vii. Déjà vu, Time Slips & Reality Shifts
NB: This article can be found after the following introductory passages.
Before you read this article, please note that, from 1996, I (Pari, the author of this article) had begun to see numerous visions. I was trying to understand what was happening to me. As I was trying to understand this, I began writing all the articles which can be found in this website. Each article is a continuation of the earlier one. So what I had explained in earlier articles were not explained in subsequent articles. This had also allowed me to keep developing what I have to explain. After I had written numerous articles, people were asking me as to which articles they had to read in order to understand something or the other. Thus, in 2015, I began to write books. All the knowledge which a person needs, so as to understand the contents of a book, are given in the book. Thus, a person could understand the contents of a book without having to revert to other articles or books. However, a better understanding could be had through reading the other books. I had also begun writing my first book “Holographic Universe : An Introduction” because I began to have a good understanding on the structure of the Holographic Universe through experiences, guidance from God, research, etc.
It should be remembered that my articles were written while I was trying to understand what was happening to me. So, the emphasis in the articles may have been on my own roles (due to the afterlife of my past births). In my books, I concentrate on just explaining knowledge and not really on giving an explanation on my own role.
It should be noted that since there are so many articles, I find it very difficult to update the articles. So there may be information in them which has not been updated. I try my best to keep my eBooks updated.
Anyway, to have a better understand of what has been said in this article, read all my earlier articles. Begin by reading the first article which is numbered as No.1 at my List of Articles. Then, re-read this article to have a better understanding. It should be noted that all my articles were written based on time being cyclic. Click here to understand the basics of the Cycle of Time.
Déjà vu, Time Slips & Reality Shifts
(posted on 9-11-2012)
NB: there is a brief explanation on the cycle, at the end of this article, for those who are not familiar with the Cycle of Time. For convenience, I am referring to those who walked out of the divine world, at the end of the Silver Age, as the Anunnaki since they have been referred to as the Anunnaki in the Sumerian myths. The Sumerian mythological names/roles like Enlil, Enki, Ningishzidda, Marduk, Anunna etc were only some of the roles which they were using. These people/souls had used many roles during the Mid-Confluence (Confluence between the Silver and Copper Ages). Their actual names were considered as being insignificant. I have begun an explanation on this at: Egyptian Ren & Mythical Names – Part 1 (Name of the Soul) and at Egyptian Ren & Mythical Names : Part 2 – Ancient Naming System.
(includes a discussion on energies flying into the future or past; out-of-body experiences; déjà vu based on various kinds of memories; subtle vision transmitted to the soul before the actual vision through the physical eyes; soul may see what is in the immediate future; time slips and reality shifts through connections in the World Drama and/or Law of Karma; ruler in the Underworld; False Prophet playing God; Bhrigu son of Varuna; Makara - vehicle of Ganga and Varuna; past birth as Shanker; Vedic seer families like the Bhrigus; Agastya and Vasishtha; the great Vedic people; Krishna; Indra; hidden knowledge; god of all the Hidden; Hidden god; déjà vu among BKs; precognition; prophecies; similarities between the end and the beginning of the Copper Age; sky representing the Holographic Universe and the subtle regions; time-travelling; the after-life; genes of human beings altered so that they can be used as seers)
A déjà vu is an experience during which one feels that the new situation, which one is in, has happened before. A déjà vu experience is based on a memory or on what exists in the Subtle Movie, of the Holographic Universe, at the time when the event is taking place. Thus, one would have the feeling that they have seen it before or that they have met the person before, or that what they are saying and doing have been said and done before, etc. The déjà vu can be brought about through seeing, hearing, smelling, taste, touch, etc. A deja vu involves feelings and not seeing a vision. During a déjà vu, while one is doing something, one’s feeling is that one has seen the situation etc (which one is in) before. They are not able to remember as to when and where they had seen it because :
1. the memory, which is influencing one to have a déjà vu experience, is deep within and so it is not easy to recollect it, or
2. the memory, which is influencing one to have the déjà vu, is a weak memory, or
3. the soul is in a weak and confused state, or
4. as per the World Drama, the source (from where we get the information) cannot be felt and seen, or
5. as per the World Drama, we are not supposed to remember the memory, or
6. the soul, or person, has not trained or programmed himself to remember such memories clearly, or
7. the past birth, whose memory it is, is not in an emerged state (because only the memory is emerging to influence the soul).
During a déjà vu, one has the feeling that one has seen something before :
1. because of a memory of what happened when some of the soul’s energies had subtly flown into the future or past, or
2. because the soul is able to see what is in the Subtle World Movie (in the Holographic Universe) as the soul is doing, or is about to do, something in the physical world, or
3. because of a memory that was created during a past life, or
4. because of a memory that was created during the after-life, or
5. because of memories created through other ways, or
6. because the person is having some problems with the brain, etc.
Sometimes, a little of our energies fly way into the future, or past, so as to see or participate in the Subtle World Movie or in the physical world. If only a little of the energies have flown into the past and future, and it is not significant enough to pull the consciousness of the soul into that future and past time, then the consciousness of the soul would remain in the present time. The information that have been brought to the soul, based on what those energies were involved with (in the past or future), may not be remembered clearly (since the soul was not actively involved with seeing it or participating in it). What was significant (of the present time) was being entertained in the mind of the soul. Thus, the other experience of the future or past was not being properly entertained, in the mind of the soul, before the intellect put it into the memory bank (to become a memory). Since it has briefly come into the mind, before going into the memory bank, the person will feel that he has seen it before (when the person is living the event or when the person is in a situation which is similar to it). It, thus, gives one a déjà vu experience.
When some of the energies of the soul fly into the future or past, 2 kinds of experiences can be had. One is where the energies are observing the situation in the:
1. Subtle World Drama (of the Holographic Universe), or
2. physical world, or
3. World Drama (within the soul).
The soul is observing the above as an observer. When one is observing, one is not participating in what one is seeing. It will be as if we are seeing a movie. The other kind of experience is where the energies of the soul are participating in the Subtle World Movie, or in the physical world (either in the future or past).
