Cycles & Calenders - Mayan, BK, Hindu, Cosmological etc
NB: This article can be found after the following introductory passages.
Before you read this article, please note that, from 1996, I (Pari, the author of this article) had begun to see numerous visions. I was trying to understand what was happening to me. As I was trying to understand this, I began writing all the articles which can be found in this website. Each article is a continuation of the earlier one. So what I had explained in earlier articles were not explained in subsequent articles. This had also allowed me to keep developing what I have to explain. After I had written numerous articles, people were asking me as to which articles they had to read in order to understand something or the other. Thus, in 2015, I began to write books. All the knowledge which a person needs, so as to understand the contents of a book, are given in the book. Thus, a person could understand the contents of a book without having to revert to other articles or books. However, a better understanding could be had through reading the other books. I had also begun writing my first book “Holographic Universe : An Introduction” because I began to have a good understanding on the structure of the Holographic Universe through experiences, guidance from God, research, etc.
It should be remembered that my articles were written while I was trying to understand what was happening to me. So, the emphasis in the articles may have been on my own roles (due to the afterlife of my past births). In my books, I concentrate on just explaining knowledge and not really on giving an explanation on my own role.
It should be noted that since there are so many articles, I find it very difficult to update the articles. So there may be information in them which has not been updated. I try my best to keep my eBooks updated.
Anyway, to have a better understand of what has been said in this article, read all my earlier articles. Begin by reading the first article which is numbered as No.1 at my List of Articles. Then, re-read this article to have a better understanding. It should be noted that all my articles were written based on time being cyclic. Click here to understand the basics of the Cycle of Time.
Comparing Various Cycles of Time & Calendars - Mayan, Hindu, Cosmological, Jew, Christian, Chinese, Brahma Kumaris Cycle of 5000 Years, etc.
The posts here were posted after the posts at Cycle of Time (which originally had the title "Existing Evidences of the 5000 year Cycle / Cycle of Time" in the Global BK Forum. The Global BK Forum does not exist anymore).
The posts at Cycle of Time were improved upon and posted here. But not all the posts at Cycle of Time have been improved upon and posted here. Most of the discussion in the later posts at Cycle of Time are not here.
The discussion can be found after the following, which gives an outline of the discussions etc in the posts of this article:
Post 1 (posted on Wed, Feb 16 2011): includes an explanation on the BK cycle of time; ancient people's representations of the cycle of time; cosmological cycle and the cycle in the Hindu religion.
Post 2 (posted on Fri, Feb 18 2011): Part 2 - Various Calenders and Cycles
[includes a comparison between the BK cycle and the Mayan calender, Chinese calendar, Jewish calendar combined with Christians' prophesies for the End of the world (which is supposed to be around 2000 years after Christ); in Hindu cycle, Kali Yuga began just over 5000 years ago; the Mahabharata War has been estimated to have started on 3067 B.C.; written records existing for only about the past 2500 years].
Post 3 (posted on Fri, Feb 18 2011): Part 3 - The BK Cycle of time.
Post 4 (posted on Sat, Feb 19 2011): Links to videos on the BK cycle of time..
Post 5 (posted on Mon, Feb 21 2011): Part 4 - The Hindu Cosmological Cycle Compared to Modern Day Cosmological Research (1)
Post 6 (posted on Mon, Feb 21 2011): Part 5 - The Hindu Cosmological Cycle Compared to Modern Day Cosmological Research (2)
Post 7 (posted on Tue, Feb 22 2011): Part 6 - Various estimates of the age of the Earth and the rest of the universe.
Post 8 (posted on Fri, Sep 16 2011): Links provided.
Post 9 (posted on Wed, Oct 5 2011): Links provided.
Post 10 (posted on Dec 28, 2011): Brief explanation and links for term "Silver/Copper Aged".
Post 11 (posted on 17-6-12): Egyptian concepts and Hindu cycle compared.
Post 12 (Posted on 8-10-2013) There is a brief discussion on the cycles, Manvantara and Charturyuga, at: Vishnu Avatars in the Four Ages
Post 1: Wed, Feb 16 2011 04:59pm MHT 1
The Confluence Aged cycle of time, is a spiritual cycle for 5000 years. It begins with the Golden Age (Satyug or Satyuga). Then comes the Silver Age (Tetrayug or Tretayuga). At the end of the Silver Age, when the first sinful act is performed, the world transforms into an ordinary world. This brings an end to the divine world on earth and the Copper Age (Dwapuryug or Dwapuryuga) begins. There is a Confluence between the Silver Age and the Copper Age when the corporeal world transforms from the perfect state to the imperfect state. After the Copper Age comes the Iron Age (Kaliyug or Kaliyuga). Then comes the Confluence Age (Sangamyug or Sangamyuga) through which the divine world is re-created and the Golden Age begins again. The Confluence Age (Sangamyug) overlaps the end part of Kaliyug and the beginning of Satyug. Human souls transform into divine souls in Sangamyug. Through this, the whole world transforms into the divine state; and perfect divine human beings will live in the Golden and Silver Ages. Then, at the end of the Silver Age, when the first sinful act is performed, the divine souls transform into the ordinary state again. Thus, the whole world, including the corporeal bodies, change into the imperfect state. So, ordinary, imperfect human beings live in the Copper Age and the Iron Age.
