Parallel Universes, False Golden World, etc
NB: This article can be found after the following introductory passages.
Before you read this article, please note that, from 1996, I (Pari, the author of this article) had begun to see numerous visions. I was trying to understand what was happening to me. As I was trying to understand this, I began writing all the articles which can be found in this website. Each article is a continuation of the earlier one. So what I had explained in earlier articles were not explained in subsequent articles. This had also allowed me to keep developing what I have to explain. After I had written numerous articles, people were asking me as to which articles they had to read in order to understand something or the other. Thus, in 2015, I began to write books. All the knowledge which a person needs, so as to understand the contents of a book, are given in the book. Thus, a person could understand the contents of a book without having to revert to other articles or books. However, a better understanding could be had through reading the other books. I had also begun writing my first book “Holographic Universe : An Introduction” because I began to have a good understanding on the structure of the Holographic Universe through experiences, guidance from God, research, etc.
It should be remembered that my articles were written while I was trying to understand what was happening to me. So, the emphasis in the articles may have been on my own roles (due to the afterlife of my past births). In my books, I concentrate on just explaining knowledge and not really on giving an explanation on my own role.
It should be noted that since there are so many articles, I find it very difficult to update the articles. So there may be information in them which has not been updated. I try my best to keep my eBooks updated.
Anyway, to have a better understand of what has been said in this article, read all my earlier articles. Begin by reading the first article which is numbered as No.1 at my List of Articles. Then, re-read this article to have a better understanding. It should be noted that all my articles were written based on time being cyclic. Click here to understand the basics of the Cycle of Time.
Parallel Universes, the False Golden World, False Prophet, Mapmakers and the Tower of Babel
(posted 7-3-2013)
NB: there is a brief explanation on the cycle, at the end of this article, for those who are not familiar with the Cycle of Time. For convenience, I am referring to those who walked out of the divine world, at the end of the Silver Age, as the Anunnaki since they have been referred to as the Anunnaki in the Sumerian myths. The Sumerian mythological names/roles like Enlil, Enki, Ningishzidda, Marduk, Anunna etc were only some of the roles which they were using. These people/souls had used many roles during the Mid-Confluence (Confluence between the Silver and Copper Ages). Their actual names were considered as being insignificant. I have begun an explanation on this at: Egyptian Ren & Mythical Names – Part 1 (Name of the Soul) and at Egyptian Ren & Mythical Names : Part 2 – Ancient Naming System.
(includes a discussion on the choices offered in the Subtle World Drama/Movie which is reflected through the Quantum Dimension; the Parallel Universes within the soul; Enki residing in the Abzu; meaning of Abzu; Boat of Ra myth; Egyptian afterlife; Judgment in the Judgment Hall of Osiris; significance of requirements like the “mysterious names”; Golden Palace of Shiva and Parvati; Vishwakarma builds palace of gold in a split second; role of US and Russia; Ravana’s Golden Lanka or 'Sone ki Lanka'; Trikuta; Mount Meru; Sumerian myth; Mohenjo Daro, Harappa, Sodom, Gomorrah; Ramayana; God/Enlil/Rama saves Lot and Sita; Rama-Kshatriya; Ravana-Brahmin; Marduk was the last Prajapati Brahma and Prajapita Brahma; 2 different cycles of time for gods and mortals)
There are a few kinds of Parallel Universes or Parallel Worlds; some of which are:
1. the various divisions and quantum dimensions in the Holographic Universe as Parallel Universes to the physical world on earth (in the second half cycle). The Copper Age and Kaliyug are in the second half cycle.
2. the various divisions within the soul, which are Parallel Universes within the soul.
3. the False Golden Aged Subtle Region, which is a Parallel Universe to the False Golden Aged Corporeal World, on earth (now).
4. the Golden Aged physical world and it’s parallel worlds which are in the Holographic Universe of the first half cycle. The Golden Age and the Silver Age are in the first half cycle.
5. the Confluence Aged subtle regions as Parallel Universes to the corporeal world, now.
In the myths and ancient texts, the Parallel Worlds usually refer to one of the above 5 kinds of Parallel Worlds. Therefore, it may also be referring to the situation where it is as if the people, of the second half cycle, are given various choices (so as to decide what they want to do). It is as if these choices are offered in the Subtle World Drama/Movie of the Holographic Universe (of the second half cycle). Whatever exists in the Subtle World Movie will be reflected through the Quantum Dimension that is closest to the Subtle World Movie (in the Holographic Universe of the second half cycle). Though it is as if these choices exist, in the Subtle World Movie of the second half cycle, one does not really have a choice. I have explained this in my other articles. Since there are no choices, the Quantum Dimension (that is closest to the physical world) will only reflect that which is on earth.