The experiences (where some of the energies of the soul fly out of the body) can give one an out-of-body experience. Sometimes, some of the soul’s energies can move around, outside the corporeal body, without the person being aware of it. If they become aware of it, it becomes an out-of body experience. But when the person is not aware of it, then, the person will have memories of it, even though the person is not aware of the experience. These memories can give the person a déjà vu experience. Since the soul is in a weak and unstable state, such things can happen without the soul realising that it is happening. Thus, sometimes, a person can be seen in more than 1 place (in the physical world). The memories formed, by these experiences, are weak since the soul is not actively participating in the experience. (Strong memories are only formed when the person is actively participating or intentionally observing something.) Thus, the person is not able to clearly remember the out-of-body experience, even though memories of it are there within the soul. Then, when the person comes across a situation which is the same, or is similar to, the out-of-body experience, the person can have a déjà vu feeling where the person feels that he has seen it somewhere (but he is not sure where).
Sometimes, a soul can have a vision of what is happening in the Subtle World Drama, without the soul’s energies travelling out of the corporeal body. If the soul is not able to remember the vision because the soul was not actively participating in seeing the vision, when the vision was being seen by the soul, the soul will have an unclear memory of what was seen. Thus, when the person actually comes across something, which is like that which was seen in the vision, the person will have a déjà vu experience (because of the unclear memory which is within the soul).Visions can be given by:
1. God,
2. the immortal past birth or Ba (immortal soul) during the afterlife at the end, and
3. the vices.
The ‘immortal past birth or Ba in the afterlife’ can be grouped together with the vices because both (the vices and those playing a role in the afterlife) are the Rulers in the Underworld. Generally, the vices are the ‘rulers’ in the Underworld. However, when one plays the immortal role in the afterlife, one plays a role as Nimrod (the ruler in the Underworld). Different names have been given to those who take over rule from the vices, in the Underworld. One of these names is Nimrod. So, Nimrod takes the place of the vices as the ruler in the Underworld (during the False Golden Age) before the pure Golden Aged world comes into existence. But no-one can kick the vices off from their throne in the underworld until the end (when the vices are completely wiped off from the face of the earth). Thus, Nimrod etc (as the ruler in the Underworld) have to share the throne with the vices. Those who were involved with the practices for playing a role in the afterlife, had to practice being virtuous. So it is like as if something different is taking over from the rule of the vices in the Underworld. However, it is not righteous for a birth-role to remain in an emerged state after the person dies. Thus, the practices for giving one a role in the afterlife is unrighteous; even though there is a requirement that one should practice being virtuous (so as to be successful in playing a role in the after-life). Even the existence of the vices is an unrighteous state because the vices are the energies of the soul which have transformed into a weak state. These are some reasons why, in the myths, the ‘immortal roles in the afterlife’ were associated with the vices. For example, Hades, Set, etc represent:
1. the vices, and
2. God’s combined role with the past births (or immortal Ba) who play a role in the afterlife, at the end.
The vices are trying to gain and remain in control. Thus, they will give visions to the person in an attempt to influence the person or to keep the person under its control. If the vision was not remembered and the person goes into a confused state (because of the déjà vu experience) the vices can easily take over control in the person. Thus, the vices may give visions so as to guide and confuse the person. These visions may only form weak memories because the soul will generally be not interested in visions given by the vices. Thus, when the person actually comes across the event, or something similar, the person may have a déjà vu experience.
The original qualities of the soul are the virtues and powers. Thus, the soul would only want to be guided by visions from God. Actually, it is only God and the vices who can give visions. Past births or the Ba cannot give visions. However, the past births or the immortal Ba can give visions during the afterlife (since they take the place of the vices in the Underworld). Between 1997 and 2000, while I was meditating in the BK center in Bangsar (Malaysia), I had experiences where I saw my past birth or Ba soul giving visions (in the subtle region). God would go and remain beside him, watching what he was doing. It was as if God was flowing along with that (even though it was not righteous and so God was not too happy with what was happening). It is like as if God was giving the visions since God was giving His support for it to continue. This was one reason why, in the Biblical myths, it was portrayed that the False Prophet will play God while sitting in the Temple of Jerusalem. This is also supposed to reflect that only God and the unrighteous can give visions (which is why the False Prophet plays God). God and the past births or Ba play a combined role as the False Prophet sitting in the Temple of Jerusalem. I have kept using the word “past births or Ba” because the immortal soul (Ba) was involved and yet, it had something to do with the past births. It had nothing to do with my birth role as Pari.
The desires, which we create (whether virtuous or vicious), will leave memories within the soul. Even our subtle desires leave memories within the soul. These memories can also emerge, or partially emerge, so as to influence us to have a déjà vu.
Sometimes, we (the souls) can subtly see what is in the mind of others, though we (as people) may not be aware of it. The scene which the other was remembering will then become a memory of ours too. Since we were not aware that we had subtly seen what was in their minds, we will not be aware of where we had seen the scene (which is giving us the déjà vu experience).
Sometimes, memories of what we have dreamt can give us a déjà vu experience if we cannot recollect the dream. Sometimes, our energies move around while we are asleep so as to get information etc. These information can, then, be given to us through dreams. What was seen while our energies move around, when we were asleep, will also leave memories within us. These memories can also influence us to have a déjà vu.
What happens to us in the Subtle World Movie can also give us déjà vu experiences. Souls are trapped in this Subtle World Movie. This means that what they do in the physical world will be what is happening in the Subtle World Movie (in the Holographic Universe). The person is not supposed to be able to see what is in this Subtle World Movie. However, since everything is happening in the corporeal world as it happens in the Holographic Universe, the soul can see what is happening in the Subtle World Movie (as the person is influenced to do it in the physical world). Though whatever is happening in the Subtle Movie is happening at the same time as the soul is doing the action in the physical world, the subtle vision is transmitted to the soul even before the actual vision through the physical eyes. Thus, the person will feel that they have seen it before.
Whatever is seen by the physical eyes are sent to the brain. Then, it is placed in the mind of the soul. The soul will then see it in the mind of the soul. Thus, what is seen by the physical eyes are not instantly seen in the mind of the soul (though it is almost instantly placed there).