The present article will compare and place the spiritual cycle of 5000 years into the Cosmological Cycle. The Cosmological Cycle can be seen in a linear manner though it can also be seen in a cyclic manner. I will explain why I say this, after my discussions in later posts. The spiritual cycle of 5000 years keeps repeating every 5000 year. This spiritual cycle is discussed further in later posts.
I shall also be comparing the spiritual cycle with other cycles etc, which relates to measurements of time in other religions, so as to give clarification on what the ancient people had developed. What the ancient people had done needs clarification now and so this post will attempt to give the clarifications too.
The ancient people, who had walked out of the divine world, had used many representations to represent the cycle of time. Through using various cycles so as to represent the cycle of time, they related what happens at the end of the cycle of time, in a very creative way. Thus, cyclic patterns in the day (e.g the rising sun, the dawn, the dusk), the lunar month and other astronomical cycles, the year and other periods of time were used to represent the cycle of time in the myths, scripture stories etc.
The ancient Hindus were trying to use the sciences in the development of their religion. This influenced them to use the cosmological cycle to represent the cycle of time.
It was also because the Deity Religion (Hinduism) is “Adi Sanatan”or 'eternal' that the ancient Hindus began to give emphasis to the cosmological cycle as their cycle of time. The use of this cosmological cycle represents their religion as being eternal.
If one uses the cosmological cycle, one's religion begins before and ends after all other religions which use shorter cycles. It is as if there is no end to the cosmological cycle because of it's long duration. Through the use of the cosmological cycle, it is as if the Hindu religion is as good as eternal because the time for the end of the cosmological cycle is beyond the date of the end of the spiritual cycle of time (5000 year cycle) and the spiritual knowledge gets understood by the end of the 5000 year cycle.
In this topic I will be discussing the the cosmological cycle and the various ways which the ancient people have used to represent the cycle of time. I will also be comparing the various cycles, used by the ancient people, to the spiritual cycle of time which has a period of 5000 years.
Post 2: Fri, Feb 18 2011 08:31pm MHT 2
Part 2 - Various Calenders and Cycles
Ancient religions and cultures have time frame calendars or cycles which are similar to the BK cycle of 5,000 years. For example, the Mayan Long Count calender is based on a cycle for about 5000 years, which repeats in a linear manner. In the Mayan calendar, the present cycle began around 3114 BC and it ends around 2012 AD. Thus, the cycle is for about 5126 years. When one rounds this off to the nearest thousand, one gets the figure of 5000 years. This is similar to how the BK cycle of time also keeps repeating continuously. I will be discussing the Mayan calenders after comparing the Hindu cycle of time to the cosmological cycle of time.
The Mayans weren't the first people to use a calendar. There were similar ancient calendars in use, worldwide.
It is said that the Chinese calendar is about 4,500 years old. It is said that the Chinese calendar was devised in 2357 B.C. by a legendary emperor. It is also said that the first year on the Chinese calendar was in 2,698 B.C. This first year in the Chinese calender is supposed to be the first year of the reign of China’s first legendary Emperor. It has to be noted that even the Brahma Kumaris' knowledge states that the new calender for the new cycle will begin with the birth of the first Emperor for the new divine world.
The first day of the Jewish calendar was when Adam got created. According to BK knowledge, Adam got created during the Confluence Age, at the end of the cycle. Then, the soul (as Adam) takes his first birth in the new divine world. The Jewish calendar is supposed to have begun around 3700 BC. According to the Jewish calender, it is now supposed to be more than 5,700 years since the creation of the world.
If one combines the Jewish calender's 'creation date' to the Christians' prophesies for the end of the world (which is supposed to be around 2000 years after Christ), one will still come to a figure that is around '5000 years'. I combined the Jewish 'creation date' to the Christians' “end of the world” because both religions are from the line of Abraham.
Later, I will be discussing the Jewish, Chinese and other calendars, and cycles, during the comparison to the 5000 year spiritual cycle of time.
Later, I will also be comparing how there are only written records for only about the past 2500 years and I will be comparing this to the BK cycle of time.
