The Ancient Aryan-Anaryan Battle - Part 1
NB: This article can be found after the following introductory passages.
Before you read this article, please note that, from 1996, I (Pari, the author of this article) had begun to see numerous visions. I was trying to understand what was happening to me. As I was trying to understand this, I began writing all the articles which can be found in this website. Each article is a continuation of the earlier one. So what I had explained in earlier articles were not explained in subsequent articles. This had also allowed me to keep developing what I have to explain. After I had written numerous articles, people were asking me as to which articles they had to read in order to understand something or the other. Thus, in 2015, I began to write books. All the knowledge which a person needs, so as to understand the contents of a book, are given in the book. Thus, a person could understand the contents of a book without having to revert to other articles or books. However, a better understanding could be had through reading the other books. I had also begun writing my first book “Holographic Universe : An Introduction” because I began to have a good understanding on the structure of the Holographic Universe through experiences, guidance from God, research, etc.
It should be remembered that my articles were written while I was trying to understand what was happening to me. So, the emphasis in the articles may have been on my own roles (due to the afterlife of my past births). In my books, I concentrate on just explaining knowledge and not really on giving an explanation on my own role.
It should be noted that since there are so many articles, I find it very difficult to update the articles. So there may be information in them which has not been updated. I try my best to keep my eBooks updated.
Anyway, to have a better understand of what has been said in this article, read all my earlier articles. Begin by reading the first article which is numbered as No.1 at my List of Articles. Then, re-read this article to have a better understanding. It should be noted that all my articles were written based on time being cyclic. Click here to understand the basics of the Cycle of Time.
The Ancient Aryan-Anaryan Battle - Part 1
posted on 9-2-2013
NB: there is a brief explanation on the cycle, at the end of this article, for those who are not familiar with the Cycle of Time. For convenience, I am referring to those who walked out of the divine world, at the end of the Silver Age, as the Anunnaki since they have been referred to as the Anunnaki in the Sumerian myths. The Sumerian mythological names/roles like Enlil, Enki, Ningishzidda, Marduk, Anunna etc were only some of the roles which they were using. These people/souls had used many roles during the Mid-Confluence (Confluence between the Silver and Copper Ages). Their actual names were considered as being insignificant. I have begun an explanation on this at: Egyptian Ren & Mythical Names – Part 1 (Name of the Soul) and at Egyptian Ren & Mythical Names : Part 2 – Ancient Naming System.
(includes a discussion on the subtle Aryan-Anaryan battle; corporeal Aryan-Anaryan battle; Anaryan-3 groups under Marduk; Aryan-one who obeys Enlil/Krishna; fair Krishna and the blue/black Krishna)
When the divine world was lost, the weaker souls (who were the citizens) were easily influenced by the vices. They were seen as the first Anaryans, though all the people had actually turned into Anaryans (non-Aryans).
The Aryans were the people who lived in the first half cycle. They were divine and not capable of being influenced by the vices. The minute a vice was entertained, all the souls lost their divine state and they became capable of being influenced by the vices. So, they all became Anaryans (Non-Aryans). However, at the end of the Silver Age, the people were making attempts to remain as Aryans. So those who remained virtuous were seen as continuing to remain as Aryans. The royalty were capable of remaining virtuous because their spiritual strength was higher. So, they were considered as Aryans. The royalty tried to use various methods so as to influence the citizens (who were influenced by the vices) to remain virtuous. Thus, the citizens were influenced to continue behaving well. This helped to bring the situation under control.
Originally, at the end of the Silver Age, no-one was fighting with each other. The battle was only a ‘subtle battle’ that was taking place within each soul/person (where the Aryan aspect gains victory over the Anaryan aspect). If one lost that battle, one becomes an Anaryan. If one remained victorious in remaining virtuous, one remained as an Aryan. However, with time, the people began to have conflicts among themselves because of the influence of the vices. And they were beginning to fight with each other. Later, before the Copper Aged Great Flood, they had even started killing each other (while under the influence of the vices). This has been portrayed through :
1. the Sumerian myth where Ka-in strikes and kills Abael
2. the Biblical myth where Cain strikes and kills Abel
Cain/Ka-in striking and killing Abel/Abael also represents more. For example, it represents how a person (on the side of the Enlilites) had done the first act to strike and kill a person on the side of the Enkites. In the myths and scriptures, Ka-in/Cain and the Aryans were associated to tilling the lands because the Enlilites were teaching the people how to do that (for world benefit); while the Enkites were teaching the people how to rear animals (for world benefit). The Enlilites and Enkites were working together to provide what the whole world population needed. Thus, in the Biblical myths, Cain was portrayed as tilling the land; while Abel raised cattle. In the Sumerian myths, Ka-in grew grain etc; while Abael reared lambs etc.
Since attempts had been made, by the royalty, to make sure that the people are not influenced by the vices, things were kept under control (until just before the Copper Aged Great Flood). Since mortals (Anaryans) were seen as being uncontrollable, the Anunnaki decided not to safe those who they considered as mortals/Anaryans (during the Copper Aged Great Flood). However, Enki had been given the duty of making sure that the citizens were alright, during the destructive events, at the end of the Silver Age. Thus, Enki had continued to make sure that the citizens/mortals were okay (even during the Copper Aged Great Flood). After the Copper Aged Great Flood, only those who were willing to flow along with the instructions of the Anunnaki were used and were allowed to live in the ‘civilizations for Man/mortals’. Where the Hopi (American Indians) were concerned, there was not much problems after the Copper Aged Great Flood. So, their Fourth World remained. However, problems began to continue among the other people.
From the end of the Silver Age, a few kinds of Aryan-Anaryan battles had developed. Some of these were:
1. the battle between the citizens of the North (Bharath) and the citizens of the South (Lemuria), in India.
