Differences Between World Drama, Fate and Destiny
NB: This article can be found after the following introductory passages.
Before you read this article, please note that, from 1996, I (Pari, the author of this article) had begun to see numerous visions. I was trying to understand what was happening to me. As I was trying to understand this, I began writing all the articles which can be found in this website. Each article is a continuation of the earlier one. So what I had explained in earlier articles were not explained in subsequent articles. This had also allowed me to keep developing what I have to explain. After I had written numerous articles, people were asking me as to which articles they had to read in order to understand something or the other. Thus, in 2015, I began to write books. All the knowledge which a person needs, so as to understand the contents of a book, are given in the book. Thus, a person could understand the contents of a book without having to revert to other articles or books. However, a better understanding could be had through reading the other books. I had also begun writing my first book “Holographic Universe : An Introduction” because I began to have a good understanding on the structure of the Holographic Universe through experiences, guidance from God, research, etc.
It should be remembered that my articles were written while I was trying to understand what was happening to me. So, the emphasis in the articles may have been on my own roles (due to the afterlife of my past births). In my books, I concentrate on just explaining knowledge and not really on giving an explanation on my own role.
It should be noted that since there are so many articles, I find it very difficult to update the articles. So there may be information in them which has not been updated. I try my best to keep my eBooks updated.
Anyway, to have a better understand of what has been said in this article, read all my earlier articles. Begin by reading the first article which is numbered as No.1 at my List of Articles. Then, re-read this article to have a better understanding. It should be noted that all my articles were written based on time being cyclic. Click here to understand the basics of the Cycle of Time.
Differences Between World Drama, Fate and Destiny
Post 1: Fri, Apr 22 2011
There are differences between what World Drama, Destiny and Fate mean. We can change our fate but we cannot change Destiny in the World Drama.
There is a World Drama which we are all involved in, when we are on earth. This World Drama begins with the Golden Age. Then, there is the Silver Age which is followed by the Copper Age. After the Copper Age comes the Iron Age. Then, finally, there is the Confluence Age which brings in the Golden Age of the new Cycle. Thus, the World Drama repeats again.
The World Drama provides a stage, on earth, where we play our roles through taking births. While on this stage, on earth, it is a matter of how well we play our roles. In the Golden Age and Silver Age, the divine human beings cannot do any wrong. They will always play their roles well. But from the beginning of the Copper Age, we may not play our roles well because of the existence of the vices. If we do something wrong; then, through the Law of Karma, we face a bad situation etc while playing our roles in the World Drama. Or we may not get a good role, in the World Drama, during our next births. If we do something good, then (through the Law of Karma) we get something good in return in the World Drama. Good roles (in our following births) are also got in the World Drama through doing good or charitable acts. The Law of Karma is closely entwined with the World Drama. So our actions decide what we face, or get, in the World Drama.
If many people world-wide are watching what we are doing, saying etc, then we are on the world stage.
The World Drama is unfolding itself, in the world, and we are all actors in it. The World Drama includes Destiny, Fate and the Law of Karma.
Destiny is that which is destined to happen. Fate involves that which we can change (in the World Drama); whereas Destiny cannot be changed. So, in this sense, it can be said that Fate does not involve Destiny.
When we make a choice and change the course of events in the World Drama, then the change is fated to happen. We can change our fate (in the World Drama) but we cannot change 'Destiny' in the World Drama. Though we can change our fate, the decision or course we take is also there in the World Drama. So if we have taken a specific decision, it can be said that we have taken that decision because it is there in the World Drama for it to happen exactly as it had happened. Everything happens as per the World Drama.
When we do something wrong, Fate works against us and we are punished for the wrong we did; but it also happening as per the World Drama.Though it is said that Fate turns against us, Fate is not the Law of Karma. What we experience as a result of our bad actions is also not fate.
Fate is usually connected to something that is bad, e.g. accidents are said to be 'fated to happen' if we cannot avoid it. When God is with us, nothing is in the hands of Fate. Everything is said to be in the hands of God because God takes care of everything and only the best can happen.
World Transformation is not bad and so it cannot be connected to Fate (in anyway). It is only connected to God and the World Drama.
At the end of the Cycle, the world will get transformed into the divine world because it is there in the World Drama for it to happen. It can be said that it is destined to happen. However, it cannot happen unless there are 900,000 deity souls ready for world transformation through self transformation. Thus, it cannot be said to be completely in the hands of Destiny though it is destined to happen as per the World Drama.
Those who are involved with world transformation, at the end of the cycle, will just have to flow along with the World Drama. There is no need to try to change anything in the World Drama like how we can change our fate. If we are involved with 'world transformation through self-transformation', then, we are not involved with changing our fate in the World Drama. We are just flowing along with the World Drama and taking advantage of the situation for our own benefit. We don't have to worry about changing the World Drama. World Transformation is already there for the end of the Cycle; and so we flow along with it and make the best of it for ourselves.
Though the Reptilians, at the beginning of the Copper Age, knew of what was destined to happen at the end of the Cycle, they were also trying to change the events in the World Drama through 'Fate'. They were trying to change events through their actions and belief systems (collective consciousness). They were also trying to change their fate through turning their birth-roles into immortal roles. But their collective consciousness, which can change the fate of many, is not changing anyone's Destiny.
World Transformation just happens as per the World Drama. One has to just flow along with the World Drama so as to play their role for world transformation. The world is destined to get transformed at the end of the Cycle. The world changes as per Destiny. Destiny cannot be changed like how we can change Fate. So no-one can prevent the world from transforming. However, it cannot be said that it only involves 'Destiny' because many have to be involved with World Transformation through transforming themselves. So, though it is destined to happen, it will not just happen without our participation. World Transformation is there in the World Drama and we have to get involved so that it can happen. We have to take advantage of this situation by transforming ourselves and take advantage of the benefits that are received through the Law of Karma. If not, Destiny will bring about a situation where others play the role and get multi-million benefits through the Law of Karma. When others are taking advantage of the situation, then, it is happening as per the World Drama. This does not mean that we cannot play a role relating to world transformation. So Destiny does not prevent us from playing a role and neither are we destined not to play such a role. It is in our hands and we can take advantage of it and flow along with the World Drama. One should not blame Destiny for one's own weaknesses. In fact, Destiny is not involved if we decide not to be involved with self transformation. It is happening as per the World Drama.
Post 2 : Nov 20, 2011
More about the World Drama can be found at:
1. Part 2 - Explaining the Myths, Prophecies and Ancient Spiritual Theories - Hopi Prophecy, Maat, Truth, World Drama
2. Part 5 - Explaining the Myths, Prophecies and Ancient Spiritual Theories - Maat, World Drama, Truth
Click here for the List of Books. These books were written by Brahma Kumari Pari.
Click here for the List of Articles. These articles were also written by BK Pari and they can be read for free.
BK Pari's articles can be found at http://www.brahmakumari.net or at http://globalbrahmakumaris.weebly.com
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