According to the Hindu cycle of time, Kali Yuga began just over 5000 years ago. Kaliyug brought in the present Age, which we are in, and it is supposed to have begun around 3102 BC. Kaliyuga is said to have begun 36 years after the Mahabharat War. The Mahabharat War is said to have taken place around 3138 BC. However, based on the astrological information provided by Veda Vyaasa (through the position of the stars etc), the Mahabharata War has been estimated to have started on 3067 B.C.
If one looks at all that which is in the Hindu scriptures etc, one would form the opinion that the ancient people may have tried to purposely confuse everyone. Some of those ancient people did want to confuse people up because this confusion would make people even more tamopradhan and it would start fights and wars. This tamopradhan state will then indicate that the beginning of the next cycle is very near.
The Mahabharat War actually represents what happens at the end of the cycle. It represents what happens at the end of Kaliyug. So if the Kaliyug of the Hindu cosmological cycle starts after the Mahabharat War, then the beginning of Kaliyug in the Hindu cosmological cycle actually represents the beginning of the new spiritual cycle.
The ancient Hindus had created a cycle of time based on the cosmological cycle of time. They have very cleverly co-incided the beginning of the present cycle into the beginning of the the Kaliyuga phase of the cosmological cycle. One should try to understand why they had done that.
Every kind of cycle, that exists in the corporeal world, goes through the 4 similar phases where it is first in the satopradhan state, then it goes into the sato state, then into the Rajo state and then finally into the Tamopradhan state. Even the 5000 year spiritual cycle has these 4 stages and they are referred to as the Golden Age (Satyug), Silver Age (Tetrayug / Tretayug), Copper Age (Dwapur Yug) and the Iron Age (Kaliyug). Similarly, even the cosmological cycle should have these 4 phases.
If the ancient Hindus have placed the present cycle of time to begin at the same time as the Kaliyug phase of the cosmological cycle, they must have been trying to say something relating to the bad cosmological phase which we are all currently in.
Post 3: Fri, Feb 18 2011 11:57pm MHT 3
Part 3 - The BK Cycle of time
From the BK web page:
In this lesson, we learn about the beginning, the middle and the end of one complete ‘time cycle’ of this world. More than anything else,we will understand the great significance of the period we are undergoing at present.
The world has been in existence since eternity and it will continue to be eternal. The world was neither created anytime before nor will it get destroyed later, because matter can neither be created nor destroyed, it only undergoes transformation from one form to another. Similarly this world also undergoes changes in its characteristics, but as such the world was not created out of nothing nor will there be a total annihilation.
The cycle of time is best understood with the help of the picture of the world drama wheel. It illustrates the “flow” of time. In the middle of it is the Fylfot ( Swastika ) which divides the Time into four equal parts. The Swastika is considered to be very auspicious.
In the first part of this Wheel of Time, marked by Swastika is shown Golden Age. Here the arm of the Swastika is pointing towards right because the right arm symbolizes what is good or what brings about goodness. In these early times, when the cycle started, people of the diety religion (Sanatan Dharma) were possessed of divine qualities and nature and they enjoyed complete purity, 100% peace and complete prosperity.
Then came the Silver Age. In this era too, people were possessed of purity, peace and prosperity to a very high degree. But the degree of their divine qualities had decreased a little. They were two degrees less divine than the people of the Golden Age who were divine to the extent of 16 degrees. Therefore the arm of Swastika that indicates this epoch is bent downwards because souls in this era had come down from the state of super-righteousness to what is just righteous.
Next came Copper Age. After having experienced beatitude and fruition for many a life, turned ti the path of vices or unrighteousness. This is why the arm is reversed because the left hand symbolizes what is impure and auspicious. People then were second-grade by their nature, qualities and actions. Mankind is now divided on various religions; strifes and disputes started to appear and the five vices brought disquiet and sorrow in homes.
Steadily, unrighteous doings, ie the actions done under the sway of one or the other of these five vices, led the world to more and more impurity and sufferings and the world came under the yoke of Iron Age (Kaliyuga). Strifes, wars, bellicosity and the resulting peacelessness increased rapidly in frequency and intensity in this era. Therefore the fourth of Swastika is shown raising itself up to indicate the rise in conflicts, clashes and calamities. Then, a stage comes when ignorance, lassitude, stupor, moral turpitude and sin become dominant. People become devilish by nature and religion becomes utterly degenerate.
The Significance of the present period
At present, we are undergoing through a critical phase in the history of mankind. This is the period of the confluence of the ending phase of the Iron Age and the starting phase of the Golden Age. This is the most important of all epochs, called the Confluence Age, when God, the Highest Being, descends in this world to meet the human beings, His beloved children and gives the most precious boons of Redemption and Beatitude.
Through the Godly Knowledge and the easy Raj Yoga, God creates the Golden Age or new viceless order. The act of ‘creation’ does not mean constructing something out of nothing but it means the moral reconstruction of mankind or the re-establishment of the ancient most Deity Religion. The reader would be pleased to know or, perhaps, surprised to know that God Shiva, the Supreme Father of all, is indeed doing this great task of resurrection of mankind at present. The world will soon be free of all miseries and the paradise, which is full of peace and happiness, will be established again.
