Brief History until Rajputs - Part 2
NB: This article can be found after the following introductory passages.
Before you read this article, please note that, from 1996, I (Pari, the author of this article) had begun to see numerous visions. I was trying to understand what was happening to me. As I was trying to understand this, I began writing all the articles which can be found in this website. Each article is a continuation of the earlier one. So what I had explained in earlier articles were not explained in subsequent articles. This had also allowed me to keep developing what I have to explain. After I had written numerous articles, people were asking me as to which articles they had to read in order to understand something or the other. Thus, in 2015, I began to write books. All the knowledge which a person needs, so as to understand the contents of a book, are given in the book. Thus, a person could understand the contents of a book without having to revert to other articles or books. However, a better understanding could be had through reading the other books. I had also begun writing my first book “Holographic Universe : An Introduction” because I began to have a good understanding on the structure of the Holographic Universe through experiences, guidance from God, research, etc.
It should be remembered that my articles were written while I was trying to understand what was happening to me. So, the emphasis in the articles may have been on my own roles (due to the afterlife of my past births). In my books, I concentrate on just explaining knowledge and not really on giving an explanation on my own role.
It should be noted that since there are so many articles, I find it very difficult to update the articles. So there may be information in them which has not been updated. I try my best to keep my eBooks updated.
Anyway, to have a better understand of what has been said in this article, read all my earlier articles. Begin by reading the first article which is numbered as No.1 at my List of Articles. Then, re-read this article to have a better understanding. It should be noted that all my articles were written based on time being cyclic. Click here to understand the basics of the Cycle of Time.
(posted on 10-10-2013)
Written by Brahma Kumari Pari, LL.B (Hons)(Lon), LL.M, PhD.
NB: there is a brief explanation on the cycle, at the end of this article, for those who are not familiar with the Cycle of Time. For convenience, I am referring to those who walked out of the divine world, at the end of the Silver Age, as the Anunnaki since they have been referred to as the Anunnaki in the Sumerian myths. The Sumerian mythological names/roles like Enlil, Enki, Ningishzidda, Marduk, Anunna etc were only some of the roles which they were using.These people/souls had used many roles during the Mid-Confluence (Confluence between the Silver and Copper Ages). Their actual names were considered as being insignificant. I have begun an explanation on this at: Egyptian Ren & Mythical Names – Part 1 (Name of the Soul) and at Egyptian Ren & Mythical Names : Part 2 – Ancient Naming System.
In "Links to Other sites & Introduction", I have begun an introduction as to which souls were playing the roles of the Anunnaki, Anunna rulers, Enlil, Marduk, Aryans, Anaryans, mapmakers etc.
Title: Brief history from the Mid-Confluence until the removal of Buddhism by the Agnivanshi Rajput clans (the descendants of the gods/Aryans) : Part 2 (Vasistha/ Vasettha, Kaundinya/ Kondanna and Siddhartha Gautama)
(Includes a discussion on Kasyapa / Kassapa and on the creation of new worlds)
This has to be read after reading “Brief history from the Mid-Confluence until the removal of Buddhism by the Agnivanshi Rajput clans (the descendants of the gods/Aryans) - Part 1” (
In the Hindu scriptures, Sage Vasistha was portrayed as one of the Saptarishis (Seven Great Sages) of the first and seventh Manvantara. Sage Vasistha was Rama's guru since he was the Royal Priest (Rajpurohit) of the Ikshvaku Dynasty. Since King Ikshvaku was the king of Ayodhya, Sage Vashistha had an Ashram in Ayodhya, in a 40 acre land. According to the Hindu scriptures, Sage Vasistha was reborn as the son of the Vedic devas Mitra and Varuna.
What had happened, in the Mid-Confluence (Confluence between the Silver and Copper Ages) was related in the myths ‘as a story, which had symbolic representations’. Thus, a lot of what has been said about Vasistha are also representations of what had happened in the Mid-Confluence. Vasistha was a role, which was used during the Mid-Confluence, just as people now use the role of the president etc to get something done. When a new person takes over the role of the president, the person continues the work that was being done by the earlier president. Similarly, the ones who used the role of Vasistha continued what was being done by the earlier ones. Thus, it was as if the role was being continued even when the Agnivanshi Rajputs began playing their role, on the world stage. Sometimes, when a role was being used on earth, for the first time or by another person, it was portrayed (in the myths) as taking a new birth. Thus, even Vasistha was portrayed as taking a new birth as the sons of Mitra and Varuna.