The intellect consists of energies of the soul. The intellect is the subtle eye of the soul. The intellect can see what is in the Subtle World Movie as we conduct ourselves as per the World Drama. However, the soul and person are not actively involved with seeing what is in the Subtle World Movie. In the second half cycle, we are mortals and so we will find it very difficult to see anything that is in the Subtle World Movie (as we are interacting with people). Actually, we are not supposed to see everything that is in the Holographic Universe. In the first half cycle, the soul-conscious state of the people will help them to know of why people are coming to interact with them etc. Thus, they can have interactions even without much verbal communications. But they will also not be able to know of everything that is in the Subtle World Movie. If they did, life will not be enjoyable.
The Underworld exists in the second half cycle. Thus, sometimes, the intellect can see more than what it is allowed to see in the Holographic Universe. As the intellect is seeing what is in the Subtle World Movie, our physical eyes are also seeing what is happening in the physical world. However, the soul will be able to know of what the intellect is seeing before what is seen through the physical eyes because :
1. the intellect consists of energies of the soul, and
2. the physical eyes are not part of the soul, and
3. the information, seen by the eyes, have to be transmitted/processed before it comes to the soul.
Since the soul vaguely sees through the intellect before seeing through the physical eyes, this can bring about a déjà vu experience. In this situation, the energies of the soul have not travelled anywhere else in the Subtle World Drama.
As the soul is playing its part in the World Drama, of the physical world, the soul is travelling along in the Subtle World Drama (in the Holographic Universe). As this happens, sometimes, the soul may see what is in the immediate future since the soul is about to go into that. In a situation like this, the soul subtly sees first before it does the act. So, the person will feel that they have seen the situation etc before; and this is a déjà vu experience. Here, the energies of the soul is not travelling into the future. The soul has only just seen what is about to happen next, as it is about to happen.
The subtle energies of the soul can see the events in the Subtle World Movie, of the Holographic Universe, just before the soul goes into that scene in the World Drama on earth (when the soul acts out that same scene which is in the Subtle World Movie). We will be able to easily see about three seconds into the future, without the energies of the soul moving out of the corporeal body.
Since it is a Holographic Universe, the Subtle World Movie (which is in the Holographic Universe) also exists deep within the soul (as the World Drama in which the soul is participating in). This can also be seen just before, and as, the soul goes into the World Drama on earth (where that scene is taking place). Seeing it (in the World Drama that is within the soul) can also give a déjà vu experience.
Sometimes, since the state of the soul is weak, some of the energies of the soul travel before time into the immediate future. So these energies, of the soul, are living in that future time until the energies fly back to the soul. This is a time slip experience.
When I was around 10 to 12 years old, I was sitting on the sofa in the hall (in my house); and I was deeply contemplating about something. Everything was very silent around me. Then suddenly, my sisters, a family friend and my mother came out of the room. They were talking to each other while walking into the other end of the hall. So from one end of the hall, I was quietly seeing what they were doing at the other end of the hall. They came and stopped in the hall; and they continued talking for awhile. Then, they started going away from each other in different directions, while they were still talking. Then, again they came out of the same room (in the same way) and they were doing the same thing again (the second time). But after the second time, the scene continued. I got up and went near them (before they walked away). I asked them why they were doing the same thing 2 times. They couldn’t understand what I was saying. So, I explained it until they understood. As usual, their reply was something to the effect that I must have been dreaming. But I knew that I was not dreaming at that time. I was not even feeling sleepy, at that time. I have been trying to understand this incidence since then. It is only now that I can understand it. It is a time slip experience. Some of my energies had slipped into the recent future and my energies were living in that future time. This is possible because we are living in a Holographic Universe (which is connected to the physical world). The future does not exist as yet. However, in the Holographic Universe, the Subtle World Drama is already there. We are just moving along in that Subtle World Drama as we play our roles on earth. Though our energies are not supposed to slip into the future, in the Subtle World Drama, it can happen because the second half cycle is the Underworld. Since I was actively watching what was happening there, in that future time, I remembered it. It may be possible that the noise, from those coming out of the room, had brought my consciousness back to see what was happening in the physical world (of the original time). This must have brought my energies back as well. Noise can pull a person out of a meditative state; and I have noticed this happening to me often (when I am in meditation and am having an experience). Since my energies got pulled back into the soul, so as to see what the noise was all about, I began to see it happening again. If I had not remembered what had just happened; then, when I was seeing it for the second time, I would have had the feeling “I have seen this happening before. But where?”. And that would have been a déjà vu. However, I was actively participating while I was watching it during the first time, so I remembered it. Everything happens as per the World Drama so that we can play our role. Thus, I had to have this experience, as per the World Drama, because it began my journey to understand meditation, psychology, psychiatry, out-of-body experiences, dreams, hypnosis, hatha yoga, etc. Some people may not easily remember experiences such as these because it is not there, in the World Drama, for them to remember what they had just seen. Thus, it might just be like a déjà vu experience for them.
During the time-slip experience etc, the soul has not left the corporeal body. Once the soul leaves the physical body, it has to go and take another birth. So, it will enter a foetus. Therefore, the soul cannot leave the corporeal body until the person dies. During the time slip experiences, only some of the energies of the soul slip forward or backward in time. Those energies will be living in that future or past time. If a lot of our energies slip off, then it is as if our consciousness has slipped into the past or future. And so, we may remember what has just been happening to us.
Sometimes, when we slip into the past, we may be in the corporeal body of our birth during that time. This also does not mean that the soul has left the current corporeal body to enter the earlier corporeal body. Only some of the energies (of the soul), which have slipped into the past, are using that earlier body in the Subtle World Movie (in the Holographic Universe). Whatever exists in the Holographic Universe will exist in the physical world. And whatever is used in the Holographic Universe will also be used in the physical world. So, the energies of the soul (which have slipped into the past) will be using the physical body of that earlier time too. One will find it very difficult to understand this if one was just trying to understand it from the view of the ‘present physical world’. What is more significant is the Holographic point-of-view and not the physical point-of-view. The physical is just an expression of what is in the Holographic Universe.