The Nature of the World Drama Cycle
The cycle of five epochs, comprising Golden-Age, Silver Age, Copper-Age and Iron Age and the confluence Age repeats exactly everytime after it has turned full wheel. During every cycle, the souls who are the actors on this world-drama stage will be the same. Each soul will act the same part in every cycle since, in the soul itself is in delibly ingrained the part it has played life after life in the previous cycle or that it has to repeat cycle after cycle. Just as in a tape record or a gramophone record, a whole song or drama is recorded and it repeats every time the record is played, even so, a soul’s role in this world drama is recorded in the soul itself which is only self-luminous, conscient point. The soul replays the part once every 5000 years because each one of the four eras of the world-drama being equal to 1250 years, the duration of one World Cycle is 5000 years.
Post 4: Sat, Feb 19 2011 12:05am MHT
Below are some video clips on the Brahma Kumaris' cycle of time:
1. Cycle of Time
The following must be seen in the order as provided below. Each video clip is a continuation of the next:
1. The Cycle Of Time - Part 1 of 3 - Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Meditation - Experience Peace - Om shanti
2. The Cycle Of Time - Part 2 of 3 - Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Meditation - Experience Peace - Om shanti
3. The Cycle Of Time - Part 3 of 3 - Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Meditation - Experience Peace - Om shanti
One can also listen to the same videos (and come across other videos), on the BK cycle, through the following links :
Below are some video clips on the Brahma Kumaris' cycle of time:
1. Cycle of Time
The following must be seen in the order as provided below. Each video clip is a continuation of the next:
1. The Cycle Of Time - Part 1 of 3 - Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Meditation - Experience Peace - Om shanti
2. The Cycle Of Time - Part 2 of 3 - Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Meditation - Experience Peace - Om shanti
3. The Cycle Of Time - Part 3 of 3 - Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Meditation - Experience Peace - Om shanti
One can also listen to the same videos (and come across other videos), on the BK cycle, through the following links :
Post 5: Mon, Feb 21 2011 03:42pm MHT 4
Title : Part 4 - The Hindu Cosmological Cycle Compared to Modern Day Cosmological Research (1)
Contents: Before my further discussion on the BK cycle of 5000 years, which I refer to as the Spiritual Cycle of Time, I am going to make a comparison between the Hindu Cycle and what modern scientists say relating to astronomy / cosmology.
The ancient Hindus had created spiritual theories based on the sciences and theories which might be 'possibilities' of how it might be. This is why the ancient Hindus had come up with a cycle of time based on cosmology. They also say that though there is a beginning and an end for this cycle, the cycle will continue to move in a cyclic manner. It does not start or stop in a linear manner.
The Hindu cycle of time is divided and sub-divided into numerous cycles and eras. You can read something about these at
In Hindu mythology, Manu is the first man who rules after the Great Flood. In the BK spiritual cycle of 5000 years, Manu represents the creation of the first divine Man, during the Confluence Age, at the end of the cycle. It can also be said that Manu represents all those souls who are transforming into the divine state so that the new generation of Mankind for the new cycle gets created through this transformation process. One should compare this to how in the Hindu Cosmological Cycle, there are 14 Manus in each day of Brahma. The BK spiritual cycle of 5000 years involves just one Manu for the new age. However, the Hindu cosmological cycle has 14 Manus. This would mean that the Hindu cosmological cycle includes more than one 5000 year spiritual cycle of time. I shall deal with this later. You can read something about Manus at the following site:
For the time being, I am just going to concentrate on the Hindu day and night of Brahma which is 8.64 billion years long as a total. This figure is very close to the 'age of the universe' which the present day scientists are giving as being about 10-15 billion years. 8.64 billion is very close to 10 billion.
The day of Brahma last for 4.32 billion years and the night of Brahma lasts for 4.32 billion years. When you add these 2 figures, you get 8.64 billion years for 1 day and 1 night of Brahma. This total of 8.64 billion years, for the Hindu cycle, represents the life-span of one cycle of the universe, from it's creation to it's destruction.
Present day science states that, “Calculation shows that the big bang occurred as long as 10-15 billion years ago, which is about three times the age of the Earth.” (From website :
Note that the present day scientist are not really very sure as to when the Big Bang actually began. However, present day science gives an estimate that the Big Bang took place at a time which is about 3 times the age of earth. According to this theory, the Big Bang came first and then, after a long time, the earth got created to what it is now. This would mean that there was no life on earth until a much later date. The Night of Brahma fits well with this scientific theory because there is no human beings living during the night of Brahma. Human beings only exist during the Day of Brahma through the Manus (who are the 14 generations of the first man).