It was the rulers of the 4 kingdoms (Bharath, Lemuria, Mu and Atlantis) who were playing the role of the gods and the sages. Thus, it was the rulers of the 4 Kingdoms who were playing the role of Vasistha. However, during the end phase of the Mid-Confluence, it was the ruler of Atlantis was often using the role of Sage Vasishta. The rulers of the 4 kingdoms had also used others to play the roles of the sages, etc. Thus, often, others were also using the role of Vasistha. Thus, the sages were portrayed as the children or creation of the gods. The Anunnaki (Sumerian gods who actually represented the gods who had walked out of the Silver Age) were also, often, portrayed as the sages on earth. The Anunna rulers/gods (parents of the Anunnaki in the Sumerian myths) were often portrayed as the gods, and sages, who were living in the heavens and not on earth. They were portrayed in this way because:
1. they continued to live in the civilizations that were originally from the heavenly Silver Aged world (from Tetrayuga). After walking out of the divine world, they were in Northern India most of the time; since the world headquarters was around Delhi, at that time.
2. they were involved with traveling into the Quantum Dimensions and outer space. This is a reason why the sciences of the Vimanas etc were given in the Hindu texts (since the Anunna rulers had continued to live in North India).
In the Hindu myths, Vasistha was also a Prajapati (Ruler of the People or Lord of the Subjects) who was created by Brahma. Vasistha was one of the facilitators for Creation. This meant that the one who was playing the role of Vasistha was involved with assisting to bring in the new world. The Anunna rulers began getting involved with creating a new world since the Silver Aged world was getting destroyed by earthquakes. They used the Anunnaki for creating a new world. It can be said that the Anunna rulers represented Brahma; and that the Anunnaki represented Sage Vasistha and the other Prajapatis (who were created by Brahma).
During the Mid-Confluence, whenever the world was destroyed through destructive events, the Anunnaki were involved with creating a new world. Thus, even after the world was destroyed badly through the nuclear usage (during the Aryan-Anaryan war) the Anunnaki were involved with creating a new world. This new world included the role of the Adi Buddha to establish Buddhism. It also included the creation of the Agnivanshi Rajputs for removing Buddhism from India, after the establishment of Buddhism. However, the Anunnaki rulers had died before this Buddhist world got properly established. Thus, the people who were left behind, to take care of what needs to be done, were continuing as per the Anunnaki plan that had been left behind. Thus, in most myths world-side, the last world ended with the Flood which I have been referring to (in my articles) as the Copper Aged Great Flood. The Anunnaki had lived during all those worlds and had got the worlds re-built (before it was destroyed). But the Anunnaki did not live long after the nuclear usage. Thus, the mortals took over to complete the establishment of the Buddhist world and the removal of Buddhism in India (as per the Anunnaki plan). The democratic aspect of this will be discussed in later articles.
According to a legend, Mount Abu used to be the home of Sage Vasistha. In the later parts of this series of articles, I will be discussing the evidences in Mount Abu which suggests that it was the Anunnaki who were originally doing things there. It was on Mount Abu that Sage Vasistha had performed the sacrificial fire, from which the Rajput Kshatriyas emerged. However, the Anunnaki did not live until the time when the Rajput clans began to bring about the decline of Buddhism in India. The Yagya (sacrificial fire) was continued by others, who were acting as per the plan of the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki had created this plan based on what existed in the World Drama. Thus, the plan had been successfully carried out. As a result, Buddhism was established before it was removed in India. The descendants of Sage Vasistha were also assisting Gautama Buddha to establish his religion, as per the Anunnaki plan.