All the souls who had taken births during the Golden and Silver Ages (or first half cycle) are deity souls. The souls were completely divine, during the first half cycle. Then, when they lost their divine state (at the end of the Silver Age) the souls transformed into the weaker ordinary state, where the vices can exist. However, deep within all these deity souls (during the second half cycle) there are divine energies because we had been deities (during the first half cycle).
During the Confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages, the spiritual strength of the souls was still quite high. Thus, they realized that the divine energies still existed deep within the soul; though the surface of the soul had become capable of changing into the vices. The surface was capable of transforming into the vices because the energies of the soul had transformed into the weaker energies.
The Anunnaki created the belief-system that the divine energies (which existed deep within the soul) were in another Parallel Universe because what existed there was not being used by the souls. It was as if the divine energies had now only existed in the other dimension/world, deep within the soul, which the souls did not have access to. Souls only use what exists on the surface of the soul and not that which is deep within. Thus, the surface of the soul was seen as the world which was lived in (within the soul). What existed on the surface of the soul were energies that could be changed into the vices. Therefore, the ancient people had associated the ‘surface’ to the Underworld while ‘heaven’ was associated to what existed deep down. This was a reason why the stargate devices were placed in the subterranean chambers of the spaceports.
Since the divine energies existed deep within the soul, the ancient people had created myths which portrayed that Enki resided in the parallel universe (called Abzu) that was deep down. Originally, Abzu referred to the Sun because the sun was used to represent:
1. God playing His role in the Confluence Age.
2. God playing His role with my past births (Enki etc) in the False Golden Aged Subtle Region, at the end.
Since the Sun/Abzu represents God playing His role in the Confluence Age, the word ‘Abzu’ was associated to the primordial. For example, ‘Abzu’ was the Primordial Sea (from which life sprang) and ‘Abzu’ was also the Primordial Lord of the Inner Waters. The Inner Waters were the divine energies that were deep within the soul. However, in the physical world, the waters beneath the surface of the earth had also got associated to the Inner Waters because:
1. Enki was mining for gold that was in the waters underground,
2. Enki was travelling around underground and deep within the waters.
God was portrayed as ‘Abzu’, the Primordial Lord of the Inner Waters, because it was God who transformed the ordinary energies of the soul into the divine energies that were now, only existing deep within the soul. It is God who gets the divine Golden Aged deities created, during the Confluence Age, through transforming the ordinary souls into the divine souls. When God transforms the souls into the divine souls, the souls get filled with divine energies (even on the surface of the soul). At the end of the Silver Age, the divine energies that were on the surface of the soul transformed back into the ordinary state. However, the divine energies, that were deep down, still existed like as if they were in another parallel universe (deep within the soul). Thus, the Abzu was seen as being deep down.
Enki (my past birth) plays a role with God, in the False Golden Aged Subtle Region, at the end of each cycle (as he does now). In visions, I see God as an enlarged Point of Light in this False Golden Aged Subtle Region. However, I know that God is in the combined form with my past births. But I do not know how they can appear in the combined form like that (in visions) as an enlarged Point of Light. God also appears as an enlarged Point of Light in the visions of the Confluence Aged souls, at the end of each cycle. All these memories emerged, during the Confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages, to influence the ancient people to view Abzu/God as the Sun.
The word ‘Abzu’ had got associated to the underworld because Enki (my past birth) resides with God in the Abzu (the False Golden Aged subtle region) at the end of each cycle. Past births emerging to play a role is an impure state. Thus, the subtle region where ‘past births are in an emerged state’ cannot be a pure region. Therefore, it was associated to the Underworld.
‘God’ had got associated to the Underworld because God plays an active role during the second half cycle (when human souls are in the Underworld). Human souls begin to call out to God, at the beginning of the Copper Age, and so God begins to play His role while He remains in the Soul World. God had also got associated to the Underworld because of:
1. His role in the line of Enki,
2. His role (as Seth) for those who play a role in the afterlife.
The word ‘Abzu’ had also got associated to the Underworld because the line of Enki was for the Underworld. This role, for the underworld, began during the Confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages. It was an immortal role. So Enki will play a leading role in the Abzu (False Golden Aged Subtle Region) at the end of each cycle (as he is doing now). Thus, the word ‘Abzu’ was used to refer to Enki's shrine/temple in Eridu (during the Copper Age).
After Enki emerges at the end, to play his immortal role, he will play the role of the False Prophet. Enki (as the False Prophet) is now in another kind of Parallel Universe (which I refer to as the False Golden Aged subtle region/world). The False Prophet plays a role with God (in the combined form) in this False Golden Aged Subtle Region.