From website: “Modern geologists and geophysicists accept that the age of the Earth is around 4.54 billion years. … The Sun, in comparison, is about 4.57 billion years old, about 30 million years older.”.
These 'ages' of the earth and sun seems to fit well with the Hindu Day of Brahma which is 4.32 billion years long. 4.54 billion years (the present day estimate for the age of the earth) is not very far from the Hindu 4.32 billion years for 1 day of Brahma (when life existed on earth).
It has to be noted that even though modern day scientist say that the Bang Bang took place 3 times the age of the earth, the ancient people are trying to say that the Big Bang took place about 2 times the age of the earth. The ancient people have divided this time up into the day and the night of Brahma.
It has to be noted the age of the sun, earth and universe are just estimates. But the Hindu scriptures has given a neat round figure of 4.32 billion years for the day and another 4.32 billion years for the night. The Day of Brahma was the time when life began to exist on earth (after it's creation).
Since the figures quoted for the Age of the earth and universe are only estimates and since modern scientists have also estimated that there is a possibility that the age of the universe may be around 10 billion years, it is possible to connect the modern cosmological cycle to the Day and Night of Brahma. The 10 billion years, given by modern scientists, is only around 2 times the age of the earth. This would be similar to the estimates given by the ancient people for the age of the universe. So, it can be said that just as the ancient people have estimated the age of the universe to be around 2 times the age of the earth; from the figures given by modern day scientists, it can also be said that the age of the universe is around 2 times the age of the earth. So, one can say that even in the modern cosmological theories, there is a day of Brahma and a night of Brahma.
Post 6: Mon, Feb 21 2011 11:06pm MHT 5
Title: Part 5 - The Hindu Cosmological Cycle Compared to Modern Day Cosmological Research (2)
Contents: Let us look at the possibilities given by modern scientist relating to the end of the universe.
Based on the views of modern day scientists, it can be said that there is a possibility that there may not be an end to the universe through the Big Crunch theory. The Big Freeze is an alternative that is being put forward.
You can read something about the Big Crunch at the following sites:
Modern scientists say that there is a possibility that the 'Big Freeze' can happen at the last phase of the expansion of the universe. In the web page, it has been stated as follows, “The Hubble Constant measures the current state of expansion in the universe, and the strength of the gravitational force depends on the density and pressure of the matter and in the universe, or in other words, the critical density of the universe. If the density of the universe is greater than the critical density, then the strength of the gravitational force will stop the universe from expanding and the universe will collapse back on itself. Conversely, if the density of the universe is less than the critical density, the universe will continue to expand and the gravitational pull will not be enough to stop the universe from expanding. This scenario would result in the 'Big Freeze', where the universe cools as it expands and reaches a state of entropy. Some theorize that the universe could collapse to the state where it began and then initiate another Big Bang, so in this way the universe would last forever, but would pass through phases of expansion (Big Bang) and contraction (Big Crunch)”. This theory that the universe would last forever, through the Big Bang and Big Crunch continuously occurring in an alternative manner, is similar to what the Hindu cosmological cycle is all about.
According to modern research, the universe has been expanding since the Big Bang and it is still expanding. The generally accepted view is that after the expansion stops, the universe might experience a Big Crunch where the universe will start falling back in upon itself. I would say that the night of Brahma might include from the time in the Big Crunch when life will not be able to exist anymore until the time when life begins to exist again on earth, after earth gets re-created (which would be after the next Big Bang). In this respect, the Hindu cycle flows along well with the cosmological cycle.
But there can be other cycles and the spiritual cycle of 5000 years is one of this. The fact that alternative theories have developed as 'possibilities' for the end of the universe only shows that there can be more possibilities which may be related to the 5000 years spiritual cycle of time.
The Hindu scriptures state that there is the day and night of Brahma. According to Hindu scriptures, nothing exists during the night of Brahma. This flows along well with the present day science that life did not exist once because the earth did not exist, for awhile, after the Big Bang. According to modern scientists, life could not have existed on earth at the beginning of it's creation because it would not have been a suitable place for the existence of life. But how can there be no life for so long and then, suddenly, life appears on earth? It would be very difficult to explain how life can get created from nothing, at the beginning of each Day of Brahma. This is where the Hindu scriptures bring in the concept of Brahman as a means of continuation of life. According to this theory, Brahman always exists. So, at the beginning of the Day of Brahma, life is created through this Brahman.
The Hindu concept of Brahman is something that has to be understood. I have discussed Brahman in the series of articles titled, “Quantum Mechanics, Hinduism & Brahma Kumaris”. Later, I will discuss the Hindu creation stories which relates how Brahman re-creates life at the beginning of each Day of Brahma.