According to the biographies of Gautama Buddha, after Siddhartha was born, Suddhodana (the father of Siddhartha Gautama) held a naming ceremony. In this naming ceremony, there were eight learned Brahmins who were requested to predict the destiny of Siddhartha. Seven of them had predicted that Siddhartha would either become a Chakravarti (world ruler) or a Buddha. The prediction that Siddhartha would be a Chakravarti was in respect of how the next world was meant to be a ‘Buddhist world’. Yet, as per the World Drama, the world of the Christians would exist by the end of the cycle. This is a reason why there are a lot of similarities between the myths about Buddha and Christ.
During the naming ceremony of Siddhartha, the eighth youngest Brahmin named Kondanna (who was better at making predictions than the others) predicted that the prince would certainly withdraw from the world and become a Buddha. Then, Kondanna vowed that he would leave with Siddhartha so that he would be able to learn from the future Buddha. Later, Kondanna had become the first Buddhist arahant (enlightened person). Kondanna is the Pali name for the Sanskrit name Kaundinya. Kondanna/Kaundinya was also known as Ajnata Kaundinya (in Sanskrit) and as Anna Kondanna (in Pali).
If a person has the name ‘Kaundinya’ then he belongs to the Kaundinya gotra/lineage. This gotra consists of the descendants, and students, of Sage Kaundinya (who is also known as Sage Kundin). Kaundinya was the son of Sage Vasistha. Thus, Vasistha is considered as the Father of Vasistha Gotra and Kaundinya Gotra; and Vasistha was the guru of both (Kaundinya and Vasistha gotras). Since Sage Kaundinya was the son of Sage Vasishtha, those of the Kaundinya gotra are also considered as the descendants of Vasistha.
There are also other versions of how Kaundinya was born because Kaundinya is just a role. For example, there is a myth that Kaundinya was created by Parvati. This myth connects the Mid-Confluence to the end now, when the role of Parvati (God Shiva’s wife) will be involved with the myths about Kaundinya, Buddhism etc. I will be discussing how Parvati is connected to the myths about Kaundinya, Buddhism etc when I discuss the myth about Nakki Lake, which is in Mount Abu, in the later parts of this heading.
Kaundinya is actually a role that was used by many. Just as we have presidents who continue the work of the earlier presidents, even those who played the role of Kaundinya continued what had to be done through the role of Kaundinya. In this way the role of Kaundinya was kept alive until Kaundinya played his role with Gautama Buddha. This is a reason why there is one view that Rishi Kaundinya, the founder of the Kaundinya gotra, was also the one who later became the arahant of Buddha. There are also mythical versions about how Kaundinya became a king, married a princess and founded a dynasty in South East Asian countries. Thus, Kaundinya is said to be the ancestor of the royalty of Cambodia and Thailand. Buddhism is being mainly practiced in these countries because Kaundinya was used to pave the way for Buddhism.
In this article, I am not discussing the myths where Kaundinya was created through others and was playing a role outside India. I am only using the mythical versions where Kaundinya is the son/descendant of Sage Vasistha and which involves Kaundinya’s role in India.
Gautama Buddha belonged to a later generation, after the Anunnaki had all died. Thus, Kaundinya, a descendant of Sage Vasishtha, was playing a significant role with Gautama Buddha. It was those who were flowing along with the plans and prophecies, that had been left behind by the Anunnaki, who were playing a role with Siddhartha Gautama. The 8 rishis, present at the naming ceremony of Siddhartha Gautama, were the representatives of the 8 Anunnaki rulers of the 4 kingdoms. Thus, the 8th youngest Brahmin was portrayed as Kaundinya, a descendant of Vasistha. The ruler of Atlantis, who was finally getting things done in India (on behalf of the 8 rulers) was the youngest of the eight rulers. It was this ruler of Atlantis who was playing the role of the Adi Buddha. It was this ruler of Atlantis and his representatives who were portrayed as Vasistha when he was involved with the Yagya in Mount Abu.
Siddharta Gautama was supposed to be the next king of the Shakya clan, after his father. However, the World Drama had other plans for Siddharta Gautama. The Anunnaki knew of this plan for him, in the World Drama, because the spiritual strength of their souls was still quite high. Through meditation, the Anunnaki would be able to see what is in the future. This was also a reason why the Anunnaki rulers had also been portrayed as sages. Based on what they had seen of the future, the Anunnaki created their own plans. This is a reason why Gautama Buddha was named ‘Siddhartha’ which means “he who achieves his aim”. ‘Siddhattha’ is the Pali name for the Sanskrit name ‘Siddhartha’. Siddhartha Gautama was given this name because he will be achieving the aim for which he was born, i.e. he will be establishing the Buddhist religion.