2. the battle among the Anunnaki (between the Enlilites and Enkites), who were battling for power.
3. the battle where the Igigi began to rebel against their work load, etc. (Later, as others joined this clan, greater human rights for Mankind was established.)
Where the battle between the Enlilites and Enkites was concerned, at first, there was no fighting involved (though there were differences based on desires, etc). This battle for power got combined with:
1. the battle where the Igigi (and others) rebelled for better rights; and
2. the battle between the citizens of the North (Bharath) and the citizens of the South (Lemuria), in India.
The battle involving the Igigi (and others), for human rights, began to take place from before the Copper Aged Great Flood. This has been reflected through the Sumerian myth (in Tablet 5 of the Sumerian Tablet Translations by Zecharia Sitchin) where the workers (Igigi) mutinee against the Anunnaki because they were not happy with their difficult ‘work-load’. Since Enki and Marduk were trying to help them, these Igigi (and others) joined the Enkite clan. The citizens of Lemuria were the people of Enki and Marduk. So, naturally, the Lemurians too joined the Enkite clan. Thus, two clans got created: the Enlilite/Aryan clan and the Enkite/Anaryan clan. Later, the younger Enkites and the younger Enlilites began to battle (through using their people). This was how mankind learnt to fight in battles, through using various fighting techniques. They were taught all these “in the name of Enki/God” because:
1. it had to happen in the second half cycle (the underworld) since these will ultimately help to bring an end to the old world (at the end of the cycle), and
2. Enki (the human soul) was having control over the Me (knowledge that was handed down from the end of the previous cycle through computerised form, etc). The Anunnaki taught the mortals based on what was in the Me and based on the further research that had been done from the beginning of the Confluence between the Silver and Copper Ages.
Some of the Igigi, who joined the Enkite clan, were the wealthy citizens. Even Enki and Marduk were rich because of all the gold and gems that had emerged in Lemuria (their kingdom), during the Confluence of the Silver and Copper Ages. So, all those who were considered as the Enkites had a great deal of wealth which they could use to gain victory. However, Enlil was having control world-wide. So, the Enlilites had this advantage.
Krishna is actually an Aryan of the Golden Age. The Golden Aged Krishna has been portrayed as the fair Krishna, in the Hindu myths. The soul within Enlil had taken the birth as Krishna, during the previous Golden Age. So, Enlil was seen as Krishna (during the Copper Age). He was also seen as Krishna (during the Copper Age) because the people were attempting to remain as Aryans. All his people, world-wide, were encouraged to remain as Aryans (while under his guidance). During the Copper Age, he was the blue/black Krishna. The blue represented his ‘royal’ blood and the fact that he was being poisoned by the vices. The black represented the vices which were capable of taking control. Despite this, he was seen as the instrument who was being used by God. Thus, he was seen as playing God’s role on earth.
During the Copper Age, anyone who did not flow along with Enlil/Krishna was seen as not being an Aryan, i.e. they were Anaryan or non-Aryan. This was why it has been portrayed in the Hindu scriptures that anyone who disobeys the instruction of Krishna is an Anaryan; and that it is only the ones who obey the instructions of Krishna are Aryans. This is a different way of using the words Aryan and Anaryan.
The people who call themselves as Aryans, during the second half cycle (in the Copper Age and Kaliyug), are not really Aryans. They are actually Anaryans (non-Aryans) because Aryans are the people who had lived in the first half cycle. However, due to the practices that had been used during the Copper Age, some people continued to see themselves as the Aryans. These so-called Aryans were the people of Enlil (the King of ancient Bharath). With time, they began to worship Krishna/Vishnu, so that they can continue being the Aryans (the ones who obey the instructions of Krishna/Vishnu). The people who did not support Enlil (and who were being helped by Enki and Marduk) began to be seen as the Anaryans.
Actually, it was Marduk who was really helping the Anaryans. Enki was doing what Enlil was asking him to do. In fact, Enki was also portrayed as a blue/black Krishna because of his role in the underworld. Enki was always playing a role together with Enlil. So, it cannot be said that he was an Enkite. However, Enki began that which was to be done in the line of Enki (in the Underworld). Enki’s descendants were developing what was to be done in the line of Enki. It was Enki’s descendants who were the Enkites. Out of these, it was Marduk who was playing a leading role. Thus, with time, it was Marduk and his helpers who were seen as the Enkites. They were also referred to as the Enkites because:
1. Enki allowed Marduk to take control in Egypt and Lemuria (especially Lanka) while Enki was alive;
2. Marduk was the son of Enki who was the heir (for world rule and in Lemuria); and
3. Marduk was playing the significant role in the line of Enki (in the Underworld). The role of Enki includes God’s role (in the Underworld) until, or for, the end of the cycle. Thus, Marduk was also seen and portrayed as ‘God’. However, the soul within Marduk does not play a role with God as ‘Enki’ at the end (now). It is my past birth who plays this role with God. Thus, Marduk was portrayed as an Enkite and not as Enki.
In my articles, when I refer to the Aryan-Anaryan battle, I am not referring to the subtle battle that was taking place within each soul/person at the end of the Silver Age; I am referring to the Enlilite/Enkite battle (with all the 3 Anaryan groups, as mentioned above, united under Marduk).
The words Aryan and Anaryan are used in the scriptures in India/Bharath. In the Hindu myths, Bharath sometimes represented India. At other times, it represented the whole world. Actually, Bharath did refer to “the whole world” in the first half cycle because the rulers of Bharath (the first Kingdom) play a leading role world-wide. In the Copper Age and myths, each place (in the life-drama) was used to represent the whole world. So, India was also representing the whole world. Thus, the words Aryan and Anaryan can be used on all the people world-wide based on whether they were flowing along with Enlil/Krishna or not.
Om Shanti
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