Where the BK spiritual cycle of 5000 years is concerned, it is the Brahman of the Confluence Age which makes sure that life continues on earth through the creation of the new divine generation for the new cycle. So, though modern scientists give possibilities of how the universe might be getting destroyed and re-created based on their scientific calculations, there is also the magical possibility that the cosmology of the universe can get changed through what happens through Brahman, at the end of the 5000 year spiritual cycle of time.
Since the divine collective consciousness of God and human souls can be so powerful as to transform the ordinary into the divine, other possibilities are also possible. This has been reflected through the myths, scripture stories and religious theories which the ancient people have also created. One has to view the Hindu cosmological cycle along with all the other myths, scripture stories and religious theories. This is why the ancient Hindus had associated the Hindu cycle to scripture stories. This is also why in the religious teaching of those in the line of Abraham, God is portrayed to have created the new universe for the new creation. The Bible says that God created the universe in just six days (Genesis 1; Exodus 20:11). But this is also a story which relates to the creation of the divine world at the end of the 5000 years spiritual cycle of time; though the Christians believe in linear time and not in cyclic time.
At the end of the spiritual cycle of 5000 years, the new universe is not created in 6 days as is stated in the Bible. The 6 days is just a way of showing that the new divine creation took place quickly (at the beginning of the new cycle) and not slowly through evolution (as modern day science indicates).
I will be discussing the magical possibilities for transformation of the universe, which will bring the ordinary universe to an end, after the comparison between the Hindu cycle to the cosmological cycle.
One has to note that psychic powers can be used to do magical things. However, there is nothing great about doing things through the development of psychic powers.
Psychic power cannot create a divine world. It is through the development of divine power, that a divine world can be created. This will truly be a great magical act because it involves transforming an ordinary world into a divine world. To transform oneself into a divine being, one has to use God. Human souls, collectively cannot transform the world into a divine world unless God was getting it transformed. It is God who creates the new divine world for the new cycle. So God was portrayed to have created the new universe for the new divine world (of Adam) in just 6 days.
Post 7: Tue, Feb 22 2011 12:30am MHT 6
Title : Part 6 - Various estimates of the age of the Earth and the rest of the universe
Contents : In the following site at “Religious Tolerance.Org” by Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance (Author: B.A. Robinson), different views about the age of the earth and the rest of the universe has been given. The age starts from infinity to billions of years to a period of about 5000 years at the bottom. Those figures that are close to the 5000 year figure are based on the magical aspect of how the earth / universe can just transform through the concept of 'Brahman' at the end of each cycle of time. See the figures for yourself as given at :
“Various estimates of the age of the Earth and the rest of the universe
Infinity: Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, believed that the Earth has always existed.
Under 23 billion years: Chinese scientists once believed that the earth is repeatedly created, exists and is destroyed over a 23 billion year cycle. So, the current age of the Earth is some fraction of 23 billion years.
1.9 billion years: Hindu scriptures suggest a cyclical universe in which a "big bang" is eventually followed by a "big crunch" some 4.32 billion years later. In this system, we are 1.97 billion years from our universe's big bang and have some 2.35 billion years to go before our Kalpa (eternal day) ends in a big crunch.
4.5 billion years:
- Most estimates of the Earth's age, based on actual measurements and calculations, are clustered around 4.5 billion years. Scientists further believe that the earth's crust solidified about 3.9 billion years ago. Part of the universe itself are much older, dating back to the big bang, some 15 billion years ago. Such estimates are accepted by essentially all geologists, biologists and other earth and life scientists.
- "Old-Earth creationists" are typically Christians who harmonize the multi-billion year age of the earth computed by scientists, with the seven-day account specified in one of the Bible's creation stories. Most do this by noting that the Hebrew word "yom" (day) can represent a 12 hour interval, a 24 hour interval, or a long age. They interpret "yom" near the start of Genesis to mean a very long time interval of many hundreds of millions of years. Most accept the 4.5 billion year estimate of the Earth's age which is currently advocated by most scientists. Others believe that there was a long period of many billions of years between the first 24 hour day of creation and the second.
Over 3 billion years : Author Herman Cummings estimates the age of the earth at over 3 billion years. He believes that "there is no biblical data written that we can use to determine Earth's age." He bases this age on the findings of geologists. He computes that the rest of the universe was created some three days earlier.
20 to 400 million years : William Thompson of Glasgow, Scotland, published this estimate in 1862. He assumed that the earth had cooled from a molten state to its present temperature. This was, of course, long before scientists knew of the existence of radioactivity. His calculations were in serious error as a result.
90 million: In 1889, John Joly of the University of Dublin estimated this value, based on the time taken for the concentration of salt in the ocean to have built up to its present time.
75,000 years : Mikhail Lomonosov, the founder of Russian science, in the mid-18th century, computed the age of the Earth at about 75,000 years. He based this on the rate of cooling of a small globe that resembled the earth in its composition. His estimate was massively in error, for the same reason as was Thompson's.