The False Golden Aged Subtle World is connected to the true Golden Aged subtle world, now, because the true Golden Aged subtle world is in a weak state. When the true Golden Aged subtle world becomes more powerful, the False Golden Aged Subtle World will disappear. The False Golden Aged Subtle World will get erased from the true Golden Aged subtle world, as we (the Confluence Aged souls) become more and more powerful. This was why the Egyptian god Seth was portrayed as only playing a role in the Underworld, during the journey in the Boat of Ra. When the Solar Boat of Ra is about to move into the day (Golden Age), the role of Seth (as a protector against the demons/vices) will come to an end. Then, only Ra/Marduk will continue while leading everyone into the divine Golden Aged world (for the walking in process). Ra/Marduk represents God and his representatives on earth. God does not walk into the Golden Aged world. It is only his representatives who walk in. They will take care of everything, on God’s behalf. Then, the deities will rule in God’s kingdom, in the Golden Age.
The False Prophet is involved with a few different sets of Parallel Universes. The False Golden Aged Subtle World does not belong to the same set of Parallel Universes as that which the true Golden Aged subtle world belongs to. Yet, there is a connection between these 2 different sets of Parallel Universes because of the ancient worship that was done so as to connect the 2 different sets of Parallel Universes. This was to help the souls, who play a role in the afterlife, to move into the False Golden Aged subtle region that is connected to the true Golden Aged subtle region. My past births are also able to emerge in Brahmapuri (the weakest Confluence Aged subtle region) because of their ancient belief-system for the after-life. Yet, the Confluence Aged subtle region belongs to a different set of Parallel Universes. The purification process does not take place in the False Golden Aged Subtle World. Purification takes place in the Confluence Aged subtle regions. There are not supposed to be any connections between these different sets of Parallel Universes. However, connections between them can exist when God allows it. This was also a reason why the ancient Egyptian kings, who play a role in the afterlife, had to pass the Judgment (in the Judgment Hall of Osiris) before they can move on into the heavenly region (to live with Osiris).
The final step (for the transition), so as to play a role in the afterlife, was to pass the Judgment (in the Judgment Hall of Osiris). During this Judgement, Osiris represents God. It is only through getting God’s blessings that we can move from one set of Parallel Universes to another set of Parallel Universes. Getting God’s blessing is like ‘passing’ the Judgement before Osiris. However, passing this Judgement also includes the fulfilment of more requirements.
In the scenes, just before the scene where the king is brought before Osiris (for the Judgment), others play a leading role because God acts as per the World Drama. So God only allows those who are chosen, as per the World Drama, to go into another different set of Parallel Universes. Further, one also has to be virtuous to move into this heavenly region (in the afterlife) because the vices cannot exist where the true Golden Aged subtle region exists (even though the true Golden Aged subtle region is in its weak form). So the sanskaras (traits) that have to be in an emerged form, in the past births, are the virtuous ones. Ghosts will not be allowed to move into the Duat for the afterlife because ghosts cannot exist in the heavenly region. Ghosts are different from those who play a role in the afterlife. So the ancient people, who were involved with the practices for the afterlife, had to make sure that they do not become ghosts. These were some of the additional requirements that were needed, so as to play a role in the afterlife.
Before the king enters the Judgment Hall of Osiris, he has to pass through many doors and various regions (in the Duat/Underworld) which do not allow him to pass by. This was an indication that the king was in the process of moving from one set of Parallel Universes to another set of Parallel Universes. One, generally, cannot do this because the doors are closed between the different sets of Parallel Universes. The regions where the kings faced difficulties, in crossing over, represented that it is difficult to make a crossing between the different sets of Parallel Universes. It also signifies all the difficulties which we have to undergo, in the Underworld, before we reach our final destination (which is at the end of the cycle). Since the kings are travelling from one set of Parallel Universes to another set of Parallel Universes, the kings were portrayed as travelling from the West to East. The west represented the sky with the setting sun and the east represented the sky with the rising sun. Therefore the kings were portrayed as travelling between 2 different areas in the sky and at 2 different times of the day.
In the Egyptian practices for the afterlife, the requirements (that the “mysterious names” have to be known, that one must pass the Judgment, etc) are all based on the fact that one cannot move into another set of Parallel Universes unless one has to play a role there. If one has to play a role there, one will be able to enter. Thus, one will know the “mysterious names” (as pass words); and one will definitely pass the Judgment to move into the Heavenly Region. The worship, which the ancient Egyptian kings were involved with, were supposed to help them to have knowledge of the “mysterious names” etc (so that they can pass through the doors etc). The worship was meant to help them play their roles, at the end. So it was as if the worship will enable them to know how to pass through the doors etc. The doors were actually being opened through the worship that had been done, during the Copper Age, for the afterlife. The view that the dead kings need to “have knowledge of the mysterious names” etc was an indication that only the souls, who were properly involved in the worship practices for the afterlife, will have knowledge of the “mysterious names” that will allow them entrance. This means that only those who were properly involved with the worship practices will be able to play a role properly in the afterlife (for explaining and guiding) through the False Golden Aged Subtle Region.