A time slip is where a person, or group of people, move into the past or future (but it is not known as to how it had happened). In one type of time slip experience, the consciousness of the whole group is taken into the past. They had done something together before (in a previous life) and this previous event may be connected to what they are doing now. Since the energies in the Holographic Universe of the Underworld are in an unstable state, the two connected events get connected physically to bring about a time slip. Since nature serves us, it can flow along with the consciousness of the gathering or of a person (involved with the time slip experience). So, the scene we are in may suddenly change if we are not in that same scene in the past. Or the 2 scenes, of the present and past (in the World Drama), can get combined to become one scene. Thus, the people of the present time and the past can even interact with each other. It is the Underworld and so everything is possible.
A time slip experience can also happen because the weak energies of the corporeal world slip into the future or past. Thus, they begin to express what exists in that future or past time, as per the World Drama. Since we are in the corporeal world, we are also taken on a ride into the past or future (during these time slips). Since even the energies of the corporeal world travel along in the Subtle World Movie (in the Holographic Universe), they have to come back to where they are supposed to be in the Subtle World Drama. Thus, the people are brought back to the original time. During such a time slip experience, the environment which you are in will suddenly have structures which did not exist before the time slip. When the energies of the corporeal world come back to where they belong, in the World Drama, the structures (that had suddenly existed there) will disappear again.
When a time slip involves things appearing and disappearing, it is a reality shift. A reality shift occurs when objects appear, disappear, get moved to another place through unknown means or they transform into something else. Things can get moved into the past and future as well (through unknown means).
Reality shifts occur because the 2 events (of the present and the past etc) are connected through the Law of Karma and/or the World Drama. Reality shifts allow 2 events/environments to combine and become one. It allows 2 events to happen at the same time. Sometimes our own weak, unstable energies combine the 2 events together in the World Drama within the soul. And the energies of the corporeal world flows along with what is happening to us. At other times, the energies of the corporeal world slip into the past or future. All these happen because :
1. of the weak state of the human souls,
2. of the weak state of the energies in the Holographic Universe, and
3. it is the Underworld.
One can also understand the time slip and reality shift experiences through looking at it from the point of the Holographic Universe. The World Drama is also there deep within us (the souls) and we are constantly influenced by it so as to play our role. The bits of information from the World Drama are getting mixed within the soul because of the unstable state of the energies of the soul. Whatever exists in the corporeal world for us is based on what exists for us in the World Drama that is within the soul. What exists within the World Drama (in the soul) will be reflected into the Holographic Universe. As the information is mixed in the soul to combine the 2 events, what exists in the Holographic Universe will also be in the combined state. Thus, it will be expressed in the combined form (in the physical world). So a new three-dimensional scene, in the physical world, can be created based on what exits for us in the World Drama.
Whatever we see is based on what exists in the physical world. If the energies of the corporeal world have got mixed up to reflect what is in the present and the past, we will be seeing that as a time slip or reality shift experience. However, since time slips and reality shifts are possible in the Holographic Universe of the Underworld, our thoughts and feelings can also change the world around us (whether we're aware of it or not).
When a group of people (who had been together in a previous life) get together again, a memory can emerge to influence all of them; or (through the Law of Karma and/or through the World Drama) what they are doing now can be connected to what they were doing in the previous birth. Thus, they can all slip into the past scene where they were together. Sometimes, the scene of the earlier time can merge into the present time. So, it will seem like as if the 2 scenes have camouflaged to become one. This happens because matter serves us and provides us with the scenes :
1. which we need, or
2. which we are supposed to be in (as it exists in the Holographic Universe).
There can are so many reasons why people experience these time-slip and reality shift experiences. I am not going to go into a discussion of every possible kind of situation. I am just briefly explaining the concept of déjà vu, time slip and reality shifts because I will be using it in my articles (since the Anunnaki, who walked out of the Silver Age, had déjà vu, time slip and reality shift experiences).
During the Confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages, the Anunnaki realised that they can magically make things appear, disappear, move it from one place to another and even move things into a future time because the Holographic Universe of the Underworld provides for these. So, from that time onwards, reality shifts have been relied upon for practicing magic, spiritual healing (by healers), getting blessings from God through worship, etc.
When the brain receives a sensory input (whether through sight, touch, smell or sound) which is similar to something that was experienced in the past (during the present life itself), the memory of the scene of the past is brought into the present time. However, the experience should not get connected to something that had happened in a past life. Despite this, sometimes, instead of just connecting the sensory input to what was experienced in the present life, the energies of the soul can connect it to something that had happened in a past life. This happens because we are now living in the Holographic Universe of the Underworld. Thus, a mistake can be made when connecting an experience to an earlier experience. In the first half cycle, the experiences of the past lives can never be connected to the present life. But in the Underworld, it can be done. This was also a reason why the people, at the beginning of the Copper Age, had begun using practices through which their lives will get connected to their lives at the end of the cycle (now).
In each life, the intellect will pick out our earlier experiences (which had happened during that life) which are similar to our current experience; and the intellect will place them in the mind of the soul so that the soul/person can connect the present experience to that previous experience. The intellect is not supposed to pick out information from past lives because those lives are supposed to be buried deep within the soul. The soul begins a new life with a new slate to write one’s experiences. What is on this new slate (in the memory bank) is what the intellect should pick out from so as to put it in the mind (so that we can associate our experience to that earlier experience). Sometimes, the earlier experiences will just pop out of the memory bank on its own when something similar is being experienced. All these happen naturally or automatically. But what exists in the past life should not be brought into the memory bank and neither should it pop up because it is deep within the soul. The experiences of the present life will be on the surface (which is like the slate to write upon). However, since the soul is in a weak state, and since we are in the Holographic Universe of the Underworld, experiences of past lives also pop up from deep within the soul. Thus, there will be an unrighteous match, or mismatch, of past and present information; and this can bring about a déjà vu.
