the Lemurians was for the Underworld.
After the Ice Age had come to a bad state, Indra had shut the freezers. So the ice blocks began to melt and break. The Mid-Confluence Aged gods were also breaking down the huge ice blocks so as to bring an end to the Ice Age and to bring water to the people. In the Rig Veda[iv], this is the history that was being referred to through the words, “thou breakest down the nine-and-ninety castles”. I have begun an explanation on these 99 castles at:
In the Rig Veda[v] it has also been stated, “Down, never ceasing, hath the rain-cloud settled: bellowing, it hath wandered with the Mothers.
Swelling the roar in the far distant limits, they have spread wide the blast sent forth by Indra.”
The above words are also a combination of what happened in the Mid-Confluence and during the Confluence Age. The Mid-Confluence Aged meaning reflected the history of how the rain clouds, which had been created by the Mid-Confluence Aged Indra, was in the places where the cows roamed. This meant that the grass was able to grow in these places, where the mother cows roamed, because of the rain. The Confluence Aged history is that the knowledge of God was with the Confluence Age World Mothers when God/Indra sent them around to give knowledge. The Confluence Aged souls have been portrayed as cows in the Rig Veda.
In the Rig Veda[vi], it has been related that Sarama had gone to the Panis for treasures (the cows). The Panis refused to give the cattle and tried to get Indra to come onto their side[vii]. Sarama tells them that the consequences would be bad if they refuse to give the cows to Indra[viii]. The Panis say that they are willing to battle with Indra[ix]. They also tried to bribe Sarama[x] so that she comes onto their side. Sarama does not accept their offer[xi] and she gives a final warning. Through these verses, the Rig Veda relates what had happened:
1. During the Mid-Confluence: In this scenario, Sarama represents the messenger of the Mid-Confluence Aged gods. The ‘warnings’ reflect the power of the Mid-Confluence Aged gods who were having the advanced sciences and who had control over the whole world.
2. During the Confluence Age at the end of the previous cycle: In this scenario, Sarama represents the messenger of God/Indra. The warnings reflect what will happen when the energies of God/Indra are used during the Confluence Age, i.e. the vices will get destroyed.
During the Mid-Confluence, “Panis” represented:
1. the enemies of the leader of the devas. Everyone who was not supportive of the leader of the devas and the ways of the Aryans were also seen as the Panis. If they were not enemies, they become enemies because of their Non-Vedic views and ways.
2. the people influenced by the vices.
The word ‘Panis’ was also introduced, later, after the Mid-Confluence Aged history began to be included into the Veda. The Mid-Confluence Aged scenario was something that had happened during a later part in the Mid-Confluence. So it only became part of the Veda, at a later date. Originally, the simpler Confluence Aged scenario was used.
In the original Confluence Aged scenario, the vices and the Kaliyug World were referred to instead of “Panis”. This scenario reflects:
1. how God/Indra sent messengers to safe the deity souls (cows) from the Kaliyug World. Indra (God) finds all the cows (the deity souls) that had been in the possession of the devil (the Kaliyug world); and Indra brings them into His Confluence Aged world.
2. how the vices/devils had carried off the cows. These cows were the Confluence Aged souls who were capable of being influenced by the vices. God (Indra) always rescues us and brings us back to Him. Sometimes, He does it through using others.
When the word “Panis” began to be used, the battle against the Panis also reflected how God/Indra had to do battle with the vices so as to take the Confluence Aged souls (cows) from the old cycle into the new cycle. Actually God is not battling with these vices. His energies are just destroying the vices from within us. It is we, the Confluence Aged souls, who are battling to remain in the pure state. Thus, in the Mid-Confluence (when we played the role of Indra) we were portrayed as Indra battling with the vices.
One reason why the Confluence Aged souls have been portrayed as cows is because the “milk” which is got from these Confluence Aged cows is “God’s vibrations”. This milk feeds the deity souls with purity until the new Mankind of the Golden Aged world materializes.
The Milk also represents God’s knowledge because it is a liquid. This knowledge is got through the Confluence Aged souls. From this angle too, the Confluence Aged souls can be seen as the cows. The rain (God’s knowledge) makes the grass grow. The Confluence Aged cows chew this grass to give the milk. This means that through our churning of the Confluence Aged knowledge, we are able to give very good knowledge (milk).
The Confluence Aged souls churn the Milk (God’s Knowledge) so as to get the butter that will make the Confluence Aged Sacrificial Fire burn. The new kings of the new world are born through this Confluence Aged sacrificial fire. This means that we will enjoy the status of being a world emperor in the Golden Aged world through our spiritual effort-making now. It can be said that the original Mid-Confluence Aged Indras were also created through the Confluence Aged sacrificial fire because these Mid-Confluence Aged Indras were rulers, or they were people who were meant to be the next ruler in the Silver Age, before they walked out of the divine world. It was through the influence of these memories that the Vedic practices were begun, in the Vedic Civilizations, that a king had to do a lot of sacrifices so as to become an Indra.