Those who had not been involved with the worship practices for the afterlife may not be able to explain history (through the mapmaker role) as well as those who were involved with the worship practices for the afterlife. Those who were not correctly involved with the practices will not be able to give explanations as well as those who had done it properly (though they will be able to explain history more clearly than those who were not involved in the practices at all). The practices for the afterlife will help to keep the memories in an emerged state so that the soul will be influenced to play the mapmaker role, in the births, during the afterlife. However, it is only at the end that the clearest explanations can be given because it is only at the end that God gets involved with our mapmaker roles (so as to guide us). God helps to emerge memories in a clear form so that it will influence us to give good explanations. If God was not helping, then the memories will not be emerging in a clear form. So the explanations which one gives will not be that accurate. As a result, it can lead to confusion. Even if we had done the worship for the afterlife properly, we would not have played the role of the mapmaker well, in our past births, because God only begins to assist us at the end and not before that. This is why the role of the False Prophet was supposed to be played at the end. Thus, all the Copper Aged mapmakers had to wait until the end, when God plays the role of the Mapmaker together with the souls who have successfully passed the judgement in the Judgement Hall of Osiris (in the Duat). My past births have succeeded in this judgement. So I play a role with God as a False Prophet.
Explaining history is not the role of the true prophet. So the word “False Prophet” has been given to those who explain history (with God) at the end. True Prophets only explain the spiritual knowledge. One can play the role of the ‘true prophet’ and that of the False Prophet as I am doing. This is why my articles, often, explains history and the Confluence Aged spiritual knowledge. This is why both (history and the Confluence Aged spiritual knowledge) have been combined in my articles.
Many will be able to play the role of the mapmaker, even though they did not get involved with the practices for the afterlife. They will explain based on the explanations given by the mapmakers (who have emerged to play a role in the afterlife). Since there is no copyright on the things that I write, many will be able to expand upon what I say (based on the evidences that had been left behind). They do not need their own ‘memories’ to explain as mapmakers.
According to the ancient Egyptian texts, after the judgement (in the Judgment Hall of Osiris), the good kings will be led into the region where it is like Paradise and they will be with Osiris there. Though it is a heavenly area, Osiris is still the God of the Underworld (in that area) because it represents the False Golden Aged World. When we move into this area, to be with Osiris, our consciousness will be in the False Golden Aged Subtle Region and our physical bodies will be in the False Golden Aged Corporeal World.
The False Golden Aged subtle world is the Parallel Universe of the False Golden Aged Corporeal World. Through what happens, in the False Golden Aged Subtle Region, changes take place on earth in the False Golden Aged Corporeal World. For example (since the true Golden Aged subtle region is connected to the False Golden Aged Subtle Region) as our Golden Aged subtle bodies become more and more powerful, in the true Golden Aged Subtle Region, our physical bodies change in the False Golden Aged Corporeal World (until the time comes when we walk into the true Golden Aged World). These people, who are in the process of walking into the Golden Aged world, are not in the true Golden Aged corporeal world as yet.
Those who are involved with the walking-in process will also be involved with helping to develop all that which will be brought into the true Golden Aged world. While they are using what has to be brought into the true Golden Aged world, they are considered as being in the False Golden Aged Corporeal World because what we need now (with imperfect bodies) is more than what the true Golden Aged deities (with perfect bodies) need. Whatever we do and use now, will be based on what the Anunnaki had left behind. What we do, now, is connected to what we had done during the Confluence between the Silver and Copper Ages. During the Confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages, we had taken what was used in the first half cycle and we had modified it to become that which was needed by the people in the second half cycle. Now, while in the False Golden Aged Corporeal World, memories will emerge of what we had done (during the Confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages) and we will undo what we had done so that what is needed in the first half cycle is taken into the true Golden Aged corporeal world. We may not even realise that we are being influenced by memories. Sounds/music, plants/nutrients, dances (as exercises), etc will all be given importance until we understand how it is to be used in the true Golden Aged corporeal world. Until then, we will be using all these so that we will have healthy bodies as our physical bodies transform.