What has been related about the birth and biography of Gautama Buddha is a myth which is a combination of history and the Buddha role which was destined to be used by Gautama Buddha. This is one reason why the biographies of Gautama Buddha include omens, miracles and supernatural events (some of which are similar to the myths about Jesus Christ). The biographies relate about both (Gautama Buddha and the Buddha role). Present day people usually remove the miracles and supernatural elements in Gautama Buddha’s biographies. Thus, often, we are presented with a biography of Gautama Buddha which makes him look like a normal human being.
According to the myths, Kaundinya began to play a prominent role because he had mastered the Vedas. Later, he was appointed as a royal court scholar of King Suddhodana. When Siddhartha was born, Kaundinya predicted that Siddhartha would become an enlightened Buddha, and vowed to become his disciple. Kaundinya and his four colleagues followed Siddhartha, when Siddhartha began his ascetic life. After enlightenment, Siddhartha gave his first dharma talk to Kaundinya and his group. Kaundinya was the first to understand the teaching of the Buddha. He became the first bhikkhu (Buddhist monk) and arahant (enlightened person in Buddhism). Kaundinya was seen as the foremost of the first five disciples of the Buddha. He had travelled around India so as to spread the Buddhist religion. Kaundinya had done all this because he was making sure that the religion of Gautama Buddha is established. This was happening as per the Anunnaki plan and as per the World Drama.
It has been said that the others who went with Siddhartha and Kaundinya, when Siddhartha began his ascetic life, were the four of the other scholars who had predicted Siddhartha's destiny or they were the sons of those scholars. This was actually reflecting how the people who were involved with the ‘prediction’ that Siddhartha would become a Buddha, were making sure that Buddhism is established by Gautama Buddha and then spread to influence the anaryans.
The five who followed Siddhartha were known as the Pancaka Bhadravargiya or as the Pancavaggiya. Pancaka Bhadravargiya means “The Group of Five Fortunate Ones”. Pancavaggiya means “The Group of Five”. Suddhodarna had agreed to their following Siddhartha because Suddhodarna was worried about Siddhartha’s safety. Kaundinya and his 4 colleagues were assisting Siddhartha while he was seeking enlightenment. Then, they got separated from Siddhartha because they thought that he would not succeed. So, after Siddhartha found enlightenment, he went in search of Kaundinya and his colleagues to share his teachings. As Gautama Buddha was teaching his religion, Kaundinya understood the teachings and became the first arahant. Kaundinya and the other monks travelled with Gautama Buddha to spread the Buddhist religion. Kaundinya helped to convert many into the Buddhist religion. All this was happening as per the Anunnaki plan and as per the World Drama.
Vasistha and Kasyapa were flowing along with Kaundinya because both (Vasistha and Kasyapa) were playing a significant role, on the world stage, after the Anunnaki. Vasistha was the Prajapati and the one who was involved with the Yagya in Mount Abu for the establishment of the Rajput clan. Kasyapa was also a Prajapati and the one to whom Parasuram had handed over the earth, after the extermination of the Kshatriyas. The number ‘3’ is a significant number in India. Thus, there were 3 sages (Kaundinya, Kasyapa and Vasistha) involved with making sure that Buddhism was established. This is also why the Buddhists claim that Vasistha had become an arahant (enlightened Buddhist).
Vasistha (Sanskrit) is Vasettha (Pali) in the Buddhist texts. Vasettha was a Brahmin who belonged to the Vasettha gotta (Vasistha gotra). The Buddhists claim that Vasettha had gone to meet the Buddha. Immediately after Vasettha had listened to the teachings of the Buddha for the first time, Vasettha had accepted the Buddha as his teacher. It is said that after Vasettha had visited and listened to the Buddha for the second time, he entered the Buddhist ‘Order’. Then, after listening to the Buddha preaching the Agganna Sutta, Vasettha became an arahant. This was actually portraying that Vasistha (or the ones who played the role of Vasistha) was flowing along with what Kaundinya and Kasyapa were doing, on the world stage, before the decline of Buddhism was brought about by the Rajputs, later on. Though these three sages (Vasistha, Kasyapa and Kaundinya) were playing a significant role, everyone else was also playing a role to carry out the Anunnaki plan. If they did not, they would be termed as anaryans (Sudras, outcastes, etc) in India.