Up to 58000 BCE : Dr. Hugh Ross and Kathy Ross of Reasons to Believe are old-earth creationists. They estimate that Adam and Eve were created from six to sixty thousand years ago. They also estimate the date of creation of the universe on the order of ten billion years ago.
11013 BCE : Harold Camping of Family Radio computed that God created humanity during this year. The remaining five days of creation would have probably occurred during the same year. This number conflicts by over 2,000 years with the estimates of almost all young-earth creation scientists; they believe the world is less than 10,000 years old. He also believes that the great flood happened on 4990-4989 BCE, and that the Exodus happened on 1447 BCE. His other main prediction, that the end of the world would happen in 1994 CE, did not materialize.
8000 BCE : As noted above, most creation scientists believe that the earth is less than 10,000 years old. This would put the earliest possible date of creation at about 8000 BCE.
6984 BCE : Estimated by Alfonso X in Spain during the 1200s.
6984 BCE : A second estimate by Alfonso X.
6204 BCE : An estimate from India according to Gentil, a 18th century French astronomer.
6174 BCE : A second estimate from India, based on Arab records.
6158 BCE : A Babylonian date, according to John Silvain, an 18th century French astronomer.
6157 BCE : A Chinese date reported by Bailly.
6138 BCE : A date computed by diogenes Laertius, a 3rd century CE Greek philosopher.
6081 BCE : An Egyptian date reported by Bailly.
6000 BCE : Early church commentators (Clement of Alexander, Origen, Eusebius, Lactantius, Theophilus, etc.) believed that since Adam was created on the 6th day after creation, that Jesus would come into the world in its 6,000th year.
5586 BCE : This date appeared in the Septuagint (LXX), a Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) produced in Egypt in the 3rd century BCE.
5555 BCE : A data produced by Josephus, a Jew from the 1st century CE.
5508 BCE : The year of creation adopted in the 7th century CE in "Constantinople and used by the Eastern Orthodox church until the 18th century CE."
5507 BCE : A Persian date reported by Bailly.
5500 BCE : An Abyssinian date from the Chronicle of Axum. Reported by Bruce in the 1700s.
5493 BCE : This is the date used by the Ethiopian Church.
5490 BCE : The date of the year of creation used by the Syrian Christians.
5481 BCE : A second date estimated by Josephus in the 1st century CE.
5369 BCE : An Indian date reported by Megasthenes, a Greek historian (circa 340 to 282 BCE).
5311 BCE : Dr. William Hales (1778 - 1821), author of "New System of Chronology" based his estimates on Egyptian records. He said that the flood of Noah occurred in 3155 BCE.
5200 BCE : This approximate date was used by the Anglo-Saxons and the early Britons.
5199 BCE : This date was mentioned in the Roman Martyrology, which was published by the authority of Pope Gregory XIII in 1580. It was later confirmed in 1640 CE under Pope Urban VIII
4713-JAN-1 BCE : A French classical scholar, Joseph Scaliger (1540 - 1609), estimated this date in his book De emendatione temporum [on the correction of chronology] He based it on the convergence of the 28 year Solar Cycle, the 19 year Metonic Cycle and the 15 year Roman Indiction cycle -- three ancient methods of measuring time.
4456 BCE : Still another estimate is based upon both the Biblical account and modern archaeology. This uses the date of 2800 BCE for a massive flood which covered the plain between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. All of the towns in the area were buried under thick layers of mud. If we assume that this is the Noachian flood which is recorded in the Bible as occurring when Noah was 600 years old, then the earlier date can be calculated.
4305 BCE : Dean Coombs estimates on his "Bible Numbers : The Pattern of Prophecy" web site that the date of creation must be on or after the autumn of 4305 BCE.
4245 BCE : This is an additional creation date listed by Dean Coombs.
4175 BCE : Bert Thompson estimates the date of creation at approximately 4175 BCE. He worked backwards from 853 to 852 BCE, the date of the death of Ahab, obtained by "Combining information from the Assyrian Eponym Lists and the Black Obelisk...." He computes the date of the great flood at about 2519 BCE.
4122 BCE : The Baha'i Faith dates Adam and the Garden of Eden to 4122 BCE.
4115 BCE : This is an additional creation date listed by Dean Coombs.
4090 BCE : This is an additional creation date listed by Dean Coombs.
4046 BCE : The Reformation Online web site is dedicated to attacking the Roman Catholic church. They calculate 4046 BCE as the year of creation, based on the ages of the patriarchs at their death.