People in the ‘outside world’ (outside the False Golden Aged Corporeal World) do not take care of themselves with the thought that it is for the walking-in process. It is only those who are in the False Golden Aged Corporeal World, who will be taking care of their corporeal bodies with the thought that it is for walking into the true Golden Aged world. When we have these thoughts in our minds, it becomes our aims. When it is time for walking into the true Golden Aged corporeal world, the fact that we had these aims will help us to walk-in. Those who have the aim of walking into the true Golden Aged world, will have their consciousness in the False Golden Aged Subtle Region until they walk into the true Golden Aged world. Having walked-in, they will no longer use the False Golden Aged Subtle Region. The False Golden Aged Subtle Region gets erased and in its place will be the true Golden Aged subtle region.
Before the true Golden Aged corporeal world comes into existence, the true Golden Aged subtle region is connected to 2 different sets of Parallel Universes, which are:
1. the False Golden Aged subtle world, and
2. the Confluence Aged subtle world.
If those who are intending to walk into the Golden Age are also Confluence Aged spiritual effort-makers, then their consciousness will be in the Confluence Aged subtle regions until they walk into the true Golden Aged world. Their subtle deity bodies (which will be used in the true Golden Aged world) will be in the true Golden Aged subtle region that is connected to the Confluence Aged subtle regions.
Those who are not making Confluence Aged spiritual efforts will have their consciousness in the False Golden Aged Subtle Regions. The spiritual strength in the Confluence Aged subtle regions will help to develop their subtle deity bodies which will be used in the Golden Age. Their subtle deity bodies, which will be used after walking into the Golden Age, will be developing in the true Golden Aged subtle region that is connected to the False Golden Aged subtle region. As the spiritual strength of the Confluence Aged souls increase, the spiritual strength of the Confluence Aged gathering increases. This, in turn, will help to give spiritual strength to the subtle deity bodies which are developing in the true Golden Aged subtle region. Thus, even the subtle deity bodies of those whose consciousness is in the False Golden Aged subtle region will be developing for the walking-in process. All the subtle deity bodies, which will be used in the true Golden Aged world, will be in the true Golden Aged subtle region. However, their consciousness may either be in the Confluence Aged subtle region or in the False Golden Aged subtle region (depending on whether they are Confluence Aged spiritual effort-makers or not).
Those who walk into the Golden Age will be taking care of everything, in the Golden Age. Many will also be giving birth to children, who will have perfect bodies. These children will be the fair Krishna (boys) and Radhe (girls) of the Golden Age. There will be 450,000 Krishna and 450,000 Radhe at the beginning of the Golden Age. The time or order of birth, of all these Krishna and Radhe, will be based on their spiritual strength. The ones who are more powerful (spiritually) are born first. So if one has been given the information (through visions etc) that one will be giving birth to a Krishna and/or Radhe, there will be the question of ‘which Krishna and/or which Radhe’ one will be giving birth to. A Confluence Aged soul had said that a woman must be in her 70s, and in her menopause, so as to bring in a deity child. But I am not sure if this is a requirement to bring in a Golden Aged child.
The true Golden Aged world is being created through the spiritual effort-making of the Confluence Aged souls. That is a different matter. The Brahma Kumaris are involved with that. The members of the Brahma Kumaris use a different set of Parallel Universes for the creation of the new true Golden Aged world. The Confluence Aged parallel universes are for the Confluence Aged spiritual effort-makers. One does not have to be a serious Confluence Aged spiritual effort-maker to walk into the true Golden Aged world. If one has the aim of walking-in, one will walk into the true Golden Aged world one day. Until then, we remain in the False Golden Aged World while making sure that we keep the aims in our minds. The False Golden Aged subtle region and the False Golden Aged corporeal world have already come into existence.
Sometime between the middle and the end of 2012, there was a time when I felt that I was caught in the False Golden Aged Subtle Region (where the role of the False Prophet is being used). I could not bring my consciousness out of there, so as to bring it into the Confluence Aged subtle region. I wanted to become more powerful (spiritually) and more pure. This can only be done while I am in the Confluence Aged subtle region. However, I was not able to get my consciousness out of the False Golden Aged subtle region because:
1. the False Golden Aged subtle region belonged to a different set of Parallel Universes,
2. I may have been actively involved with the role of the False Prophet, at that time.
The Confluence Aged subtle regions also belong to a different set of Parallel Universes. We need the Confluence Aged spiritual effort-maker role to enter the Confluence Aged subtle regions (since it is a different set of Parallel Worlds). Anyway, since I could not get my consciousness out of the False Golden Aged subtle region, I had thought that I must have got myself into a situation which I could not come out of. So, finally, I began to think that as Parvati I should play a role that would benefit the whole world, instead of just thinking of benefiting myself. When I kept telling myself that I should play the role of Parvati, I began to notice that I could easily use the Confluence Aged subtle regions again. This brought the myth, about the Golden Palace of Shiva and Parvati, to my mind.