One can also have a déjà vu because something in the past life is connected to the present (through the Law of Karma and/or through the World Drama and/or through the practices for the afterlife, etc). Thus, when a person/soul comes across familiar surroundings etc, memories of a past-life surface to give one a déjà vu. Such an experience can be had now because:
1. during the Copper Age, past births had done worship to play a role in the after-life now,
2. Enki (King of Lemuria), who walked out of the Silver Age, was meant to play a role at the end now (naturally, as per the World Drama),
3. others had created a situation which was meant to make sure that a person plays a role in the after-life. For example, Alexander the Great was turned into an immortal by the myths, prophecies etc that had surrounded him. He accepted them. So his ‘memories’ or birth-role can easily emerge now.
The powerful souls, who walked out of the Silver Age, were having a lot of déjà vu etc because the Copper Age was connected to the end of the previous cycle. These people were no longer enjoying life, as they were in the second half cycle. They had to start everything that was needed for the second half cycle. They began to use seers (people who have supernatural powers and who can see into the future). People were also being trained to become seers by the King of Lemuria (Enki/Bhrigu).
The soul within Enki/Bhrigu was seen as being used by God because this soul was used during the Confluence Age (at the end). The déjà vu and time slip experiences, which Enki/Bhrigu had, made it look like as if the soul was still being used (even though it was the Confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages). Thus, God and this soul (together) were seen as Varuna, the God of the sea. Others were also seen as playing the role of Varuna but I am not discussing that here. The soul of Enki/Bhrigu will be playing the role of Ganga, Shanker etc at the end (as I am doing now). Thus, in the myths, Makara was portrayed as the vahana (vehicle) of Ganga and the sea god Varuna. The sankrit word 'Makara' means "sea dragon" or "water-monster". Knowledge is associated to waters. Since I am involved with knowledge (now and during the Confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages) Ganga, Enki and Varuna were associated to the waters. My past birth and I are both involved with the same thing (myths, explaining knowledge, etc when destruction is taking place to bring in a new world). Thus, it is easy for me and for my past birth to get connected. This connection is also easy because, as per the World Drama, the 2 births are connected through the immortal role. Enki’s role had remained in an immortal state so as to play a role now with me. This is why his birth-role can easily emerge now. But this is not a time-slip. It is playing one’s role in the after-life. The memories developed during this time, in the after-life, becomes part of what exists in the memory bank of that birth-role at the end of the Silver Age. The after-life connects what the birth-role did, at the end, to what the birth-role does (in the Copper Age).
Since it was time to use Enki/Varuna, in the Copper Age, God was also giving him visions while guiding him from the Soul World. Since Enki/Varuna was meditating, having memories, visions given by God, déjà vu, time slip and reality shift experiences, etc; he was also seen as Shanker (who plays a role with God Shiva). He and the others were also portrayed as various gods in the combined form with God because of their memories, déjà vu, visions etc.
Since the King of Lemuria was using a corporeal body, this corporeal person was portrayed as the first Bhrigu who is also called Bhrigu Varuni. Since the corporeal person was taught through the déjà vu, time slip experiences, visions etc, it was portrayed (in the scriptures) that Varuna taught Bhrigu. This was also why it was said in the Taittiriya Upanishad, “So Bhrigu went and practiced tapas, spiritual prayer. …And then he saw that Brahman is joy: for from joy all beings have come, … This was the vision of Bhrigu Varuni which came from the Highest; and he who sees this vision lives in the Highest. Oh, the wonder of joy!”
Brahman is “God and His vibrations sent out, to the whole world, via the Confluence Aged subtle regions”. Through this, the new creation is brought into existence. What Varuna/God taught Bhrigu, through these visions and other experiences, were placed in the Taittiriya Upanishad and Taittiriya tradition of the Yajur Veda. Varuna actually represents “God and the experiences in Confluence Aged subtle region”. This is also why Varuna was also seen as the God of the Oceans. Bhrigu Varuni means “Bhrigu, the son of Varuna”. Bhrigu was portrayed as the son of Varuna because during the Confluence Age, we (the souls) are the sons of God (the Supreme Soul). The Vedic seer families like the Bhrigus were seen as the descendants of Varuna, the God of the sea (through the line of Bhrigu) because they were all guided by memories, déjà vu, visions, the experiences of Bhrigu, practices set by Bhrigu, etc. Based on the different roles that he was playing, Enki was also given other names (for the other roles). For example, the Vedic Seers, Agastya and Vasishtha are also roles played by him and they are also seen as the sons of Varuna (the Vedic God of the Oceans) because of the guidance through the memories, déjà vu, time slip experiences, visions by God, etc.
At the beginning of the Copper Age, all those who were influenced by memories, déjà vu experiences, etc were often mentioned in the Rig Veda as the great Vedic people. They were portrayed like this because a lot of good was being done, by them, for the second half cycle:
1. through their experiences, and
2. through the worship practices, meditation practices and everything else which they had introduced for the new Mankind.
The experiences of the great Vedic people included experiences of what had happened during the auspicious Confluence Age. The King of Bharath was also seen as Indra, Krishna etc because of the memories, déjà vu and other experiences which he and others were having (relating to his role at the end of the cycle).
In a mythical scene, when a number of people were portrayed; each of them will be portrayed based on the role that the person is playing in the scene. So, the mythical figure can represent one of many. Many were portrayed as playing those roles because many were involved with the roles, the memories, the déjà vu experiences etc.
The Déjà vu experiences, emerging of past memories, etc enable us to know of all that which is hidden because we are not supposed to be remembering it now. Enki/Bhrigu/Kubera was associated to hidden knowledge or he was portrayed as the god of all the Hidden or as the Hidden god because:
1. he was also guided by déjà vu and other memories that were emerging from deep below. This gave him access to the Confluence Aged spiritual knowledge which is only given during the Confluence Age. So he was having access to hidden knowledge.
2. the Anunnaki stay away from the mortals (like how God does) and they use others as instruments (like how God does). So just as God is Hidden, even the gods were hidden (i.e. they stayed away from the mortals). As Kubera, he was the ruler of the hidden city in the Himalayas. Even in the Confluence Age, God’s work gets done in a hidden manner until the final product materialises in the physical world.
3. he was mining for gold, gems etc that were hidden within the grounds, waters etc.