In the Hindu scriptures, it has been portrayed that the one who obeys the instructions of Krishna is an Aryan and that the one who disobeys the instructions of Krishna is an anaryan. It was the King of Bharath who was frequently playing the role of Krishna, during the Mid-Confluence. He was playing this role as an instrument of God, on earth. In fact, all the other rulers of the 4 kingdoms were also playing the role of Krishna because they did everything together (as instruments of God).
According to the myth, during the naming ceremony of Siddhartha, Kondanna predicted that Siddhartha would definitely become a Buddha. This was portraying that Kondanna’s role was to make sure that Buddhism is established. The ‘other priests’, in the naming ceremony, included the representatives of Vasistha and Kasyapa. The representatives of Kasyapa and Vasistha were portrayed as Vappa and Dasabala Kasyapa, when Siddhartha was living his ascetic life. These ‘other priests’, during the naming ceremony, were portrayed as predicting that Siddhartha might become a Chakravarti (world ruler) or a Buddha because the role of Kasyapa and Vaisistha was more for turning the world into a Buddhist World. This meant that Siddhartha Gautama would be a Chakravarti since Parasuram had handed over the earth to Kasyapa. Actually, Kasyapa was playing a role for what happens on the world stage. So when it was time for the establishment of Buddhism, on the World Stage, he allowed that to happen. The role of Vasistha was for the removal of Buddhism in India. But before this can happen, Buddhism has to be established first. If not, Vasistha will not be able to play his role. However, Kasyapa and Vasistha were Prajapatis. Thus, they had to get involved with the establishment of the Buddhist world.
According to a myth, after attaining enlightenment, Buddha was hesitating to preach his teaching to others. Since Brahma and Indra asked Buddha to teach the people, Siddhartha began by teaching his 5 former companions. This indicates that Gautama Buddha was turning to the people who were carrying out the Anunnaki plan, for assistance to establish the Buddhist religion. It also indicates that Gautama Buddha was influenced by what had been passed down by the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki had also used the role of Brahma and Indra, during the Mid-Confluence.
In my next few articles, more will be discussed about Vasistha and Kaundinya (when I discuss Vappa, Dasabala Kasyapa, Mahakasyapa, the Buddhas, Ashoka the Great, etc).
Om Shanti
Posted on 15-12-2017:
The role of the Adi Buddha was played by my past birth who walked out of the Silver Aged world. Lemuria etc were under His control, though He was one of the world rulers during the Mid-Confluence. Even the ruler of Atlantis, who was also one of the world rulers during the Mid-Confluence, had begun to play the role of the Adi Buddha. The role of the Adi Buddha was established to pave the way for Gautama Buddha and for other purposes which have been explained in my articles. After my past birth and the ruler of Atlantis, left their bodies, others were supposed to continue playing the role of the Adi Buddha or Buddha until Gautama Buddha establishes his religion. Many of the Buddhas before Gautama Buddha were given other names.
To have a better understand of what has been said in this article, read all my articles. Begin by reading the first article which is numbered as No.1 at: Pari's List of articles. Then, re-read this article to have a better understanding.
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NB: All my articles are based on time moving in a cyclic manner, in the order as follows:
1. the divine world in the first half cycle: involving the Golden Age (Satyug) and then the Silver Age (Tetrayug).
2. the Confluence between the Silver and Copper Ages: where the world transforms back into the ordinary state (after a vice was entertained). For convenience, I refer to this Confluence as the Mid-Confluence.
3. the ordinary world of the second half cycle: involving the Copper Age (Dwapuryug) and then the Iron Age (Kaliyug).
4. the Confluence Age (at the end, now): through which the world is transformed back into the divine Golden Aged world.