According to the Hindu myth (about the construction of Golden Lanka), when Shiva married Parvati, Shiva asked Vishwakarma to build a beautiful palace for them to reside in. ‘Vishwakarma’ includes God’s role. It is God who created:
1. the Confluence Aged subtle regions (so that the true Golden Aged world can get created through the spiritual effort-making done in the Confluence Aged subtle regions), and
2. the False Golden Aged subtle region (through allowing my past births to emerge, so that the relevant roles can be used via the False Golden Aged subtle region).
In the myth, Vishwakarma was portrayed as building a palace (made of gold) in a split second because this Palace of Gold represented a subtle region. The Palace was portrayed as being made of gold because the true Golden Aged subtle region is also included in this ‘Golden Palace’.
In the Hindu myths, Ravana was a devotee of Shiva. Through his acts of devotion and total surrender, Ravana had pleased Shiva (on many occasions). Thus, Shiva invited Ravana to perform the "Grihapravesh" ritual (which is the house-warming ritual) for the Palace of Gold. When the ceremony was over, Shiva asked Ravana what he would like as a Dakshina or fee. Since Ravana was overwhelmed with the beauty and grandeur of the Golden Palace, he asked Shiva for the Golden Palace itself. Shiva had to give what Ravana wanted as his Dakshina or fee. So Shiva immediately gave the Golden Palace to Ravana. So Golden Lanka became Ravana's abode. All these were actually portraying how my past births were allowed to play their role in the False Golden Aged subtle region because of their bhakti/worship to God, during the Copper Age. Since the role of the False Prophet is also played through this subtle region, it was associated to Ravana (in the myths). The role of the False Prophet is for those who are in the Underworld, where the vices can still be used. The False Golden Aged subtle region is also for Golden Lanka, at the end.
Lanka actually represents the world, which will exist at the end. This was also a reason why the False Golden Aged World was associated to Lanka. It will exist at the end too. The world, at the end, will look very beautiful because of the advanced sciences that are being used. However, this world (at the end) is not the true Golden Aged world, even though it looks as valuable as gold. Apart from the walking-in process, destruction of the old world will also take place (at the end). This does not mean that the world is going to be destroyed. It is just going to get changed into the Golden Aged world. Enki’s line is for what has to exist and happen at the ‘end’. The USA is the country that is closely involved with what has to happen in the line of Enki. Later, Russia will play a leading role (on behalf of Enlil’s ancient kingdom) just before the new Golden Aged world takes over.
The False Golden Aged Subtle Region has also been associated to the Golden Palace of Shiva and Parvati, in the Hindu myths, because of my role in the False Golden Aged Subtle Region as Parvati (God’s wife). Parvati is a subtle deity who was created by God when he created the Confluence Aged subtle regions and the subtle angelic bodies for us to use. The role of Parvati is used through using the subtle deity body of Parvati. The role of Parvati is used to carry out God’s service on earth. Since I am involved with service in the outside world, as Parvati, I will also have to use the False Golden Aged Subtle Region (while the role of the False prophet is being used). However, Parvati is a Confluence Aged role. So I will be able to easily use that role in the Confluence Aged subtle region too. Thus, through the role of Parvati, I can easily move out of the False Golden Aged Subtle Region so that I can bring my consciousness into one of the Confluence Aged subtle regions (where I am purified). Since the role of Parvati is connected to the False Golden Aged Subtle Region, for world service, I have access to 2 different sets/kinds of Parallel Universes. It has to be like this because of my role in Golden Lanka, the corporeal world at the end of the cycle.
The Golden Lanka, at the end, includes the False Golden Aged Corporeal world which is the Parallel Universe of the False Golden Aged Subtle Region. However, in the Hindu myths, Ravana’s Golden Lanka or 'Sone ki Lanka' was also a reference to the Lemurian kingdom with the Golden Palace in ancient Lanka. It had a golden palace which was more beautiful than the palace in Bharath. Originally, Enki’s father began turning the Lemurian Palace into the most beautiful Palace of Gold. This was the first golden peak in the ancient Golden Lanka. It had a stargate device which could bring the Igigi and Anunnaki into the Quantum Dimensions (which are Parallel Universes to the physical world). Then, Enki built a Golden Palace there as a substitute for the Golden Palace which was sinking into the waters. This was the second golden peak in Golden Lanka. It also had a stargate device to bring the Igigi and Anunnaki into the Quantum Dimensions.