4. he began the system for hiding things (which will only be used at the end, after it is discovered, as per the World Drama).
5. he was beginning the path for the secret societies.
6. he and his role will remain hidden in the darkness of the Underworld until the end when they are used in the False Golden Aged subtle region.
7. even while he is being used for the role of the False Prophet etc (now) he remains hidden because the corporeal body which he is emerging in is not his original corporeal body.
I am also guided by hidden memories, déjà vu feelings, etc now (since the soul is the same in all my births). For example, in October 2012, I was reading some of the scenes that were in the Hindu scriptures relating to what happened after the time when Dwarka submerged (after the Mahabharath War and after Krishna was no more). As I was reading some of the scenes there, I had this feeling that I have seen 2 of the scenes happening somewhere. It was a déjà vu feeling. One of the scenes which was giving the déjà vu feeling was the one where the Yadavas (scientists) fight among themselves and kill each other (after the Mahabharath nuclear war). I kept trying to recollect the 2 memories. However, only vague scenes of both memories were appearing. I could see people interacting and doing something; but I was not able to see them clearly. Thus, I was not able to remember the ‘memories’, of what had happened, clearly. But I knew that in the memory relating to the Yadavas, the scientists were arguing and stopping each other from continuing to use the sciences. I knew that they had not killed each other. It was the role of the scientists etc and the usage of the sciences (as it was being used) that was being ‘killed off’. I also knew that they were memories and not visions. I was seeing what I had seen in that previous birth, though my consciousness was still in the present birth. When one sees a vision, it will not seem like as if one was remembering something. If the memory was properly emerged into the mind of the soul, I would have remembered it. But our intellect is not supposed to bring memories of past lives into our minds now. There is a general ‘prohibition’ for this to happen unless it is happening because:
1. of the unstable state in the Underworld,
2. of the immortal roles,
3. we have programed ourselves to play a role in the after-life through worship etc (in those past lives).
My past births are supposed to be emerging now because of the immortal roles and the worship done to play a role in the afterlife. Enki (the one who was also portrayed as Balarama in the Hindu scriptures) would naturally be emerging now because he is involved with playing an immortal role. However, I (Pari) was in control (and my past births were not in control) at the time of the above experience. The past birth was not in an emerged state; or he was not in a properly emerged state. So the memory was also not emerging properly. Though we are souls, and so we can have access to whatever is in the soul, we are using a birth-role during each birth; and we are restricted to the memories of the birth which we are in now. But sometimes, since it is the underworld, we can succeed in taking a look into what happened in our past-lives.
During the Copper Age, I (the soul) was involved with creating myths etc; and I was getting them put into writing. These myths etc connect the Copper Age to the Confluence Age. Even now, I am involved with writing articles that connect the Copper Age to the Confluence Age. But I am explaining the myths etc now. The similarities here can easily give me déjà vu experiences, especially since my birth-role is naturally connected to what happens at the end of the Silver Age. It was because of this connection that I was often influenced by what had happened in my earlier births (since I was schooling). Nowadays, when I am just contemplating on what had happened in the Copper Age, I am getting a lot of information because it is time for me (the soul) to play the role of the False Prophet.
Sometimes, it is not memories and visions which is enabling me to understand something. Nowadays, as I am writing, God and my past births (in the combined form) are often giving me information (or an understanding). It is as if they are in my head, in the combined form, giving me information or an understanding. But God does not enter into my corporeal body to play this role with my past births. As I get these information, I start typing as fast as I can because what is coming is so beautiful. What is guiding me in this way is the role of the False Prophet (the combined role of God and my past births). Since Enki is used to play the role of the False Prophet now, his memories (which emerge in the Copper Age), déjà vu and time-slip experiences would make it look like as if he (Enki) was being used by God. This was a reason why he was seen as an instrument during the Confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages.
My déjà vu experience relating to the scientists killing each other after the Mahabharath nuclear war (which I have mentioned earlier on) has helped me to have a better understanding of what had happened at that time. Through all the understanding that have been given to me, through the role of the False Prophet, I have begun to understand that the scientists (Yadavas) killing each other signified that the Anunnaki and scientists had convinced each other that they should no longer use the sciences as they had done. Thus, the scientists were portrayed as having killed off each after the Mahabharath nuclear war. This scene in the myths, déjà vu experience etc will help me to have a better discussion when I discuss the Copper Aged nuclear usage, the death of the role of Krishna/Enlil and the sinking of Dwarka.
Sometimes, people are not aware that the memories are influencing them because these memories are influencing them from deep down within the soul. When we hear the sakar murlis, it emerges a lot of memories from deep down (though the memories may not get placed in our minds for us to see). This may be a reason why my past births (Enki and Ramses II) had emerged to play their role in the afterlife, while I was hearing the sakar murli for the first time. Enki is very subtle in his ways and no-one may have realised that he had emerged to play his role in the afterlife. He would have been just trying to play his role as the Ba (immortal) soul. Ramses II was having sanskaras/traits of wanting to make sure that he plays his role in the afterlife. Thus, he made a more prominent appearance so as to let it be known that he has begun playing his role; though after that, he has been playing his role in a silent manner too.
The fact that the memories are emerging, while we hear the sakar murlis, sets the scene for a déjà vu experience. The knowledge and the things which we hear about the cycle etc, emerges memories and so the knowledge becomes familiar. Thus, we are able to easily accept it (even during the first time when we hear it). We will want to keep hearing it because it puts us in a situation where it is as if we are back where we belong. And we will find it easy to accept the knowledge because it sounds familiar. People who do not have these memories within them might find it hard to accept the BK knowledge because it does not ‘ring’ a bell anywhere. So, it does not make them feel like as if they are back in familiar grounds. But the BKs are not trained to:
1. see these memories and
2. develop their abilities to have déjà vu experiences.
BKs are trained to become spiritually powerful. So, their experiences will be of those where they experience the Confluence Aged stage of Shankar, Vishnu, Narayana, Lakshmi etc. So, they will not have strong experiences of déjà vu. It is something that happens in the ‘background’ as it influences the souls to make spiritual effort.