During the Mid-Confluence, the cow represented wealth, the people of the gods, actual cows, etc. The milk of the cow was also valued because it was food which kept them healthy. However, the Mid-Confluence Aged people had valued the Confluence Aged cows because they helped to light up their souls, at the end of the previous cycle.
In the Rig Veda[xii], it has been said “Thou, making light where no light was, and form, O men: where form was not,
Wast born together with the Dawns.”
The above words reflect how God transforms the energies of the deity souls so that they get lighted up. In the lighted up state, they are the deity souls of the Golden Age. Thus, Indra/God created divine light when there was no light (in the soul). When the soul is not in the perfect state, the soul is not in a lighted up state. It will look dull with black patches all over. These black patches are the vices and sins that have accumulated over time. God/Indra also created the new perfect Golden Aged form that gets created as the new Dawn (Golden Age) comes into existence. Thus, in the above quote, it was said that Indra created ‘form together with the Dawn’ when there was no form.
The Rig Veda uses ‘Dawn’ so as to represents the new divine creation that gets created through the Confluence Age. The Light of God vibrates out into the world, through the Confluence Aged souls, so as to bring in the Dawn. It can be said that the creation of the new world has already begun to take place, now (through the present Confluence Age), even though we cannot see it in the material form (as yet). As per the World Drama, when it is time for the Dawn (new Golden Age), the deity souls would be found. These deity souls had been stolen and kept hidden during the Night (second half cycle). They would be recovered and brought back into the Dawn. All this has been reflected in the verses of the Rig Veda.
In the Rig Veda[xiii], God has also been portrayed as “Sūrya, maker of the light, Illuming all the radiant realm”.
‘Surya’ is the sun and the name of the Sun God. In the Rig Veda, sometimes, the Supreme Soul has been portrayed as the Sun or as the Sun God (Surya etc). At other times, ‘bringing in the sun’ or ‘light’ is bringing in the new Day (Golden Aged world in the new cycle). God is the “maker of the light” because it is God’s energies which are used to light up the soul and to create the New Golden Aged world which is like a World of Light because the consciousness of the souls are in the World of Light and not in the corporeal world. It is only the consciousness of the mortals that get caught in the corporeal world.
In the Rig Veda[xiv], the words “We have drunk Soma and become immortal; we have attained the light,…” refers to how, during the previous Confluence Age, the deity souls had become intoxicated with bliss through drinking the Vibrations of God (Soma). Through this they attained the perfect immortal state. So, during the first half cycle, they were radiating pure divine light.
Om Shanti
NB: in my end-notes, I do not use the word ‘ibid’ because:
1. I am not sure if everyone understands what it means. I am trying to keep these articles as simple as I possibly can so that more people will be able to understand it.
2. if I change the place of a paragraph within the article, I do not have to worry if the endnotes have to be changed.
[i] Rig Veda, Book 10, HYMN XXIII, Verse 4, tr. by Ralph T.H. Griffith. 1896;
[ii] Rig Veda, Book 10, HYMN LXXV, Verse 2;
[iii] Rig Veda, Book 1, HYMN LIV, Verse 10;
[iv] Rig Veda, Book 1, HYMN LIV, Verse 6;
[v] Rig Veda Book 2, Hymn XI, Verse 8;
[vi] Rig Veda, Book 10, HYMN CVIII;
[vii] Rig Veda, Book 10, HYMN CVIII, verse 3
[viii] Rig Veda, Book 10, HYMN CVIII, verse 4
[ix] Rig Veda, Book 10, HYMN CVIII, verse 5
[x] Rig Veda, Book 10, HYMN CVIII, verse 9
[xi] Rig Veda, Book 10, HYMN CVIII, verse 10
[xii] Rig Veda, Book 1, Hymn VI, Verse 3;
[xiii] Rig Veda, Book 1, Hymn L, Verse 4;
[xiv] Rig Veda, Book 8, Hymn XLVIII, Verse 3;
Posted on 21-5-2018:
Ice had also begun to naturally form before the Copper Aged Great Flood since the pole shifts were occurring and the world was transforming into the world of the second half cycle. In addition, the freezers were used so as to freeze the water further, where necessary. This emerged a lot of land from under water and a lot of structures were constructed on these lands. When the Ice Age ended and the Copper Aged Great Flood came into existence, all these structures went under water where they are being preserved for the future. Some of these have already been discovered and numerous people's attention has been turned to them.
To have a better understand of what has been said in this article, read all my articles. Begin by reading the first article which is numbered as No.1 at: Pari's List of articles. Then, re-read this article to have a better understanding.
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NB: All my articles are based on time moving in a cyclic manner, in the order as follows:
1. the divine world in the first half cycle: involving the Golden Age (Satyug) and then the Silver Age (Tetrayug).
2. the Confluence between the Silver and Copper Ages: where the world transforms back into the ordinary state (after a vice was entertained). For convenience, I refer to this Confluence as the Mid-Confluence.
3. the ordinary world of the second half cycle: involving the Copper Age (Dwapuryug) and then the Iron Age (Kaliyug).
4. the Confluence Age (at the end, now): through which the world is transformed back into the divine Golden Aged world.