In the Hindu myths, the Golden Palace of Parvati and Shiva was also connected to Ravana’s Golden Lanka because of the time-slip experiences etc which Enki was having (during the Confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages). The time-slip experiences made it seem like as if the Golden Palace which God Shiva and I reside in (at the end of each cycle) was brought down to earth to become the Golden Lanka, at the end of the Silver Age. It was as if the Golden Palace of Shiva and Parvati (at the end of each cycle) was connected to the Golden Palace which Enki had built (during the Confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages). Since Enki was having these time-slip experiences, it was as if Enki (my past birth) was playing a role as Shanker (with God Shiva) in the Golden Palace with Parvati (my role at the end). Thus, during the Copper Ages, Enki was portrayed as Shanker the one who resided in Mount Kailash (in the combined form with Shiva) when he was involved with the freezers that were on the Himalayan Mountains.
Marduk was using the stargate device, in Golden Lanka, for outer space travelling. Thus, when Enki was busy in the Himalayan Mountain and in the Middle East, Golden Lanka was taken over by Marduk. Enki’s Golden Palace, which represented the Golden Palace of Shiva/Shanker and Parvati, was also given to Marduk since he was using it for outer space travelling. This was also a reason why the myth portrays that the Golden Palace, which was built for Shiva/Shanker and Parvati, was given to Ravana during Tetrayug. Since Marduk took over Golden Lanka, the myths (about Ravana’s Golden Lanka) began to include what was happening during the battle between Enlil (portrayed as Rama) and Marduk (portrayed as Ravana) while Marduk was trying to influence the people (portrayed as Sita) with what he was offering because it was time for Marduk to have world rule. The Ramayana story was a combination of this history and what God does at the end (to bring the deity souls into the Brahma Kumaris for world transformation). These 2 events were combined so that the mapmakers will be able to explain both events (that which happens at the end of the cycle and that which took place during the Confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages). Since the 2 events were combined, Golden Lanka was portrayed as having existed in Tetrayug. Actually, it can be said that it existed in the last phase of Tetrayug (which is the first half phase of the Confluence between the Silver and Copper Ages).
The second Golden peak (which was built by Enki) began sinking into the sea, during the Copper Aged Great Flood. So, after the Copper Aged Great Flood, there were plans to build another spaceport in Golden Lanka. But it never materialised because emphasis was given to the lands which were under Enlil’s control. Finally, it was Marduk who began building the third Golden Peak in Golden Lanka. This third peak was supposed to be a spaceport. It was supposed to be the Tower of Babel which honours Marduk and which was supposed to reach the sky (one day); though it had never reached the sky because Enlil (and his representatives) had made sure that it did not get completed. The people were dwelling on the top of the 3rd peak (as it was being constructed to reach the sky). Thus, in the Ramayana, Lanka was portrayed as being on the peak of Trikuta. Trikuta is a Sanskrit word which means ‘three peaked’. Just as there were 3 peaks or pyramids in the Giza Plateau, in Egypt; there were 3 peaks in Golden Lanka. The first 2 peaks were sinking into the sea, after being destroyed by earthquakes. The third peak was destroyed by Enlil’s representatives (before it sank into the sea). Since the first 2 were spaceports, Trikuta was portrayed as the peak of Mount Meru. The spaceports were associated to Mount Meru, in the myths. Mount Meru also represented Lemuria, before it sank. Marduk’s third peak was also supposed to be a spaceport. However, since Marduk was allowing the mortals/anaryans to take charge in the spaceport, the Enlilites were against its construction. So, they destroyed it. In the Ramayana, the Lanka which Rama destroyed (through Hanuman) was the Trikuta because the third peak was already there (though it had not been completed as yet). As a result of all the destructive events that were taking place in Lanka, Trikuta was portrayed as the peak of Mount Meru which was broken and cast into the sea as Lanka.
In Tablet 12 of the Sumerian Translations, by Zakaria Sitchin, Enlil and the Enlilites destroy the spaceport (Tower of Babel) which Marduk’s people were building. What they had destroyed was actually Trikuta. All the spaceports which Marduk was building (while allowing the mortals/anaryans to take charge in the spaceports) were portrayed as the “Tower of Babel” collectively. But it was Trikuta that was a significant one because it had already got built to become quite high (since it was in the lands of Lemuria). Later, after the Indus Valley civilization was better developed, the Enlilites wanted to build a new spaceport around there through using the materials that were at the destroyed spaceport in Lanka. But Marduk did not allow this. Instead, he wanted to build a new spaceport at Mohenjo Daro (with the materials from Lanka). So the Enkites and Enlilites continued fighting. Then, finally, in an attempt to make sure that the people (world-wide) only supported Enlil and not Marduk, the places where the supporters of Marduk lived were destroyed. Some of these places were Mohenjo Daro, Harappa, Sodom, Gomorrah and many others. The story in the Ramayana also portrays all these events. This was why Rama was portrayed as saving Sita (the people).