During our previous births (in the Copper Age), some of us (souls) have programmed ourselves to play a role in the after-life now. Thus, we will find it easier to remember memories than others. Those who naturally use immortal roles, like Enki, will also find it easy to remember what had happened in the earlier birth when the immortal role was begun to be used. These memories had given me a difficult time when I was going regularly to the BK centers until 2001. Through meditation commentaries, BKs are sometimes guided through the cycle until they are in the present time (in the Confluence Age). From the time when we reach the second half cycle, I often start having bad experiences because I can easily remember all the unhappiness that begins from the beginning of the Copper Age. Thus, I lose my stage and have to start struggling. It may be possible that the nuclear usage at the beginning of the Copper Age had disturbed me badly and this memory begins the drop in my stage. One senior told me that I should not go into the depths of what we were doing in the Copper and Iron Aged births, during these sessions. We have to observe the World Drama and World Cycle as a detached observer (while we are in the blissful stage). But I used to find it very difficult to keep my consciousness above/beyond the Copper Aged births. I may have had this problem because my past births were also involved with the after-life. But I was continuously trying to remain as a detached observer while I watch the World Drama and the World Cycle. This practice is good because it helps us to remain in a blissful detached state, no matter what we are faced with in the corporeal world. So, I kept trying again and again. Then, one day (during a blissful experience where I was detached from the World Cycle) I observed the World Cycle spinning in a cyclic manner. That was a very beautiful experience because of the blissful state which I was in.
During the blissful state God gives us experiences so that we will understand the spiritual knowledge better. If I get an understanding, it will be as if Enki/Bhrigu also receives an understanding because of his role in the afterlife. This was why in the Taittiriya Upanishad, it was portrayed that Bhrigu had kept asking his Father (Varuna) to explain Brahman. Then, through a time slip experience, he experienced Brahman as “joy” (as the soul had experienced during the previous Confluence Age). And it was said in the Taittiriya Upanishad, “Oh, the wonder of joy!” because Enki/Bhrigu could see and understand the greatness of what had happened through (and during) the Confluence Age.
If one has a déjà vu where one feels that one has seen something happening many times before, then it may have been based on an experience of a split second where the soul becomes aware that everything happens in a cyclic manner. God gives us these experiences based on the roles which we have to play. However, the person is not aware that the soul has just had this experience and so the memory of the experience makes the person feel that he has seen it happening many times before. Sometimes, this experience of a split second may have been experienced during the previous birth in this cycle or in a birth of the previous cycle. Since it is there within the soul, it may be influencing the soul. Sometimes, the memory of the knowledge (that everything keeps repeating in a cyclic manner) which is deep within the soul may be influencing the person to have the déjà vu. The people, in the first half cycle, will not have these kind of experiences because they are supposed to be enjoying life. The joy of living can be reduced if one knew that one is just doing something that keeps happening in a cyclic manner.
People are spiritually weak and confused now. Thus, when memories emerge, they are not aware that the memories are emerging. However, sometimes, the déjà vu experience is not because of our weak or confused state. The gods, who had just walked out of the Silver Age, were still powerful spiritually. However, since the end of the previous cycle is connected to the beginning of the Copper Age, the powerful souls could remember what had happened at the end of the previous cycle.
Some of the Copper Aged people remembered (what had happened at the end of the previous cycle) because the Copper Aged birth-roles play an immortal role (from the Copper Age until the end of the cycle). Those birth-roles (who were involved with the worship practices for playing a role in the after-life) will have memories, deva ju and time slip experiences because:
1. the birth-roles have these memories within them (of what they had done in the after-life, at the end).
2. their birth-role is connected to the end (through the immortal role which they will be playing because of the worship practices, etc).
All the above will influence the person to get involved with the worship practices for giving immortality to their birth-roles again (during the Copper Age). As a result of getting involved with the worship practices, they will play a role in the afterlife again. So, memories will be created in the afterlife again. Thus, the deja vu and time slip experiences will be experienced by them in every cycle (during the Copper Age).
The Copper Aged people will also have déjà vu experiences because of the similarities between the end of the cycle and the beginning of the Copper Age. For example:
1. during both times, there are similar destructive events,
2. during both times, people were involved with meditation
3. during both times, a new world was coming into existence. Thus, during both times the corporeal bodies and everything else, in the physical world, will transform or had just transformed.
These similarities will easily enable the deity souls (at the end of the cycle and at the beginning of the Copper Age) to have déjà vu experiences. It is only the deity souls, who walk into the Golden Age and who walk out of the Silver Age, who will have these experiences. The time which they spend in the first half cycle is just a time when they enjoy the fruit of the Confluence Aged spiritual effort-making. Thus, these deity souls will easily remember what they were doing at the end of the previous cycle (since they are losing that which they gained through the previous Confluence Age). This will influence them to get involved with meditation again. Thus, during the Confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages, these souls can easily have déjà vu experiences (when they are in a situation that is similar to what was happening at the end of the cycle). This is also one reason why the people were seeing themselves as playing the role of Shanker, Brahma, Vishnu etc. They had these experiences during the Confluence Age and so they were seeing themselves as having these experiences during the Confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages. But actually the experiences which they were seeing were those which they had during the previous Confluence Age. It is only through looking at what exists in the World Drama, that one might be able to understand that these experiences were those which were experienced during the previous Confluence Age. This was a reason why Enki was involved with prophecies.
Prophecies involved explaining what exists in the future. Since many were having the déjà vu experiences and memories, Enki had to make sure that the others understood that these experiences were those from the previous Confluence Age. Thus, many were being trained to become seers so that people will understand the Truth and not just be guided by the memories and déjà vu experiences.
When my past birth (Enki) was seeing the destructive events that were taking place during the Confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages, he remembered seeing destructive events at the end of the cycle. This was a déjà vu experience. Similarly, when he was meditating (while the destructive events were taking place during the Confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages), he (the soul) remembered how he (the soul) was meditating at the end of the cycle when destructive events were taking place. This is also a déjà vu experience.