4030 BCE : This is an additional creation date listed by Dean Coombs.
4026 BCE : The Jehovah's Witnesses estimates that Adam was created at this time
4004 BCE : Dr. John Lightfoot a 17th century Anglican clergyman estimated :creation at 4004-OCT-23 BCE, at 9 AM. Bishop James Ussher in the 17th century estimated 4004 BCE a decade later than Lightfoot, and got all the credit.
4002 BCE : Augustin Calmet (1672-1757) corrected some of the errors in Ussher. He computed 2344 BCE as the year of the flood of Noah.
3993 BCE : Estimated by the astronomer Kepler, (1571 – 1630).
3984 BCE : Estimated by Petavius, a Frenchman, (1583 – 1652).
3963 BCE : Melanchthon computed this date at the time of the Reformation.
3961 BCE : Estimated by the theologian Martin Luther in the 16th century.
3960 BCE : This is an additional creation date listed by Dean Coombs.
3952 BCE : Venerable Bede (circa 672 to 735), an English monk.
3950 BCE : Julius Caesar Scalinger (1484 - 1558, a humanist scholar from Verona, Italy.
3900 BCE : Dean Coombs estimates that the date of creation must be on or before this date.
3761 BCE : Ancient Jewish scholars placed creation at this date; this became the basis of the Jewish Calendar.
3641-FEB-10 :This is the date of creation used by the Mayans.
3616 BCE : Estimated by the Jewish Rabbi Lipman (1579 - 1654).”
Post 8: Fri, Sep 16 2011 12:37am MHT 7
More on the spiritual cycle of 5000 years has also been explained and discussed at:
Part 6: Quantum Mechanics, Hinduism & Brahma Kumaris (Bliss, 5000 Year Cycle of Time, World Transformation).
Links to Video:
Part 7: Quantum Mechanics, Hinduism & Brahma Kumaris (Satopradhan, Golden Age, Rajo, Tamopradhan, Kaliyug, Quantum Leap).
Links to Video:
Post 9: Wed, Oct 5 2011 11:55pm MHT 8
More on the cycle can also be found at:
1. Part 18 - Quantum Mechanics, Hinduism & Brahma Kumaris - The Soul's spiritual strength, God & Brahman
2. Part 19 - Quantum Mechanics, Hinduism & Brahma Kumaris - God comes into the corporeal world at the end of the cycle
3. Part 1 - 2012 Protection (During Destruction) and the Gathering for World Transformation - Pandavas, Draupadi, World Tree.
4. Part 2 - 2012 Protection (During Destruction) and the Gathering for World Transformation - Pandavas, Pagan, Deity Religion (1)
5. Part 6 - 2012 Protection (During Destruction) and the Gathering for World Transformation - World Tree, Falling Angels
6. Part 7 - 2012 Protection (During Destruction) and the Gathering for World Transformation - Swastika, Gathering
7. Part 26 - 2012 Protection (During Destruction) and the Gathering for World Transformation - God, Vyasa & Aryans (2)
8. Part 1 - Aliens, UFOs and Parallel Universes - The Aliens are deity souls
Post 10: (posted on Dec 28, 2011)
I have begun using the term "Silver/Copper Aged" because I am trying to simplify my explanations with symbolic words.
When I refer to the something as being 'Silver/Copper Aged', I am referring to something that belongs to the Confluence between the Silver and Copper Ages. For example, the 'Silver/Copper Aged people' refers to the people in the Confluence between the Silver and Copper Ages.These people are not in the Silver Age. Neither are they in the Copper Age, though in the spiritual sense, they are in the Copper Age. For more on this please read:
Rama, Sita, Sacrificial Fire (Rudra Gyan Yagya) & Agni (Fire)
Post 11 (posted on 17-6-12):
The Egyptian Solar Boat carries the sun and gods across the sky and through the underworld. The sun represents God’s role for the deity souls in the corporeal world. The Solar Boat is also called “the boat of a million years”. The Egyptians saw “million” as being equivalent to the concept of “eternity” or “infinity”. It represented that the cycle of time will keep repeating eternally. The cyclic manner of time was represented through the day boat’s journey through the sky and then the night boat’s journey in the underworld. The journey in the boats will continue eternally. Even the Hindu cycle of time was portrayed to last for 8.64 billion years because the Hindu cycle represented the eternal nature of time as it repeats in a cyclic manner. The day of Brahma (which is similar to the Egyptian day boat’s journey in the heaven or sky) is for 4.32 billion years. The night of Brahma (which is similar to the Egyptian night boat’s journey in the underworld) is for 4.32 billion years.
Post 12: (Posted on 8-10-2013)
There is a brief discussion on the cycles, Manvantara and Charturyuga, at:
Vishnu Avatars in the Four Ages or
Vishnu Avatars in the Four Ages
Click here for the List of Books. These books were written by Brahma Kumari Pari.
Click here for the List of Articles. These articles were also written by BK Pari and they can be read for free.
BK Pari's articles can be found at or at
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