In the myth, the scene where Sita is waiting for Rama was a scene that related that the deity souls would be waiting for God to safe them, at the end of the cycle. During the Confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages, the supporters of Marduk were not waiting for Enlil to save them. However, among the people (living in the areas where the supporters of Marduk lived) there were some who supported Enlil. Enlil saved these people who supported him, before destroying the area. This was also portrayed in the Biblical myths where God saves Lot and others, before destroying Sodom and Gomorrah. Actually, God (in this Biblical myth) represented Enlil. Since Enlil was helping the Jews, they saw whatever he did as the acts of God.
Since Rama (Enlil) was seen as God on Earth, Marduk’s actions were seen as the actions of the Devil incarnate (Ravana). However, it should be noted that Rama belonged to the Kshatriya clan while Ravana belonged to the Brahmin clan. The Kshatriya clan is the ruling clan while the Brahmin clan is the Godly clan. The Kshatriya caste is lower than the Brahmin caste. How can ‘God’ belong to a lower caste than the Devil. Further, Ravana was a strong devotee of Shiva. All these suggest that there may be something wrong in seeing Rama/Enlil as the ‘God’ and Ravana/Marduk as the Devil. Further, the supporters of Marduk viewed Marduk as God (or as the representative of God on earth). In their view, Enlil was the evil one. However, Marduk was generally associated to Ravana because he was going against the normal Anunnaki trends of that time. What he was doing would only help to turn the world into Ravana’s world (i.e. a world where the vices are entertained). However, Marduk had paved the way for greater human rights for Mankind. Thus, he had done a great thing.
The battle did not end with the destruction of the places where the supporters of Marduk lived. It continued because Enlil and Enki were joint rulers in India. In this joint rule, Enlil belonged to the ‘Kshatriya or ruling clan’ and Enki belonged to the ‘Brahmin or godly advisor clan’. However, they remained as rulers of Bharath and Lemuria respectively. So what Marduk inherited from Enki, was as powerful as what Enlil had. In fact, it can be said that Marduk had inherited more because Lemuria was the wealthiest kingdom, at that time. Further, the rich people were supporting Marduk because they wanted to enjoy better rights through what he was offering. So the battle continued. This was why, in the Ramayana, there was an ‘addition’ to the original story with Sita being left in the jungle. The story was continued because the battle continued.
The Ramayana and the Sumerian myths were stories based on history. So something of what had happened, during historical times, was included in the stories. What was being related, in the Sumerian and Hindu myths, were about the same events that took place during the Confluence between the Silver and Copper Ages. The ancient people had placed their history in a ‘mixed form’ in all the myths world-wide. As the Anunnaki were having various battles among themselves, they created myths and cultures which reflected what was happening, etc.
What remains as Sri Lanka now, are the lands that were developed after Trikuta had sank. The Lanka, that was on Trikuta, sank into the sea around 2500 years ago. When it sank, it was portrayed that the Lanka of the previous cycle had sank. It was also meant to mean that Marduk’s kingdom had sank. However, Marduk’s influence continued until today. He was the last to play the role of Prajapati Brahma and Prajapita Brahma (during the Confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages). So, it is Marduk who continues to play the role of Prajapita Brahma until the end.
Present day experts say that the Ramayana was written between 500 to 300 BC. How could the history, which is in the Ramayana, have taken place thousands of years before the Ramayana was written. In the ancient texts, it was portrayed like as if the events had taken place thousands of years before the actual time of the event because the gods and the mortals had 2 different cycles of time. History was being written based on the longer cycle of time that was used for the mortals. This pushed ‘history’ to a more ancient time.
Since the subsequent generations did not know the full story of what had happened, during the Confluence between the Silver and Copper Ages, there is confusion about what was being said in the myths. People were trying to make sense of what was handed down. However, no-one can make sense of what was handed down until Enki begins to play his role (as he is doing now, through me).
Om Shanti
Posted on 21-5-2018:
Ice had also begun to naturally form at that time since the pole shifts were occurring and the world was transforming into the world of the second half cycle. In addition, the freezers were used so as to freeze the water further, where necessary. This emerged a lot of land from under water and a lot of structures were constructed on these lands. When the Ice Age ended and the Copper Aged Great Flood came into existence, all these structures went under water where they are being preserved for the future. Some of these have already been discovered and numerous people's attention has been turned to them.
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NB: All my articles are based on time moving in a cyclic manner, in the order as follows:
1. the divine world in the first half cycle: involving the Golden Age (Satyug) and Silver Age (Tetrayug),
2. the Confluence between the Silver and Copper Ages: where the world transforms back into the ordinary state (after a vice was entertained),
3. the ordinary world of the second half cycle: involving the Copper Age (Dwapuryug) and Iron Age (Kaliyug),
4. the Confluence Age : through which the world is transformed back into the divine Golden Aged world.