Since Enki plays a role in the afterlife (now) he sees things that are happening now. These memories can also be remembered because these memories are being seen by the birth-role of Enki. Since it can be remembered, he was able to have relevant déjà vu experiences (when Enki sees a similar scene during the Confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages). Sometimes, his consciousness will slip into the future, i.e. into the present time when he is playing a role in the after-life. With time, he began to realise that these were time slip experiences involving what had happened at the end. He may have had these experiences because his birth-role is an immortal role. Enki was also having precognitive experiences. He could easily see into the future. These precognition experiences were through visions, deja vu experiences, time slips into the future (which he began to recognise with time), dreams, looking at what exists in the World Drama within the soul, looking at what exists in the Subtle World Movie in the Holographic Universe, etc.
A precognition involves the knowledge of an event even before it happens. It involves the ability to know things which are not perceived by the senses. Based on these experiences, prophecies can be given. Based on such experiences, Enki began the system for prophecies.
Actually, a déjà vu is not really a precognition. It cannot be used to give prophecies. The Déjà vu involves a departure from the usual system. Memories of past births are not supposed to emerge. And neither are memories supposed to get created through the energies flying around into the future and the past. So, the déjà vu is giving a re-collection of a memory which is not normally had by people. That which is being re-called should not be re-called. It happens because we are in the Underworld. This is one reason why Enki was associated to the Underworld. However, since the Confluence Age is connected to the Confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages, such re-collections are not really abnormal. It is normal because of the connection between the Confluence Age and the beginning of the Copper Age. All other re-collections are abnormal. This was one reason why the Egyptians, who were involved with the practices for giving themselves immortality (immortality for birth-roles), were seen as being on the unrighteous path (even though one had to be virtuous so as to play a role in the after-life). These practices were also seen as unrighteous because Marduk began the practices where the mortal kings were seen as gods on earth. Enlil (the King of Bharath) began to consider those in the line of Abraham as his descendants. He tried to make sure that they worship God as God was worshipped at the beginning of the Copper Age.
In most cases, in present times, the circumstances of the "previous" experience (as to where, when, and how the earlier event happened) are not that certain. Though people’s feelings are strong (that it has happened before), they will usually have little or no recollection of the details of the events (which they were recollecting during the déjà vu experience). However, when one is having a lot of precognitive experiences, one can know as to which time a déjà vu experience relates too. Thus, since Enki was having a lot of precognitive experiences, he became aware of when the time slip and memory (which gave the déjà vu) had taken place. If he was not sure, he will meditate:
1. so as to get information from God,
2. to see what exists in the Subtle World Drama, etc.
When Enki was seeing what was in the Subtle World Drama, he knew that it was the Subtle Underworld. This was also a reason why, in the Egyptian myths, it was portrayed that the kings and others take a journey in the sky until the end of the cycle when they face Judgement for all their sinful acts. The sky represented the Holographic Universe and the subtle regions. Those who were involved with the mummification process, for the after-life, also face a Judgement to see if they are worthy to play a role in the after-life. To be worthy, they must have been virtuous and they must have the ability to subtly recognise scenes so that they will know of what to do when they meet a certain person or group of people or situation, etc. Thus, those who were journeying to play the role in the after-life were portrayed as taking a different kind of journey in the sky. However, Enki/Osiris need not face this Judgement to see if he was capable of playing the role because it is there in the World Drama that he should play this role. It was because of this that others got interested in playing a role in the afterlife. So, the worship and practices for it were developed by Marduk (the son of Enki) for the Egyptians.
The déjà vu and time slip experiences, which the ancient people were having, made them get interested in time-travelling. So, they began experimenting with time-travelling into the future. Time-Travelling is not a time slip. After a time slip experience, one comes back to the original position in the Subtle World Movie. One does not remain in the future or past. During time-travelling, one goes into the future and does not come back to the original position in the Subtle World Movie. Time-travelling involves using the quantum dimensions where one can travel faster (even near the speed of light) depending on which quantum dimension one is in. If one can travel near the speed of light, one can also time-travel.
The gods, who walked out of the Silver Age, had also altered the genes of human beings so that they can be used as seers, etc. Thus, the genes of many were modified so that they can easily get information through subtle experiences. These people and their descendants would also be able to easily remember the past and future. Thus, they and their descendants would also easily have déjà vu experiences. The genetic engineering modifications were supposed to create people who could:
1. become leaders/kings who would be playing a role in their after-life,
2. inform the gods and kings of what had happened in the previous Confluence Age or of what would be happening in the future Confluence Age,
3. help the gods and kings to play an important role as leaders for the future and for the afterlife,
4. help the leaders rule through explaining whether a specific act will have good or bad consequences,
5. help Mankind by getting information of what exists in the Subtle World Drama, etc.
Marduk, as a creator, had also tried to alter genes so that people will easily remember and play their roles, for the after-life, at the end. These genetic traits that have been passed down will enable people to easily have déjà vu experiences now. Thus, many people have déjà vu experiences now.
There can be strong and weak déjà vu experiences, though usually people have weak ones (nowadays). The weak ones are those where people do not know much about where they had seen the situation etc before. The stronger ones are where people recollect more of the memory (though not everything). If a person is able to remember it completely, I refer to it as remembering the event; and I classify it as an emerged ‘memory’. But not many people can have such clear memories now. Many people are not able to recollect their deva ju and time slip experiences because:
1. the memory is not clear,
2. of the weak and confused state of the soul,
3. the mind, intellect and memory bank faculties are not trained to let the person have more details of the experience.
A soul who has powerful spiritual energies within him, as those who walked out of the Silver Age had, would be able to have more powerful experiences of what was seen in the past or future. When the energies of the soul are weak, the soul can easily go into a confused state. Thus, one would find it more difficult to remember as to when one had seen the event etc before. However, now, we can train our mind, intellect and memory bank to provide us with more vivid details, so that it is not just a feeling that ‘we have seen this somewhere before’. Since time slips and reality shifts are possible in the Holographic Universe of the Underworld, our thoughts and feelings can also be used to change the world around us. In fact, this can happen whether we're aware of it or not.
Om Shanti
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